Life.5 Buchou vs Kaichou: Second Half!

Part 1

Several minutes after I started to fight with Saji.

He and I were still exchanging punches with each other. No matter how you looked at it, I had the advantage. Saji was already ragged. He was defending himself by using a bundled-up line on his arm as a shield, but he couldn't offset every attack.

Sometimes he was knocked off his feet to the point that he crashed into the store behind him. Our hand-to-hand fighting was mostly equal. However, my offensive and defensive point was rising to the point where we couldn't even be compared. I still hadn't reached my true power, but…

I knocked him down many times. Even so, he still stood up. Even though his legs were trembling as he did so!

He was throwing punches at my armour. Saji's fists were already broken. I could hear his fists' wounds snapping, and they were covered with blood.

Though Saji had fired his line at me, the aura of the Sekiryuutei blew it off and didn't allow it to connect itself to me.

However, the line that had been connected to my right arm when he first arrived wouldn't come off even when I transformed into armour, and no matter how many times I tried to blow it off with my aura, it wouldn't go away! Just where the heck was it connected to?

Maybe the Ascalon I had lent to Xenovia could cut it off, but there was no point in saying that now. I'll have to cut it off when we join up later.

There was something else strange as well. Though my armour should be firm, every time Saji managed to hit me, my mind and body shook and resounded. It was gradually becoming distinct, and the pain I was receiving told me that I was surely swelling up beneath my armour. —I was also certainly receiving damage!

"…I'll win…Today, I'll defeat you…I'll take the first step towards my dream…"

What was this person before me? While spitting out bloody vomit, what was he?

At that time, I recalled in my mind the words that Tannin-ossan had said to me during training.

[Kid. Listen carefully. The most fearful attack is a "heavy blow" | 1 | .]

[A heavy blow?]

[Yeah, the Rating Games that you'll be fighting in from now on will have various people fighting with various feelings. For the sake of one's desire, for the sake of a hobby, for the sake of one's family, for the sake of a woman, for the sake of wealth, and for the sake of a dream. Various thoughts and feelings mix together. Among these, there are even people who have invested their lives into the games. Among the participants in this hellish iron pot, there is an attack that must be feared the most. That is the "heavy blow".]

[Is that a special final move? Or a Sacred Gear? A magic technique?] [—No. Kid, grasp your fist. What is being grasped inside your hand there?]

[...I don't know.]

[It is "filled" with something. A dream, or a soul. One's life is "put into" that fist. This is, above all, dangerous. If one has time to prepare other attacks, this blow can be dealt with to a certain extent one way or another. But, just that is not enough. The "heavy blow" reaches to the core of the body. This is effective. It is frighteningly effective. Even in the Underworld with its magic and science, the damage of that blow can't be expressed clearly. But, the ones who had been hit with this blow understand. Yeah, this is bad, they think. An opponent that can release this blow is an unmistakably, genuine strong enemy. You must never go easy against them. If an opponent can release that blow even if he is of a lower level than you, that is a different story. If you receive that blow, the battle situation will change completely. It pierces you. No matter what defence you use against it, it will reach the core of your body.]

I understand now, ossan. Saji's blows were piercing me. They were passing through my armour and reaching my body!

[This spirit. Is the "Prison Dragon" that sleeps in his Sacred Gear responding to Saji's feelings?]

Dragon-type Sacred Gears are scary, Ddraig. I couldn't understand what was happening!


Even if his mind and body was tormented by the cruel reality, Saji didn't stopping punching.

I also responded in kind, and a battle of blows began.

"Let me ask you one thing! What is it like!? Are your master's breasts soft!? Is the rumour about them feeling like marshmallows true!? Is a woman's body seriously like pudding that doesn't collapse!?"

I was struck by the eyes of Saji that was burning with jealously and envy!

Seizing this opportunity, he fired the line, connected it to a bench behind me and swung it with all his strength, but I crossed my arms and protected myself. The bench broke into small pieces and scattered on the floor.

That was equal to the damage I didn't receive just now!

"What were you thinking when you were rubbing her breasts!? Damn iiiiiiiiiiiiit!"

Wasn't this somehow more intense than the blows when he was talking about his dream!?

Then, he extended several lines to the furniture store, and hauled out a ton of large furniture from there and drew an arc through the air with them as he brought them right above my head! So he intends to bring them all down on me like that!?


As all the large furniture fell down, I fired a Dragon Shot that I restrained to the minimum at the sky! The adjustment of power was too difficult! I couldn't fire ones like this many times!


The wave blast of red magic power instantly erased the large furniture, but—.


My back was hit by an impact! When I looked back, Saji had changed the trajectory of a single line and knocked a dresser into me! It didn't give me any particularly great damage, but the impact was transmitted to my whole body.

Even if there wasn't any damage, this kind of impact was bad for my body! If I kept getting hit like this, it seems like adverse effects will start to pop up!

"I also want to rub them! I want to rub theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem!" Buwah! Saji was finally letting out tears of frustration!

"I haven't even seen breasts yet! You don't know how much I've prayed for nipples my entire life! And yet you get to see them as much as you liiiiiiiiiiiiike!"


I knocked Saji down, but he stood up immediately! Damn it! What fighting spirit he has!

"But, Hyoudou! It isn't breasts that I want the most! It's to be a teacher! A teacher! I will become a teacher! Can't I become a teacher!? Why do we have to be laughed at!?"

And then—Saji cried out at me. No, it was to the many people watching this—.

"We didn't declare our dream for the sake of being laughed at…!"

"I'm not laughing! It's impossible to be able to laugh at you when you're risking your life like this!"

Facing him, I—hit Saji! It wasn't enough, so I hit him again!

Saji's face quickly started swelling up, and he spit out broken teeth and blood from his mouth.

Even so, Saji stood back up, and faced me again and again. He was that foolishly honest.

"Today! I will! Surpass you!!"

Saji's shout heavily resounded all the way through my armour and to my heart with a bang.

After that, I pounded tens of blows into him.


