End Of Good Things - Part One

Moonlight shone upon the land, it was so soft and tranquil. Stars were twinkling. Some were bright, some were dim, but emphasizing the beauty of the starry night. Bathing under the moonlight, caressing by green wind, listening to chirping birds, if only mother nature had face we could see her beautiful enchanted state.

The death wind forest was one of the forests in the Qin kingdom. Under the bright moon, despite named as death wind forest, it was serene and soul steering. But that serenity was only to shroud animosity between the forest.

Heavy gales sharpened the woods. They were sharp as if they were swords that sharpened by whetstone. It's autumn. Wind forced the leaves to shed from trees earlier than before. Amid the gales, amid the discarded leaves, a young boy gushing through the woods, he was heavily panting, recklessly running through the woods.

He tripped a few times and blood leaking from various parts of the body, but he didn't care. At least he had no time to care about his body and sprinted into the woods, hoping to escape.


Qin kingdom was one of the so many kingdoms. It was neither strong nor weak but an average kingdom, but it had a long history and stood strong even in the great depression.

The kingdom covered by the Mountains in the east and west, the sea in the north, and the valley in the south.

It was so protected by nature that it stood still as mount Tai even when attacked by the three kingdoms, simultaneously.

For this reason, the Qin kingdom also called an invisible kingdom. It was also the reason, the Qin Kingdom should be vigilant all the time, wolves waiting for the prey, if they showed their weak side even for a single time, Kingdom will meet its end.

Kingdom strength divided into Soldier, knight, captain, General, commander, and finally, the king who was the ruler of the kingdom.

To protect the Qin Kingdom, the king declared imperial decree. Captain level families should migrate to the borders and protect the kingdom from foreign spies. Such a family was the Chen family.

Chen's family was small. Few soldiers, knights, captain Re, lady Bing, and Chenwu. Chen's family lived in a rather modest house. Big enough to accompany soldiers and knights.

Inside the house, a beautiful lady and a boy sat at the dining table facing each other. The lady was beautiful. She seemed to be in her thirties. Her pale skin, willow leaf-shaped brows, almond eyes, and every movement of her exuded gracefulness. The boy had a similar facial structure as a woman in front of him, but a naïve and immature face.

"Mom, dad didn't come today too?" Chen Wu complained at the dinner.

His mother Bing sighed and consoled the Chen Wu, "He probably has important work at the border."

"But, it is my birthday" Chenwu interrupted her words and stood abruptly, then walked away in sorrow and frustration.

Bing sighed in helplessness and stared at the leaving figure. He was 12 years old this day and a few days later he would leave for the kingdom and join the Qin imperial academy. So Chenwu expected his father's arrival. But to his disappointment, his father didn't come.

It's not his mistake. Captain Re left the house to the border month back and still didn't come yet and there was no news whatsoever.

Last year was the same. Captain Re left the house and didn't attend his birthday, and he promised he would definitely make it his time. But the same old same.

Old timber door creaked open when Bing lost in her thoughts, the man in the armor rushed into the house in a hurry and shouted.


His shout snapped her thoughts and happiness bloomed at her husband's arrival and complained softly as she glared "Why are you shouting?"

"Hurry, we are in danger." Captain Re strode towards the dining table and asked: "Where is Chen?"

Bing startled at his reaction. She was well educated and intelligent. Looking at his husband's Manner and speech. She understood they were in danger and had to escape. She abruptly stood up and answered, "He went to his room."

"Go get him, fast" captain Re gestured his hands.

Bing nodded heavily. But before she can move. Screams sounded outside. They were more like bellows before death. Captain Re went to the window and peeked outside as he cursed "They came so fast.", and he strode towards the door. He locked the door and supported the heavy items against the door to prevent from opening the door, at least delay.

Outside the house, people in the black mask flashed and confronted the soldiers and knights. Eventually, guards died one after another. Guards were not their opponents in the first place. But they stubbornly fought to protect their captain.

Chenwu felt joyous when he heard his father scream. A naïve kid he was, didn't notice his father's tone. And the only thing he knew was his father kept his promise and arrived to celebrate his birthday.

Bing rushed in panic towards the stairs to get Chenwu. Instead, she saw he was sprinting towards her with a smile crept on his face.

When Bing came rushed to the main hall. She saw captain Re preparing sword and armor instead of provisions. Bing eyes constricted in fear as she asked "Are you not coming?"

Captain Re startled at her question and hesitated to answer. Bing came from a noble family and she was a practitioner. They met on strange encounter and fell in love.

But the Bing family opposed their relationship because captain Re didn't have any noble status. But Bing refused her noble status and married captain Re

She so madly loved him, even though he didn't give her everything that noble family could give. She was content with her life because she was with her beloved one.

Many thoughts flashed in front of Captain Re. One side was his beloved family, and the other side was his comrade-in-arms. Those who trust him and follow to death with one command.

He internally struggled. Family? Comrade-in-arms?

Whatever the path he chooses, regret was the result.

