Chapter 10

While Kang Sung-jo was lying unconscious over the back seat of the space bus. Within that time, Lee Yoon-sun drove his space bus into Zarthix & reached his uncle's house as told by him. As he reached his uncle's house he opened the entrance door of the house & shouted in a loud voice to his uncle to state his presence in the house. When he was shouting in the front hall his uncle was working on some weird experiment in his home lab created by him for personal projects where he used to create some weird gadgets. When the scientist heard his nephew's voice he came running from his lab wearing a lab coat & a weird looking glass & when the boy saw that he laughed out loud & said.

Lee Yoon-sun: Mr Yo-shin, the fired scientist. I know you are my uncle but seeing you like this can only make me laugh. So from now on please wear some decent clothes & literally you are stinking. How many days have you been without a shower?

Scientist Yo-shin: Maybe today maybe the 9th day! By the way, as the days are passing you are forgetting, how to respect your elders? And let me tell you, I was not fired. I resigned from my job.

Lee Yoon-sun: Yeah, I know every fired employee says like that only.

Scientist Yo-shin: You little rascal! Come here I will give you some beating.

When Scientist Yo-shin said those words naughty Lee Yoon-sun again started to tease his own uncle & started to run around the house. And scientist Yo-shin ran behind lee Yoon-sun to catch him. They both ran around the house happily as if they were best friend & were playing catch me if you can? After so much of running Lee, Yoon-sun got tired & he surrendered to his uncle & sat over the couch. Suddenly, Lee Yoon-sun jumped off the couch & said.

Lee Yoon-sun: Uncle, I forgot about him.

Scientist Yo-shin: Who?

Lee Yoon-sun: Oh, you also forgot about the old fashioned guy whom I saved from the outer space.

Scientist Yo-shin: Aah! Now I remember.

Lee Yoon-sun: Uncle comes with me & help me to take him out of the space bus.

Scientist Yo-shin: You go, Yoon-sun. I'm tired.

Lee Yoon-sun: I will tell mommy about this. You were making me do work here.

Scientist Yo-shin: Ya, Ya, Yoon-sun. Don't tell your mommy she will kill me. I'm coming.

Lee Yoon-sun in the meantime gets out of the house & reaches near the space bus where it was parked & opens the door of the bus. Suddenly from behind, he hears a sound like something huge was approaching him when he looked back it was his uncle Scientist Yo-shin with some weird kind of the machine invented by him. When Lee Yoon-sun saw that machine he asked his uncle.

Lee Yoon-sun: Uncle Yo-shin, why are you bringing these scrap from your work station.

Scientist Yo-shin: You silly boy, this not scrap. This is my new invention.

Lee Yoon-sun: What is this?

Scientist Yo-shin: This called hi-hover bed. As said it's my latest invention & I'm going to display get in the coming Free Inventors Expo, it will be a revolution for our medical field. If I start saying its specialities you will be standing here with a wide-open mouth. Actually this morning only I have completed the work over it & I was looking for an experiential patient. And you brought one, now you will see, what my inventions can do?

Lee Yoon-sun: If something happens to him you will be responsible. I telling you on the start itself.

Scientist Yo-shin: Nothing will happen! Just make him lay over hi-hover bed.

Then they both worked hard together & somehow made unconscious Kang Sung-jo lay over the hi-hover bed. After lifting & laying Kang Sung-jo when Scientist Yo-shin looked over his hands he saw blood over his hands but Scientist Yo-shin didn't get that, what it was? Because normally the blood of a Zarthixian was silver in colour. As he saw the red blood over his hands he asked his nephew Lee Yoon-sun who brought Kang Sung-jo to his home.

Scientist Yo-shin: Yoon-sun, from where does he had this red colour over his suit?

Lee Yoon-sun: I don't know. Uncle instead of wasting time here. Let's take him inside. And will your invention work?

Scientist Yo-shin: You are now making me also nervous. Just wait a second I'm going to start my hi-hover bed.

Scientist Yo-shin takes his foldable tablet from his left pocket of the lab coat & do some kind of operation on its panel. Suddenly, the power stability indicator on the hi-hover bed turn on & within no time the bed starts to float in the air. Lee Yoon-sun who was standing beside Scientist Yo-shin suddenly laughed & said.

Lee Yoon-sun: What's special in this? I will tell you what it is. It's just a large-sized hover skateboard.

Scientist Yo-shin: Is it? Now, you will see! What's my hi-hover bed is capable of? Check this out then.

Lee Yoon-sun: What?

Scientist Yo-shin: This!