Before I realised, the sounds of breath coming from Saji's mouth began to sound faint.

He should be at his limit already. Since he had multiple cuts in his mouth now, the blood wouldn't stop flowing out from his lips. He was already at the point where he couldn't even speak.

His face was swollen and his left eye was completely shut.

His body was shaking, and his stance was also unsteady. Some of his fingers were bent in the wrong direction as well. Even so—. Even so, Saji faced me with only a strong glint in his eyes.

"Come, Saji. Come! Sajiiiiiiiiiiiii! You won't let it end here, right!? You don't intend to let it end like this, right!? Weren't you going to do the things that aren't possible for idiots like us and run swiftly forward!?"

He slowly moved forward, step by step.

Saji didn't run away. Saji faced forward. Without shifting his gaze even an inch away from me, he advanced straight forward.

His appearance right now was similar to mine in the House of Phoenix battle. I had also seen myself then in the recorded video. Though I had been worn-out, I moved forward. In order to absolutely approach my opponent.

"You also trained desperately, right? I trained desperately as well."

I could feel a dreadful pressure from Saji. Though I should clearly surpass him, I was seized with a terrible fear.

Even if I hit and hit, he wouldn't fall—.

For there to be an opponent that I feel such great fear against…

Hey, Raiser Phoenix. You also felt like that when facing me, didn't you? I understand it now. The reason why you kept knocking me down—.

"Saji, I'm going to beat you."

Saji made a punch at me with his bent hand. It extended forward with seemingly slow speed, but I avoided it with the smallest movements. There, I exchanged a counter punch against him.

Dagan! "—"

My punch perfectly hit Saji's face. I also felt good feedback from it. It was a blow that completely cut off his consciousness.

Even so—. Even so, Saji grasped my right arm with both his hands. So strongly that he wouldn't let go.

Saji had lost consciousness. But his hands wouldn't let go of my right arm.

Then, he kept holding onto my right arm, his body was wrapped in light.

I—couldn't take my eyes off from Saji until he disappeared.

Because I felt that, if I looked away, he may revive himself again.

[One of Sona Sitri-sama's "Pawns", retired.]


I stowed away my armour's mask on my helmet and showed my face.

"Could you hold my hand?"


I spoke with a forced smile.

"This is the first time I knocked down a friend. I understand it. I understand it, but…"

Koneko-chan gently grasped my trembling fist while smiling. I could feel it even through my gauntlet.

"You were cool. A senpai to be proud of."

Those words were enough to reach me.

Part 2

With my match against Saji over, I broke open the door of a nearby vending machine and gulped down a water bottle from inside. Koneko-chan also quenched her thirst.

Damn it. I couldn't get rid of my body's shakiness. Was it an effect of wearing the armour? Certainly, I had received a lot of damage in the battle against Saji, but it wasn't to the extent that I couldn't fight.

According to an announcement a short while ago, it seemed that one of our [Knights] had been taken out. Was it Kiba? Or Xenovia? I didn't know which one it was. Whichever of them survived likely wasn't critically wounded.

The opponent's side had also lost one [Knight] and [Rook] apiece.

Our side had six people left. The other side had four. Those were numbers we still couldn't be careless against. I also had less than 20 minutes left for remaining in this state. We have to settle this quickly.


Koneko-chan pointed at my right arm. That's right, even though Saji had disappeared, the line attached to my right arm hadn't. Even when I activated my armour, only this line hadn't disappeared. This line definitely connected over to the Sitri base.

What was this for? It didn't seem to be a very good thing, but since it hadn't disappeared along with Saji, he must have put a lot of thought and feelings into this…Saji, what on earth did you put into this?

At that time, we were contacted through our communication devices.

[Offence team, can you hear? We're now advancing towards the enemy base as well.]

A communication from Buchou. I see, so Buchou had finally started to move as well. The opening and middle stages were over, and we were heading to the last spurt all at once! After taking a big breath, I spoke to Koneko-chan.

"Let's go."

Koneko-chan nodded, and we proceeded towards the final decisive battle.

There was a place that looked like a central plaza in the centre of the shopping mall.

Surrounded by a circular bench, there was a clock pillar in the centre of it. Shoppers that got tired with shopping frequently sat down there. Once we had advanced that far, I stopped walking.

Naturally. —Since Sona-kaichou was right there before me!

"How do you do, Hyoudou Issei-kun, Toujou Koneko-san. I see, so that's the appearance of the Sekiryuutei. I do feel a terrible wave of power from you. It's only natural for everyone to consider it dangerous."

She spoke in a calm and composed tone.

Kaichou was surrounded by a barrier. The ones generating the barrier were the two [Bishop] members of the student council. And the line that was attached to my right arm was connected to one of the [Bishops]?

It couldn't be, was their plan to channel my power through the [Bishop] and into the barrier? It was bad if the power of the Sekiryuutei was being poured into it!

If Kiba or Xenovia joined up with us, we could just cut through it with a holy sword.

Soon, the vice-president of the student council, Shinra-senpai appeared. This girl was also beautiful! Moreover, she had a surprisingly glamorous body!

Running after her, Kiba appeared from the opposite direction from which we had come from. —So the one that was taken out was Xenovia, huh.

"…Sona, you're quite bold. To have come right to the centre."

Buchou's voice! When I looked back, I saw that Buchou had also arrived here.

"Haven't you yourself, the [King], also moved personally as well, Rias?"

"Yeah, since we've already reached the final stage either way. Though it seems to have turned out quite differently from what I expected…"

Buchou wore a rigid expression. Certainly, the plan's goal was for Kiba and Xenovia to take down Kaichou. I was supposed to be the bait for the sake of that, but…She seemed to have completely read us!

Was Kaichou one step higher than us? No, I believed in Buchou!


Suddenly, my consciousness became distant…A-re...A-rere?

I staggered in place…A-rere? The muddiness of my mind was becoming stronger little by little…?

Finally, I fell to my knees where I stood.


