Episode 29 [Jumanju]

Somewhere near at the sea of Avalon, Drakko in his large airship is talking to his attendant…

'Get everything ready, once we get the girl, the opening of the gates of hell will commence!' Drakko said.

'Yes lord.' The attendant said.

Back to shin young's airship…

"How long it would take us to reach the floating island?" Shin young said.

'Khuva said it would take us 5 days to reach the island…' Ruel said.

'…but with this high speed airship it would take us at least 2.' Ruel said.

"ohh I see" shin young said.

…asensio approach his lord…

'My lord what do you plan to do when we reach the floating island?' Aseansio said…

"ahhh…I still don't know what to do but let's watch for now…" shin young said.   

'Understood my lord' Asensio said.

In the hide out of Serbias, at Jumanju, he is talking to his officials.

Serbias is sitting in his chair and he is with table with his officials and he said…

'The guest are coming…it would be rude not greet the properly isn't that right? Mr. Malfoy?' Serbias said in his subordinates.

'Indeed my lord' Malfoy said. 

Malfoy, Top Ranker.

…Serbias asked the other officials…

'Mr, Grego? How was the army's preparation?' Serbias said

'Everything is prepared now sir! Including all line of formations' Grego said…

Grego, Top Ranker.   

'…and the Cage, Mr. Plonaos Moose?' Serbias said to another official.

'Everything is complete now my lord, your signal is only thing we need to release the monsters!' Moose said. 

 Khelm Moose. Top Ranker.       

'Excellent, then shall we start the massacre?...' Serbias said with a ominous smiles and penetrating look. 

'…but for now release that thing' Serbias said.


…one of Serbias low ranking subordinates open a gate under water and a large monster escape.

Somewhere in the Avalon. Drakko success to safely land on the Avalon and there his hideout in the Avalon and, there they saw large old castle with old lifeless tress and cemetery…

'Prepare everything for the Ritual!' Drakko said.

'Yes our lord' all of his subordinates said.

 At the midnight, shin young and his team are sleeping comfortably, while shin young and his Rings are looking up at the sky inside the ship…

…with the stormy sea, a monster is swimming on the depth of the sea…

…in the morning, everyone woke up and ruel decided to stop at one of the small island  there…

'ahhhh…Morning' Ruel said with a happy face while stretching…

'Are we ar the jumanju?' Hestia said.

'No we stop here to take a breakfast and fill the engine' Ruel said.

'I'll go get some fruits' Zwart said.

'I'll come' Hestia said.

…Ruel is filling the engine with some gasoline reserved inside…

"Is this not a high-tech airship?" shin young said.

'Yeahh, If it is there on the hole, probably about a thousand years old, so were lucky that it still operating!' Ruel said.

"Ahhh, is that so?" Shin young said. 

'Yeah. We could barrow some in my tribe but they are too far away though' Ruel said.

…after an hour Hestia and Zwart comes back and brought some fruits they fetched on island…

…while eating…

'are we near at the floating island?' Hestia said.

'In my calculation…hmmmm…about half a day' Ruel said.

'Great!' Zwart said.

…after eating breakfast they immediately ride the airship and flew into the sky…

In the Jumanju, Grego is commanding his subordinates…

'Prepare everything on the front line…all the mana cannon must be prepared too' Grego said.

'yes lord' said by the troops.

…and one of his attendants asks him…

'lord. I'll be joining the second line of attack' said by Muce.\

Muce. Ranker. Fencer

'go ahead' Grego said.

'Understood' Muce said.

'We must put everything into so we will not fail…these are for our ancestors' Grego said.

…after half of the day they reach the jumanju…

'whooo this is Jumanju?' Hestia said

'Yeah, it is insanely huge island' Ruel said.

The team is now near at Jumanju while they are flying they heard a loud roar into the sea…

'what is that?' Zwart said.

…then in front of them, large mountains of water emerge and a monster emerges…

  'What is that?' Faustus said.

't-t-that's the Deep sea worm' Ruel said.

'What deep sea worm? I thought they are extinct?' Zwart said.

'I thought so too' Ruel said.

'What's the deal with that?' Hestia said.

'Deep sea worm, a powerful sea creature the even a ranker couldn't defeat.' Ruel said.

Serbias is looking at the monitor…

'It looks like the game begins' Serbias said.

A huge monster appears before them, ruel described the monsters as a worm like with sharp teeth.

The monster tries to attack them…

…ruel open the airship for them to escape…

'Everyone dodge' Ruel said.

…luckily they escape the attack but the airship is broken and can't be used anymore…

…they are floating in the air looking at the monster.

'What should we do with that?' Zwart said.   

'I'll take care of that…step aside!' Hestia said.

So everyone stand back from a distance…

…Hestia attack the deep sea worm…

White Flame Magic: Carnival Flames.

The monster was engulf by a large white fire killed it…

'whoaaaa as expected to Top ranker' Ruel said.

'Let's got now to Jumanju!' Hestia said. 

…shin young is talking to himself…

"Even in this era, there are still useful people around…" Shin young.

…then the team started to fly to the sky but there are some flying monster tries to attack them…

'Those birds, I'll take care of that!' Zwart said.

Dark Magic: Dark Wave.

…Zwart killed all the flying monsters  that tries to attack them…

After few minutes, they reached Jumanju.

'Wow! This is Amazing' Ruel said.

The Jumanju, a large floating island together with its debris covered with trees. The Team saw a Castle at the end of the island but the island is too large to reach at such a short time.

'Ohh I see a castle there!' Hestia said.

'Come on let's go there' Zwart said.

'Wait it might be a trap to lure us, they may be hiding tuka from the other place…' Hestia said.

In the Castle at the Avalon, Serbias and his subordinates are watching from the screen…

'So? Shall we start the game?' Serbias said with ominous smile.

'indeed my lord' Malfoy said.

'Then go to your post and proceed as planned' Serbias said.

'Yes my lord' Said by malfoy, grego and moose

…and behind of Serbias there are people in shadows standing at the back and he said to them…

'when the second plan is  a success then that's your signal to play' Serbias said to the people behind him.

…the people behind him smile and disappear from the shadows.