Episode 35 [Run!]

Episode 35

After Faustus defeated Yom, he immediately head out of the field….

At the same time Victoria is still fighting Yuna and other fighters.

'she really as tough as hell' Yuna said.

'Fire all the cannons' one of the high ranker said.

*all he cannons fired a ray of energy directly towards victoria but using her sword she change the direction on the attack to the ground…

…but at the same time Yuna attack as well and other fencer and lancer too…

Purple flame magic: Raging flames.

The other ranker attacks as well using their magic. Victoria saw an overwhelming magic attack coming towards her…

Blood magic: blood cocoon

Victoria was shielded by powerful blood covering her whole body…

'what?' Yuna react.

…the in the battle they felt a powerful magical energy coming to wards them…

'I can't move!' one of the ranker said.

'what is that? It is coming to us!' one of the high ranker said.

…then they heard a voice….

'Are you still not done? Victoria?' Faustus said.

'what are you doing here? Faustus?' Victoria said.

'I'm done with them so I'm just wandering around…' Faustus said.

'What? Yom got defeated?' Yuna said.

'…finish it already so we can go to the master now!' Faustus said.

'just wait there, I'll  finish this in no time!' Victoria said.

'I won't let you!' Yuna said.

Purple flame magic: Flaming era.

…the raging purple flame of Yuna envelops the whole battle field…

*all the fencers and lancers, Defenders and Bow master attacks as well but a second later     they ant move their body…

'what? I can't move my body' one of the high ranker said.

Blood magic: blood puppet

'You are all now under my control…every limbs…every muscles and all of your magic are under my power' Victoria said.

'I could kill you all instantly or torture you as long as I want…' Victoria said.

'YOU DEVIL witch!!!' Yuna said.

'…what do you think is more fun to watch?' Victoria said while smiling ominously.

'hurry!' Faustus said while yawning.

'okay okay!' Victoria said.

…all the soldiers tried to move but they were being controlled by Victorias magic.

'I have an idea!' Victoria said while giving a sinister smile.

In hestia's battle field most of the rankers are unable to move and only the high ranker is able to fight…

'Still want to fight?'  Hestia said.

'I'm pretty exhausted now…I'm running out of mana!' Ruel said silently to Hestia.

'I'm exhausted too but don't show it or he'll notice…we need to overwhelm him and try to trick him that we can still fight!' Hestia said to ruel and Zwart silently.

…a moment later…

'Top rankers are truly fascinating!' the high ranker said.

'what? Are you smiling?' Hestia said.

…a ray of energy coming from a cannon tried to strike them but Ruel notice it and manage to put a shield…

'what is that?' Zwart said.

'damn…I can't fight anymore…I'm really exhausted.' Zwart and Ruel said.

'Reinforcements has arrived!' one fo the guy inside the ship said.

'You lost now Hestia!' The high ranker said.

'Deploy all the healers!' the guy said.

*all of the healers use their magic to heal the down rankers…

Once the high rankers are healed they talked to Hestia and the others…

'It is unfortunate to see a Top ranker gasping for breath…' the high ranker said.

'Damn' Hestia said in her mind.

'…you lost today Hestia.' The high ranker said.

All the down rankers are all healed plus there are another set of rankers inside the reinforcement ship but one of the high rankers felt something…

'I can feel something dangerous in coming!' one of the high ranker said in his mind.

'how are we supposed to fight that rankers? We're too tired!' Zwart sad.

…the high rankers fire their magic to defeat Hestia, an overwhelming wave of magic are coming towards them but Hestia resist…

'Damn that's a powerful attack! Including all those magic and cannons were done!' Ruel said.

Hestia use her last ounce of magic to negate the attack wave…

White flame magic: Raging flame blizzards 

A storm of white flames negates the attack…

'As expected to a Top ranker using her futile resistance against a storm…' the high ranker said.

'All troops attack again!' one of the high ranker said.

'Shit! I have no energy anymore!' Hestia said.

'hahahahah! You're dead now Hestia of the Vulcan Tribe!' one of the high ranker said while laughing in a creepy way.

*Ruel , Hestia and zwart close their eyes since they can't move anymore.

…but suddenly a man appeared in front of them and stopped the attack with just his hand…

'I was heading to the north but  saw this commotion here so I decided to take a look…' Asensio said.

'what we're a alive?' Ruel said.

'What? Asensio?' Hestia said.

'…I'm just repaying my lord's debt for showing us the way to the Avalon…now leave the rest to us!' Asensio said.

'you can't handle that many troops!' Hestia said.

'Just stay there! I'll end these insects quickly so I can go back to my lord' Asensio said.

'Don't be so cocky!' one of the high ranker said.

'All of you are no fun at all…you're all just insects flying next to a lamp…' Asensio said with a poker face.

'what? Insects? I'll kill you!!!' one of the high rankers said.

'…well still an insect is still an insect.' Asensio said looking at them with pity.

Cosmos Magic: Jupiter.

When everyone looked above they saw a gigantic planet and Asensio throws it at them…

'Condolence' Asensio said.

'what kind of power is that? I'm scared.' Ruel said in his mind.

…all the rankers and high rankers in the field were annihilated by the attack of asensio and nothing is left…not even their breath.

In the battle field of Shin young he is still fighting all the armies in front of him including the Top rankers.

"It looks like everyone is done with their jobs…shall I end this too?" shin young said.

…shin young is fighting all the Top rankers and other high rankers using his whip…

'Go everyone! I will defend you all against the whip!' Ren said.

Using Ren's power he is neglecting all the whips attack but shin young's whip suddenly disappear…

'what? It disappear?' Ren said.

'This is the chance ren!' Wromn said.

*using Ren's large hard armor blue eel on his back he grab shin young at hold tightly like a anaconda.

'Attack him everyone!' Wromn said.

…but they heard shin young said something…

"It is truly fascinating to watch these people trying to battle out with their magic but produce nothing…" shin young said.

'What? This is the dream of our cult! Your destruction Augustus Elnix!' Ren said.

*using their magic they attack shin young with enormous magic but did not even leave a single scratch…

"…with that power of your, you all can't leave a scratch against me, there is no chance that all of you are going to survive in this battle…" shin young said.

'It is true that we can't keep you off, but that doesn't mean that we don't posses the power to delay you and give Serbias enough time!' Ren said.

"…I think it's time to end this…" shin young said.

'Attack!!! Put every ounce of your magic!' Arin said.

"…It's getting boring…" shin  young said.

While shin young is constrained with Ren's eel all the ranker attack him and created power explosions but shin young is just smirking at them, looking at the with pity, then the whole jumanju felt shin young's sinister magical pressure, everyone is scared. Hestia and the others felt it. 

In shin young's position 2 large swords appeared pointing at his opponents, everyone tries to run away…

"It's too late to run" shin young said with sinister look.

The large round sword strikes the people and ships and created a unimaginable powerful explosions…

…with that explosion the whole Jumanju fell apart….

Asensio shielded Hestia and the others.

Faustus and Victoria are together…

But the castle of Serbias is still floating…

"… and now let's head for the castle…" shin young said with a sinister look.

At the same time in the castle…

'whew- it is a good thing that the castle has its own floating stone…' Serbias said.

'what should we do now lord serbias!' Grego said.

'…the preparation is complete, let head out and face him!' Serbias said.

'understood!' Grego said.

'…and by the way where is the reinforcement from Kinzoku Family?' Serbias said.

'They are ready already here sir!' Moose said.

'Excellent!' Serbias said while smiling cunningly.

Serbias is looking at a huge pink stone and smiling cunningly.