Buchou noticed the change in me and Asia activated her healing Sacred Gear over me. While giving off a pale green colour, it wrapped my body with a gentle light, —the pain disappeared, but the distantness of my consciousness didn't go away!

Buchou tried taking out the [Phoenix Tears], but stopped. She judged that, if something couldn't be completely cured by Asia's Sacred Gear, the tears would also have little effect.

All the other group members had noticed the change in me, and became bewildered. Among them, only Kaichou was giving a small smile. "Neither Asia-san's Sacred Gear nor the [Phoenix Tears] will have any effect. Rias, I saw the video records of how the battle with Raiser was finished. What I understood from that was that Hyoudou-kun is a boy that won't give up in battle, to the point of being frightening. For the sake of his comrades, for himself, and above all for Rias—"

Kaichou continued further.

"We may not be able to defeat him with just damage. No matter how many times we knock him down, he'll just get back up. To us, your so-called "guts and spirit" is just as astounding as the power of the Sekiryuutei. Yes, if you don't give up and keep on standing up, you believe that you'll eventually defeat your enemy. That willpower connects directly to the power of the Sekiryuutei and increases your power by several times as well. That is the greatest weapon for Hyoudou-kun."

T-That's because guts and spirit are my only redeeming feature…

"That's why we had no choice but to beat you with a different method."

From a bag that was being held by one of the [Bishops]—a pack was taken out.

The interior of the pack was red. Like blood. The line was connected to the pack and—it couldn't be, inside the pack was…Kaichou confirmed the contents of the pack.

"—It's your blood. You are a reincarnated devil that is a human at your base. It's lethal if a human loses half of the blood coursing through their body. You know that, right? The rule of the Rating Game. When a devil reaches the point of being unable to fight during the game, they are forcibly transported to the medical room."

—Saji! You! This is what you were aiming for from the beginning!

Gakun! I suddenly lost all strength in my body! Hyuh!

Kiba threw a holy demonic dagger and cut off the line that was connected to me, but—. Red blood rushed out from the cut line onto the floor. Ah, so my blood was drawn out through the line.

"It's too late. You've already lost enough blood to be transported to the medical room."

Those were Kaichou's cold words!

"—Sona. You—!"

Buchou ran up to me. Her expression was wrapped in impatience.

Buchou and us had been completely outsmarted…

"That's right, I used Saji's Sacred Gear to suck out Hyoudou-kun's blood little by little. —Until he entered a dangerous state. In order to continuously use a Sacred Gear, whose original ability is to suck out the energy of the target, to suck out their blood instead, considerable training and precise control was necessary. But, Saji managed to accomplish it."

So he kept hitting me even while in that state not only because of his guts and spirit, but also to stall for time! Since he could only suck out my blood little by little, he sacrificed his own body back then in order to buy more time!

He could have stalled for time just by running away from me but, he confronted me face to face instead. —Saji! You!

—So everything was for the sake of beating me face to face!

"Hyoudou-kun. You are close to retiring. You should only be able to do one or two attacks now. The reason is blood loss. Your armour is solid. Your offensive power is great. However, when I searched for ways to defeat you, there were many. Even if we can't physically defeat you, the game rules will consider you unable to fight."

I—didn't have the strength left to stand up anymore. I had completely lost… So there was such a method…So Kaichou's plans were superior to ours!? Kaichou questioned Buchou.

"Rias, what are you willing to bet on this battle? I'm willing to risk my life. My dream is a very difficult one. If I don't destroy the obstacles one by one, I can't cut open a path of solution."

Kaichou spoke to Buchou from right in front of her!

"Rias, I will destroy your pride and estimation."

At Kaichou's words, Buchou had a sour expression as if she had eaten a bitter bug. She must have been completely mortified! Certainly, Buchou had had the advantage in this battle. The advantage had seemed so great that it was only natural for us to win.

While in that situation, this had happened. If Buchou was simply defeated by an enemy who had taken measures against her, her estimation would lower accordingly! Kaichou had also aimed at that!

Sona Sitri! Just how far did you calculate things!

Kaichou's gaze shifted to me.

"Saji—. He was always saying that he would surpass you. To Saji, you are a fellow [Pawn], a friend, and a rival he wants to surpass."


I was satisfied with Kaichou's words. Saji's fighting spirit and aspirations when facing me. Those had clearly been of high density.

He—was aiming for me from the start, huh.

"However, you have a legendary dragon inside you. With just that, he possessed an inferiority complex towards you. I wanted to convey to that child that he could fight while crying over such a thing. And that was conveyed to him. The line didn't disappear even when Saji was worn out. He filled it with that much intense feelings. I'll say this to you who is about to disappear from this battlefield soon. Just as you were aiming only for the top, Saji was running towards the objective of defeating you. —You aren't the only [Pawn] that has a dream and lives earnestly! The one who beat you was Saji Genshirou!"

—Today! I will! Surpass you!!

I recalled Saji's words in my mind.

Saji—. So you…trained for the sake of defeating me!

…Damn it. Saji. Saji. You're amazing. Even when I kept hitting and hitting you, you only thought of beating me. Even if you couldn't beat me directly, you believed that your comrades could beat me if you left just a scratch—.

But, you didn't need to worry. It seems I was sunk by just your attack.

However, I don't want to disappear without showing my new special technique!

I mustered the last of my power and stood up! I stepped just a little distance away. I stood in a place where everyone present, both Gremory and Sitri, were caught!

If I'm going to fall, I want to fall down after doing some naughtiness! I placed both hands in front of me and set my sights on Buchou's breasts!

"Before I retire…I think I'll disappear after I've fulfilled my worldly desires…"

That's right, I was going to disappear either way. In that case, I might as well reveal everything I have in my last moments and then leave! I poured all the power left inside me into my brain. Flash, my delusions!!

The last of my aura wrapped around my entire body! It wasn't concentrated into power! It was concentrated into my head!

"Rise, my lust! Unleash, my worldly desires!"

Using the power of the Sekiryuutei, I aimed at a greater height once again! Hold on a little longer, my body! I will surpass the me of just before! This will be an unrivalled technique depending on how it's used!