Could he selfishly use his comrades as cannon-fodder and escape? Or he abandons his family and fights to the death with enemies?

Captain Re took a deep breath and decided. He didn't want to live his life as a traitor. And chose comrades over his family.

He knew he had to answer her question eventually, so he looked towards her. But his words stuck in his throat when his eyes met with her. And he laughed bitterly as he felt he let down his family.

Moment of hesitation and bitter laugh enough to Bing understood what's his answer was. Even though she expected this outcome. Her body trembled when she saw his smile and quavered "Why?" but she didn't cry.

Captain Re turned his head towards the door and gestured as he spoke: "They are sacrificing their lives to let us escape. How could I let them die and I live?"

"what about me? What about Chen?" She used her every ounce of energy in her body to cry top of her lungs.

Chenwu startled at her cry and pulled his mom's dress and said "Mom, don't cry, it scares me."

But she completely ignored Chenwu and expected an answer from Captain Re. But he replied with silence.

His silence crumbled her spiritual support and almost fell on the floor. But captain Re supported her. She glared him and shook his hand off from her body and sat on the couch.

Captain Re looked at her silently for sometime before he turned towards the Chenwu. He walked to the Chenwu and squatted as he hugged his child. Neither of them talked.

"I am sorry Chen, father cannot keep his promise." Captain Re finally talked and he grasped Chenwu's shoulders tightly then stated "Live well."

With those words, he pushed Chenwu away as if he was afraid he couldn't leave if he hugs him any longer. After that, he motioned his hand towards the sword, but his hands stopped by jade-like hands. He turned his head towards the graceful lady and responded "Bing."

"I regret that I didn't listen to my family that time.", Bing finally talked and looked at Chen for a moment then oscillated her head towards the captain Re and continued "But Life and death with you."

Captain Re startled at her words. He, of course, remembered those words. that was the promise between them when they were married. But captain Re didn't think much about it. He was more than happy to share life and death with her. But what now? It was no longer them but also Chen.

'But Chen -' his words interrupted by her and said "I can be selfish too."

He wanted to rebuke but stopped when he looked into her eyes. It was those eyes; he saw in her when they met the first time. They were determined enough to face death. But deep inside that eyes, there was a trace of sadness that couldn't hide. He knew she was stubborn, once she decides on something no one can change her decision, so he stopped his futile efforts and sighed in defeat.

Bing's lips curled and a slight smile formed on her victory and turned to the Chenwu as she asked "Chen, do you remember what I said about promise?."

Chen Wu didn't understand what was happening. But he was sure it's not something good. His mother never ignored him. His father never hugged him so tightly that his shoulders pained little.

An ominous feeling inside his heart getting heavier by the second as he heard their conversation. listening to their conversation he understood his parent going to leave him. He was against the idea but helpless to change to anything.

Chenwu felt a little happy when he saw his mother asked him a question. He felt bad when his mother ignored him. He nodded plainly and answered, "Never promise easily, but if you do, never break."

Bing nodded happily and praised "correct!". she stood her knees and took him in her embrace then asked, "Mom made a promise to your father, that I never leave him alone. But he is leaving now, what should I do?"

"Follow him." Chen didn't understand what she was emphasizing, but he answered what he understood with his little analytical ability.

"But father didn't keep his promise," Chenwu said not knowing the gravity of the situation.

Bing chuckled at his statement. The chuckle was delicate and light that seemed it was not from this world. But soon chuckle turned into cry and sobbed as tears trailed her cry. She was trying her best not to cry, but she couldn't keep tears at bay when she heard his naïve questions. Naive it seems, but they were the happiness to the parents and memories as they grow old.

"You are father is bad, don't follow his methods," Bing answered. Her voice fluttered.

"But didn't you love him?" Chen asked.

"I-" Bing was about to answer but interrupted by loud thuds on the door.

*Thud - Thud*

"We don't have time." Captain Re urged his wife.

Bing nodded and made her last moment with her son. She kissed on her forehead and stood up and she dragged him to the spandrel then looked at her husband.

Captain Re rushed forward and moved the heavy desk that hiding the door followed by opening the door.

Thuds became heavy second by second. It was a weak timber door, but the other side was practitioners there was no way door can last forever.

Captain Re understood that and urged his son to escape "Son, you must escape and live well." As he pushed Chen into the door without notification.

Chenwu was still in a daze when he pushed by his father and he heard his mom's words by the time he recovered, "Don't think about avenging us."

That was the last time he saw his mom and dad.

Not long after Chen left, the door broke open and black-masked people rushed into the house as a gush of wind but black-tinted. They were eleven of them and covered in black-clad and masked by veils.

Five people stood left and five right and leader stood in the middle. They formed a perfect formation that gave no chance to escape.

The leader saw Chenwu missing and remarked "paltry tricks," before he waved his hands to his sub-ordinates ordering to go and kill the Chen.

"In your dreams." Captain Re and Bing rushed forward to stop them, but remaining black masked people stalled them and let two of them find Chen.