Chapter 7

Kang Sung-jo also gets ready with Edward & wears his space suit & binds up his belongings. And they both rush towards the lifesaver capsule. As they arrived the Detachment Zone, most of the capsules had departure only one was left, as they were going inside the capsule suddenly they heard a voice from their takie which was inside their spacesuit, which was used by astronauts to talk to each other while they work in space. And when they heard the voice more closely Kang Sung-jo recognised the speaker. Kang Sung-jo looked towards Edward & said.

Kang Sung-jo: Edward, did you recognised the voice?

Edward: It's a familiar voice. But I can't remember?

Kang Sung-jo: It's Henry, the cadet we saw before the meeting day.

Edward: Yeah, but what is he doing here? He is from another department.

Kang Sung-jo: But now he is in danger. We must help him otherwise we will lose him.

Edward: No, Sung-jo. It's dangerous outside.

Kang Sung-jo: We have to save him & how can you say like that Edward?

But by coincidence in the same lifesaver capsule Park So-bin the head, the official & the secretary were there & they heard the talk between Sung-jo & Edward. Then suddenly Park So-bin said to Kang Sung-jo.

Park So-bin: Cadet Sung-jo, he is saying it right. It's dangerous outside. We must vacate as soon as possible leaving him here. You are putting a number of lives on stake for one person's life.

Kang Sung-jo: Sir, give me just 5 minutes. I will be back with him.

The head looks on to the life capsules observation monitor & after a talk with the official, he accepts his request & says to Sung-jo.

Park So-bin: Okay, then we are accepting your request. You have only 3 minutes. After 3 minutes if you come or fail to come that's on you & we don't have any other choice but to leave you behind & take a departure.

Kang Sung-jo: Okay, sir. Thank you for believing in me.

Park So-bin: You are wasting your time. If you want to save him just go.

Kang Sung-jo rushes outside the lifesaver capsule & looks around & from a distance of few feet he finds Henry with some luggage & an injured foot. Kang Sung-jo shouts to Henry & runs towards him to give him a shoulder. As they were returning, in the space the asteroid which was going to hit the station's another zone collided with each other which resulted in the diversion one of the path of an asteroid from the cluster. And the diverged asteroid hit the path of the lifesaver capsule which resulted in opening a vent to open space & the gravity maker system of Detachment Zone collapsed. As the head knew the system collapsed he used the talkie in his suit to contact Sung-jo.

Park So-bin: Cadet Sung-jo, are you online? Are you able to hear me? Where the hell are you both?

With a cracky & disturbed voice through the talkie's signal the head & heard the replies from Kang Sung-jo.

Kang Sung-jo: Sir, we are at the pathway to lifesaver capsule & the path's one side is open just open the capsules door as soon as possible.

Park So-bin: Okay, we will open.

Park So-bin opens the door of the capsule & on a few feet away he saw Kang Sung-jo & Henry standing. While he was on the door he started to experience gravity fall inside the capsule & the pathway. The confused head again used his takie & asked Kang Sung-jo.

Park So-bin: What's happening?

Kang Sung-jo: The there is a huge vent opened on the pathway to the capsule. We both can't come together there. I have a plan.

Kang Sung-jo gave a look towards Henry & he tied up his luggage to Henry's body to increase his mass in space & as the gravity was falling in the pathway. Sung-jo holds Henry & gave him a throw towards, the head. Meanwhile, at the back of the head, the emergency alarm of the capsule started to make noise to alert the decreasing gravity inside the capsule, to reach the capsule Sung-jo also did the same thing he also tried to increase his mass by equipping him with heavy massed objects to counter the gravity & gave a jump towards the door but the faith from him was different the vent suddenly got opened & the capsules emergency functions got automatically started. The lifesaver capsule doors closed by its own & it got departure & through the went Kang Sung-jo flushed into the darkness of endless space & it all happened in front of others eyes in a fraction of seconds. Edward who was also seeing these scenes cannot believe in his own eyes that his beloved besty had got flushed into space who was talking to him with a smiling face a few minutes ago. All who were in the capsule got silent for a moment & Edward suddenly shouted & rushed to Henry in a violent manner & punched talking off his space helmet & said.

Edward: You bastard! You killed my friend! You

Henry: Am sorry, Edward.

Park So-bin stopped Edward from punching Henry & started to speak.

Park So-bin: Cadet Sung-jo was a great colleague & friend. And Edward you must not waste his sacrifice by hitting Henry. It was his decision to save Henry.

Edward: Sir, can't we do anything to save him?

Park So-bin: The only thing now we can do is giving respect to his soul. Our technology has got this developed but we can't do anything in outer space. A lost thing in space is always lost.

This news made all sad & it mostly affected Edward because Kang Sung-jo was one of his closest friends. After hearing that bad news Edward went to the resting cabin of the capsule & layed down & looked towards the darkness of the space through a window next to him.