"Spread out, the world of my dreams!"

Instantly, a mysterious space expanded and unfolded with me at the centre. Feeling it on their skin—the females of both the Gremory and Sitri groups protected and covered their bodies.

However, please be relieved. My new special technique doesn't deal direct damage. Its flashiness couldn't be compared to that of Dress Break.

Then, I cast a voice on Buchou—on Buchou's breasts.

"Please let me hear your voice!"

[Ise, are you okay…? If you do such a strange thing, it'll affect your health…]

I heard a cute-sounding voice from her breasts.

I see, I see. Fufufufu. I can hear it. I can hear it! Excellent!

"Buchou, you're worried about me right now, aren't you? That I'll hurt my body by doing something strange…"

At my words, Buchou had an astonished expression on her face.

"Ise! H-How do you know that…?"

I then questioned Kaichou's—Kaichou's breasts.

"What are you thinking about right now?"

[Could he have developed a technique to hear the voice of people's hearts☆? Sona, that's troubling☆]

I see, so Sona-kaichou's breasts arrived at that conclusion.

The character of the breasts weren't always the same as their owners. Buchou's breasts sounded like a little girl. Kaichou's breasts sounded similar to her older sister, Serafall Leviathan.

"Sona-kaichou, you thought that my new special technique could let me hear the voices of people's hearts, right?" Kaichou was seriously surprised by my confession.

"Fufufu, that's not it. It's close, but that's not it. I wanted to hear it. The voice of chests! No! The voice of breasts!"

Taking a pose, I magnificently called out the name of my new special technique!

"My new technique, [Bilingual] | 2 | ! My new technique lets me hear the voice of breasts from women only! …Haa, haa. When I question them, the breasts tell the answer to only me without lies! …Haa, haa. It's the strongest technique that lets me understand the heart of the opponent! Ugh, I don't have enough blood…"

I had decided! I had already decided! I may die while dizzy because I had nowhere near enough blood, but I was satisfied! The voices only I could hear! I wanted to hear them!

When I was secluded on the mountain, my sexual desire was also refused. As a result, I longed for breasts to the point of feeling overwhelmed.

—I want to see them.

But, there weren't even any porno books on the mountain. Of course, there weren't any women there either, just a huge dragon.

Every single day, while living a survival lifestyle, I was chased by the dragon. What happened to me, a modern-day child in a sensitive period of his life, by going to such an environment?

Starting from wanting to talk and meet with girls, the end result was —I groped for something close to an erotic state of mind.

I knew of famous priests who had secluded themselves on mountains for training and pursued the state of mind that opened up enlightenment. They faced a state that abandoned worldly desires, but then, what happened when I did the reverse and entered training while only pursuing worldly desires?

—My heart arrived at searching for erotic things and their source.

Nights on the mountain. While wrapping myself in big leaves, I looked at the sky and endlessly thought of breasts.

I also sometimes sat in Zen mediation stance. I even sat under a waterfall in a natural state, my head filled with only worldly desires.

I want to rub them. Touch them. Inhale them. Poke them. Go between them.

After thinking of various things for many days, I suddenly came to a realisation.

—I want to talk with breasts.

When I realised my deep gratitude and blessings toward breasts, I wanted to talk with breasts. What did breasts think and say? I wanted to know.

At that time, I couldn't reach those thoughts and feelings with my lack of power, but with the power of the Sekiryuutei, the possibilities multiplied! And at last, I have completed it!

"Hey! Breasts of the [Bishop] onee-san over there, what are you thinking!?"

"No, don't listen!"

The Bishop onee-san felt danger to her body and covered her breasts, but—too slow!

[Kiba-kyun! I'm so happy to be standing on the same battlefield as Kiba-kyun!"

"What's with that!? It's only Kiba that's popular! The breasts of the other [Bishop] onee-san, what are you thinking!?"

With just the turn of my gaze towards her, the opponent crouched down with her head between her knees!

"Please stop it! It's disgusting!"

[Hyoudou is scary…Even though he has such a strong-looking armour, why can I only see him as an ordinary pervert…?]

...As a result of those two in a row, I collapsed where I stood. Uu, so my body was also at its limits…

Damn it! So there were also things that shouldn't be heard! So it was like that!

When I suddenly looked around—everyone's eyes were twitching.

…A-re? Hey, why weren't you all surprised at this strongest technique of mine!

Kaichou's eyes twitched, and Buchou put a hand to her forehead and sighed.

"Rias…This is a little…"

"I'm sorry…"

"I think it's a scary technique, but with this violation of privacy, won't female devils no longer fight him from now on?"

"Yeah, we'll have to be severely careful now…"

A-rerere!? What was with these reactions!? I think it's definitely a useful ability! Rather, like this, it's as if I'm—.

"…a true pervert!"

[You ARE a pervert!]

I received a full-blown tsukkomi from both the Gremory and Sitri sides!


I…was speechless! Impossible…I just heard the voice of everyone's breasts in my ear.

Look! This technique was perfect, see!

"Asia's breasts, what are you thinking right now!?"

[Stupid Ise, how can you do such a thing while injured! B-But, I'll definitely cure you!]

Ah, what a thing. So Asia's breasts were tsundere | 3 | ! So the breasts expressed what the target was thinking like this!?

"…Even though you were cool before…Lewd Sekiryuutei. The worst."

Au! Koneko-chan's scathing words!

Ugh! …It's no good. My dizzy consciousness was at its limit. I didn't have enough blood…

…Alright, then I'll at least read Kaichou's strategy at the end.

"Kaichou's breasts-san! Please tell me what kind of strategy you intend to use now!"

[This special barrier made by the two [Bishops] is a decoy☆. Only my spirit has been placed in the barrier, and my body is just a holographic image☆. Since my spirit has come here, it's possible to make the presence of my body disappear and to make it look like my aura is inside the barrier☆. My true body is on the roof☆. It's a strategy to make you attack the me inside the barrier and weaken you guys even a little☆.]

I see, I see. So that is just an image. But, only her spirit had come here.

In any case, I told everyone about what Kaichou's breasts had said,

"Everyone, the Kaichou in that barrier…is a decoy. She's just a holographic image created by the two [Bishops] inside the barrier… Their strategy is to make us wastefully attack the barrier here and weaken us even a little…The real Kaichou is on the roof! It seems that only her spirit has been moved into the hologram…That's also why Koneko-chan's enemy detection couldn't find the Kaichou on the roof. But, because her spirit came here, Bilingual also worked and let me hear the holographic breasts, is that it…?"

After communicating just that, I collapsed.


Asia tried running over to me, but Kaichou's [Queen] didn't let her go to me. Asia then struck a pose of prayer where she was, and her body began to shine faintly, trying to spread out to her surroundings. Was this the area expansion of Asia's healing ability? This was the fruits of her training!

She should have understood that healing would not have any effect on me at this point. Even so, her natural gentleness made her worry for me. Asia, you really are a good kid. With tsundere breasts as well, you're unmatched!

"I was waiting for that!"

One of the [Bishops] undid Kaichou's holographic image. Both the barrier and Kaichou's hologram disappeared, but without paying any heed to that, the opposing [Bishop] set foot into Asia's healing area.


Don! The pale green light changed instantly and emitted something red and dangerous instead.


In that instant, Asia's body shined and was disappearing…!?

"…The reverse of healing is damage…Argento-san's healing ability is immense…If that is reversed…"

The opposing [Bishop] that had entered Asia's healing area had a satisfied-looking expression on her face, even as she vomited blood. What! What had happened!?

"…I beat the Gremory's healer…Kaichou…"

Kaichou's [Bishop] then disappeared at the same time as Asia.

…Damn it. They took out Asia…I-I too…

My body was wrapped in light. I was already done for…I wanted to promote to [Queen] by entering the enemy's base…To lose without even doing that…was pitiful!

But, I was satisfied with being able to use [Bilingual]… …Saji. I—.

[One of Rias Gremory-sama's "Bishop", retired.] [One of Sona Sitri-sama's "Bishop", retired.] [Rias Gremory-sama's "Pawn", retired.]


I—Azazel, laughed inside the VIP room.

"…So this is the current Sekiryuutei."

One of the spectating leaders murmured that. The VIP room had become opened-mouthed.

Naturally. Since a new stupid technique had been displayed on the monitor as they all watched as if devouring it.


It was just way too dumb. Even I, being open-minded to perverted things, couldn't understand at all what had happened in that moment. Since even I was like this, the minds of the others must be in quite a terrible state indeed.

On the monitor, Rias—was blushing deeply. I sympathised with her, but dear me, this was interesting.

However, this Bilingual. It had no flashiness, but in reality, it was a fearful technique.

If the opponent was female, the state of the battle would likely be overturned. Because it exposed the inside of their hearts. There was no other technique as terrifying as this to an opponent.

Moreover, it could read the inside of their hearts even in the type of situation where the spirit was being projected as a holographic image.

In matches limited to female opponents, he would be unparalleled with that technique. He keeps rapidly developing techniques that make him hated by women. Does he really intend to become popular?

It's regrettable that the person himself doesn't seem to completely understand how amazing this technique is since it occurred to him at the top of his sexual desire, but… Rather, he'll be told by Rias that he's banned from using it in the games. As it is now, he won't be able to participate in games with other devils, since many devils own female devil servants.

Vali. I also understand why you, who are of an exceptionally higher rank than Ise, took such an interest in the Sekiryuutei who is widely called the weakest of all the successive generations.


He was described with that one word. A guy who watches and fights without getting tired is the best opponent for a battle enthusiast.

Hey, Vali. Ise is evolving and becoming strong in a different way than you. At that time, what will you do? How will you fight him? He's a guy who goes far and in a slanted way above our expectations.

So much fun. I really was enjoying myself.

Most likely, it will be the greatest shown between red and white out of all the previous generations.

Besides that, though, there was the [Reverse] used by the Sitri group. That was something researched by us. We had started giving technical assistance to the devils, but that [Reverse] was still in the research stage. So someone like Armaros or Sahariel offered it to them on the condition of getting data on it during the game, huh? Geez…

It was still at the research stage, so it wouldn't be strange if anything happened. And Sona Sitri and her servants used it while acknowledging that. So their resolution—their fighting spirit of wanting to win at any cost must have been stirred up, huh.

There were also Fallen Angels who picked out Sacred Gears and embedded them into themselves, but this [Reverse] was similar in that it forcibly granted someone an ability they didn't originally have. As an act that shortens one's life and destroys one's own abilities, it's dangerous.

Ise also obtained the power of the Hakuryuukou and shaved off his life. Even if this ability increases as an appendix to his own ability like Kiba, there are also safe examples of this, but as expected it couldn't really be recommended.

Incidentally, since my artificial Sacred Gear was made specifically for my use right from scratch, it has no problems.

Sorry, but I'm going to have to advise them that [Reverse] should be banned from future games. I also feel like I do not want to nip young buds in such a place.

However, to think that they would use [Reverse] like this. Originally, it was created for the sake of reversing contrary things that turned the holy into demonic and darkness into light. To think that they would skilfully use [Reverse] in accordance to their opponents' abilities.

I ascertained with my own eyes the resolution of the Sitri group this time. Show me how far you guys can go.

In any case, how will the others act now that Ise has been lost? I knew that previously, you would get discouraged by such a thing, Rias, Akeno.

"Hohohoh, what an interesting battle."

The damn old geezer Odin watched the monitor in seeming satisfaction. For that selfish geezer to give praise. Odin spoke to Sirzechs.



"About that kid who has the dragon Sacred Gear."

"You mean Hyoudou Issei-kun? He has the Sekiryuutei."

However, Odin's next words were unexpected.

"No, I mean the [Pawn] of the Sitri family."

…I see, so he paid attention to that one. Odin continued speaking.

"What a good devil. You should take good care of that one. He'll become strong. The achievement of beating the Sekiryuutei kid is huge. Watching the Rating Games of devils is fun because of this. The weak change in the middle of a match. This is what a true match is."

Odin was paying the greatest of compliments to someone whose existence he didn't even know about several hours ago.

"That's right, that's right! Odin-ojii-chan really understands things, after all☆"

Serafall also praised her little sister's group and seemed cheery. Even though she had watched with tearfully crying face until just now.

That pawn of Sona Sitri. She said his name was Saji Genshirou. You could say that his estimation rose more than Ise in this match.

This game had been broadcasted across the entire Underworld. Unexpectedly, the name of this previously unknown dragon Sacred Gear user may have become more famous than the Sekiryuutei.

Ise, Rias. This world that you're trying to plunge into has many difficulties in store for you all.

----------[End Game]----------

After Ise-kun and Asia-san disappeared from the battlefield, there were only four of us left, including me—Kiba Yuuto, my master Rias-buchou, Akeno-san and Koneko-chan.

The enemy had three people left. Kaichou, Shinra-senpai, and the remaining [Bishop] student council member.

—We had lost half of our members.

A game where one side was supposed to dominate was full of major upsets right from the beginning. The side that was said to be superior had also lost half of their members. I could already hear the comments of those high-class devils watching us from above.

Buchou's estimation will surely fall. But, we couldn't let it fall any lower than this.

Ise, the mood-maker of our team, had disappeared. This was… huge. I somehow endured it, but what was going on in Buchou's mind? If Asia were still here, she would be in shock.

Our current members—wouldn't change for the moment. Even if there had been a shocking impact just now, as long as it didn't affect the battle, there was no problem, but…

Asia had also been unexpectedly taken out. The so-called [Reverse], which had been chosen to be used when she activated her healing ability, and moreover her area-expansion version. So the opposite of healing was damage …Asia-san's healing ability was enormous. The damage caused by [Reverse] must have also been unimaginable.

More importantly, Asia had exited in an instant. The opposing Bishop —Hanakai-san had also disappeared from the attack she gave. Most likely, they had predicted beforehand that the healing ability could be expanded and that it would be used, and made tactics against it. They must have also taken into consideration that Asia-san's area-expanded healing would heal without distinguishing between enemies and allies. If reverse had been activated when more than one ally was being healed…We could have also been completely wiped out. What terrifying tactics.

So you thought that far ahead, Sona-kaichou. However, even so, to have the intention of sacrificing her servants…I could feel that their power of unity was greater than ours. Because she believed in her members, they could display such feats of strength.

On the other hand, Ise's technique was…I couldn't say anything anymore. But, if the opponents are limited to women, it may become quite threatening…Wait, this wasn't what I should be thinking about, though.

Sona-kaichou hadn't aimed at winning with immense power, but instead at using counters that made use of us, who did possess immense power. This was the original Rating Game. You couldn't easily win with just power!

Buchou stood up and looked above. She must have been focusing on Kaichou, who was on the roof.

Even though Ise-kun had been lost, Buchou was calm. As expected of a [King]. Since if the [King] didn't function and act, the game would be affected.

"Koneko, can you feel her spirit?"

Buchou asked Koneko-chan this.

"Yes. I couldn't detect it before, but now I can sense Kaichou's spirit on the roof. I think that the barrier from before was false illusion that made it look like Kaichou was inside it, and also a special decoy that made anyone unable to perceive the actual person's spirit and location."

Her cat ears were moving timidly, seemingly searching for Kaichou's spirit.

Your cat ears are very cute, Koneko-chan. Koneko-chan was also a battle-ready state, even if Ise-kun had disappeared. I was thankful for this. With this, we can fight sufficiently. I pointed my sword at Shinra-senpai and the other servant from the Sitri group.

"Now then, how shall we do this? As two blade-users, shall we decide it by the blade?"

Shinra-senpai responded to my question.

"That is also fine. In chess, when a pawn is promoted, in most cases they become [Queen]. However, the battle situation changes if they promote to [Knight] instead depending on the setting. There are also a lot of differences between actual chess and the Rating Games, but —this will be a good match."

The battle between me and Shinra-senpai was decided. Besides her, there was only the opposing [Bishop]—Kusaka-san, but—.

At that moment, Akeno entered my sight as she gave off a crackling golden aura from her entire body.

Akeno-san—had a cold look in her tear-soaked eyes and was giving off a strange aura.

"…Even though I tried to show Ise-kun my determination…"

She went forward a step on with wobbly and shaky legs. I could feel a strong pressure in that step that couldn't be expressed in words.

"…Even though I tried to overcome it…by using this hateful power in front of him…"

Akeno-san slowly raised her hands in front of her and—.

"I won't forgive you."

She showed the natural face of her S-side! The number one state that Akeno-san shouldn't be touched in! Impossible, to think that the usually calm Akeno-san would react to losing Ise-kun like this!


After that brief anger-filled declaration, a great mass of thunder sprung forth from Akeno-san's hands and swooped down on the Sitri [Bishop] Kusaka-san!



At the instant of impact, Kusaka-san spread out her hands and tried to reverse the thunder, but—.

Bigagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagaga!! The violent thunder wrapped around Kusaka-san!

Kusaka-san couldn't reverse the thunder and directly received Akeno-san's attack!

And at the same time, she was wrapped in light and disappeared!

"It seems it was useless. She tried to reverse the thunder, but what I shot just now was lightning. Thunder and light. The reverse of the light portion wasn't enough to reverse it all."

[One of Sona Sitri-sama's "Bishops", retired.]

"—The power couldn't be overturned when the power being reversed was changed."

Just as Akeno-san said, it seemed that their training wasn't enough for them to master the power of [Reverse]. Akeno-san then pointed her hands at the [Queen] Shinra-senpai!

Akeno-san had already disregarded the battle between me and senpai! She had forgotten me in her shock over losing Ise-kun and her anger at not being able to display her lightning power to him!

It may be that, as a result of that, Akeno-san was able to conquer that power, but what an unexpected development. To think that Ise-kun meant that much to Akeno-san!


Shinra-senpai felt the danger to her body and started running away from here!

Kah! Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!

The lightning extended straight towards senpai! If a devil was hit directly by that, they would be helpless! Since it was mixed with the power of thunder and the power of light, the weakness of devils, just imagining getting hit by that power was terrifying.

However, Shinra-senpai avoided the lightning and tried to escape into the interior of the department store.

I swiftly ran after her! I won't lose when it comes to speed!

While dashing, I created a holy demonic sword, and when I caught up I stabbed at her! My blade was blocked by her naginata, but I didn't know when she would bring out that counter Sacred Gear!

Shinra-senpai took out a small bottle from her pocket. —[Phoenix Tears]! So the Sitri [Queen] had theirs!

She threw the small bottle at me and cut it apart with her naginata. The liquid inside was poured onto me!


Shinra-senpai shouted that! She intended to change the immense healing power of the tears into damage the instant it hit me! I quickly changed my holy demonic sword into a sword of water!


The wave of water mixed together with the tears. When mixed with something else, the tears lost their effect. And as a result, the [Reverse] also lost its meaning!

"If an opening is made even just a little!"

Senpai sharply turned her naginata towards me!

I see, the attack just now was to make me block and step out. However—.


Holy demonic swords bloomed in profusion around Shinra-senpai! The multiple holy demonic blades that sprouted out from the floor destroyed senpai's naginata.

"The current me has no openings."

When I tried firing a second bout of swords at her, she made the mirror from before appear in front of her. I weakened the swords as much as possible and they stabbed with just enough power to destroy the mirror.

Barin! Dooooooooo!

The short-lived mirror broke and the impact was returned to me with double the damage, but—I could endure this much! I clenched my teeth in pain and raised my left arm towards the sky.

"Petro, Basileus, Dionysius, Holy Mary. Please listen to my voice!"

Space warped and a tear was created! I stuffed my hand into there!

"No way!? That's!"

Understanding the meaning of this, Shinra-senpai was shocked.

"In the name of the saints lodged in the holy blade, I release thee. — Durandal!"

The item I took out from the space was the legendary holy sword, Durandal!

Xenovia! I'll clear away your regrets here and now!

Following the momentum as I took Durandal out, I slashed at Shinra-senpai! The holy sword hit, and serious damage was given to Shinra-senpai.

Even in that situation, she didn't activate her counter Sacred Gear. So she was unable to use it continuously.

"It was Xenovia's suggestion. That, in the case that she became unable to function and fight, she would transfer the sword's right of use to me, since this sword is too good for her."

That's right, Xenovia had taught me how to use Durandal.

And how could I, who possesses holy demonic swords, use Durandal, you ask?

"However, your holy demonic aptitude is—"

Shinra-senpai said that as she was wrapped in the light of retirement teleportation. "I had no past. Because of that, I saw hell, but…I'm different now. Thanks to attaining Balance Breaker, it seems I can also handle Durandal like this."


Durandal was emitting a quiet and peaceful surge. It wasn't letting out a violent and rampaging surge like it did with Xenovia.

"Kuh! This is…! You can handle it better than Xenovia-san!?"

Shinra-senpai said that, but I didn't think so.

"…Since Xenovia has aura temperament that desires power, Durandal may have also reacted to that. But I choose certainty over power. Ability over strength."

I had intended to suppress its power, but even so the floor had been cut into two equal halves up to quite a distance away from the shockwave of slashing Shinra-senpai. It seemed I would receive a minus evaluation because of this.

"I thought that it was a stubborn steed that didn't listen to the words of its wielder, but it really seems to be true. It cut more than I thought…So controlling it is still difficult."

"…! This is outside of our calculations, Sona! Even more than Hyoudou-kun…! Their true ace is…! The servant to pay attention to is…Kiba Yuuto!"

Shinra-senpai left just those parting words and disappeared from this place.

[Sona Sitri-sama's "Queen", retired.]

"It's because I—aim to surpass Ise-kun, no, the Sekiryuutei."

Mortifying. It had been mortifying for me. The loss against the Phoenix family. Ise-kun, you weren't the only one who was filled with feelings of frustration and mortification back then.

—Since Rias Gremory's true [Knight] was taken out without being able to protect my master. Even though I had finally attained Balance Breaker, the power of me and my comrades couldn't connect with Kokabiel, and I couldn't enter the battle against the Hakuryuukou either. I hadn't been helpful at either of those times.


It was mortifying for me, Ise-kun!!

That's why I trained from scratch under my teacher. Truly from scratch. I learned from the sword basics again.

Perhaps telling myself that I wasn't like you, I also kept doing straightforward training to the point of foolishness. If I simply prided myself on attaining Balance Breaker, that will be where I degenerate into weakness!

"—More than anything else, I hate it seeming like the only servant is the Sekiryuutei."

You may be aiming at Vali. But my only goal was to be my master's sword, and stand as a partner next to you, my comrade.

Rias Gremory had not only the Sekiryuutei, but also the "Kiba Yuuto of the Holy Demonic Swords". Because I wanted to say that, I—.

"—I'll also promise the same as you promised. I will never make my master Rias Gremory cry again."

The only remaining opponent was—the [King], Sona Sitri-kaichou.

The roof of the department store. The sky outside was white, empty of anything. Because it was within the space of the game.

Our remaining four members had gone there. In front of us was Sona-kaichou.

Kaichou turned her gaze towards us and smiled bitterly. Buchou asked.

"Sona, why on the roof?"

"The [King] must survive until the end. That is the duty of the [King]. If the [King] is taken out, the game would be over, right?" "…Yes, I didn't question the profoundness of that."

"Rias, Saji won against the Sekiryuutei. Neither Ise-kun nor you made any mistakes. —Please don't make light of that child. You aren't the only ones that are desperate."

"Yes, I could sense it with my body. —Now then, let's settle this, Sona."

Buchou took a step forward. Does she intend to do this one-against-one?

She was a person that wouldn't listen even if stopped. In that case —.

"If I sense danger, I'll enter to help immediately. I won't listen to your selfishness."


Buchou didn't react to my words, but she should have understood. If Buchou was close to losing, I wouldn't pay attention to her protests and enter to help as well.

If the [King] was taken down, it was over. I can't let you get taken out, Rias-buchou.

Then, the battle between best friends started—.

An aura of water gathered around Kaichou, and gradually formed something. This was no ordinary amount of water. Looking at it, the water seemed be collected from everywhere within the department store.

As expected of the Sitri family whose specialty is water magic. I had heard that the older sister's specialty was ice, while the younger sister's was water.

In her magic, Buchou carried the power of destruction. An attack that destroys the opponent. Without hesitation, Buchou fired magic bullets at her friend Sona-kaichou! The number of bullets was endless like that of a machine gun! The bullets were only about the size of a softball, but I could feel magic of high purity in each shot. It seemed that the results of Buchou's training were also coming out. That she wasn't attacking showily was because of the rules.

Zabun. Zabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

Sona-kaichou manipulated the water and made it into a wall, stopping Buchou's attacks. The instant that Buchou's magic hit, the water was also annihilated at the same time, but because she was gathering it from the entire building, it was unlimited.

"Now then, Rias. I shall thoroughly display my water techniques to you."

Kaichou transformed a large amount of the water with magic, turning it into many hawks that flew in the air, serpents that slithered on the ground, valiant lions, wolves that herded together, and several huge dragons as well.

So she can make this many different things at once! Her magic skill surpasses that of Buchou!

"Just as I wished for, Sona!"

Smiling fearlessly, Buchou piled compression upon compression of her power of destruction and made a countless number of magic bullets in the air. Those without enough power would vanish from just one of those shots. To have condensed that many of them, it seemed that Buchou had built up her magic power fairly well in her training.

Both excelled in the quality of their magic, but looking at it like this, Buchou stood out in power while Kaichou stood out in technique.

Both of them stood ready. Then, the two of them—unleashed their attacks at each other at the same time.

[Resign confirmed. It is the victory of Rias Gremory-sama.]


Part 1

After the game had ended, I woke up within the medical facility. I was on a bed.

That's right, this is the first time I've ended up here.

My case this time had been more a matter of blood loss than injuries. It seemed I had been given a blood transfusion immediately after that and could now move like this. I had gone outside and was drinking juice by the vending machine.

We had won.

However, half of us, consisting of me, Xenovia, Asia and Gasper, had been taken out, and the Gremory group which had been said to be overwhelmingly superior before the game had our estimation lowered.

Our estimation seemed to have particularly lowered because of how Gasper had been lost so quickly right at the start and how I, the Sekiryuutei, had been taken out. As the natural result hadn't come about, the evaluation of those at the top was harsh.

Buchou—appeared completely mortified. There were also the achievements of Kiba, who displayed ace-class strenuous effort and the fact we had achieved victory in the end, but—. It seemed that the end had been won by a direct confrontation between the [Kings].

This had been our first victory…Somehow, we hadn't been blessed with a complete victory. We had certainly gone through a tough battle. Even though our group had enormous power, we were far away from a perfect victory.

Yeah! This situation was bad!

Shaking my head, I decided to change the mood and to go to Saji's hospital room. His injuries had also been completely cured already. In the game we were enemies, but once it had ended, we were friends as usual.

Well now, I'll go boast about Buchou's breasts again.

"Please take this."

I heard Sirzechs-sama's voice from Saji's room. I could see inside the room from the slightly open door. Inside were Sirzechs-sama, Kaichou, and Saji on his bed.

Saji was receiving something from Sirzechs-sama. He was holding an expensive-looking small box in his hands.

"U-Umm…This is…?"

Saji was nervously trembling.

"This is something awarded to the person who excelled and fought the most impressively in the Rating Game."

Sirzechs-sama said that while smiling. However—.

"I-I…lost to Hyoudou…T-This isn't a situation where I should be receiving this."

Saji grasped the sheets of his bed in apparent frustration and regret.

"That's true. But, consequently, that Ise-kun—the Sekiryuutei was defeated. We watched your battle in excitement from the spectators' room. To the extent that even Odin of the Norse praised you."

Sirzechs-sama took out a medal from the small box and put it on Saji's chest.

"You shouldn't humble yourself. Even a devil like you can aim for the top. I'm happy that I can see promising young devils of the future. Devote yourself more. I have high expectations of you."

Then, Sirzechs-sama patted Saji's head.

"It's fine no matter how many years or decades it takes. —Continue aiming to be a Rating Games teacher." At Sirzechs-sama's words, Saji—cried silently. His tears flowed down endlessly, and his face became disheveled.

"…Saji, you displayed a gallant figure to a lot of people. Because you fought a splendid battle."

Sona-kaichou was brimming with calm and self-control from her eyes.

Kaichou is also surely happy that her prided servant had gained such a huge estimation.

Saji fingered the medal on his chest, then wiped away his tears with his hand and nodded strongly.

"…Yes…Thank you very much!"


Feeling that it would be impolite to listen any further, I left that place.

…Saji, congratulations.

I had only thought of Vali as my rival. I had believed without doubt that Vali was the only rival I had to defeat. —I was wrong.

That's why, I'll say it to him face-to-face once more next time.

That, I'm sorry.

Hey, Saji. Which one of us will advance to being a high-class devil first and have our dreams granted?

I—won't lose! Absolutely. And I'll win for sure the next time we fight!

So, until next time.

My rival, Saji Genshirou.

Part 2

I came across Buchou just before she entered my hospital room.

"Buchou." Buchou also noticed me, and smiled. Like that, we went into my hospital room and started to chat pleasantly.

"Ise, thank you for your hard work in the game. You did well. But, please don't embarrass me so much, okay? Since your sexual desire really is too excessive."

Buchou smiled bitterly. Aaaah, I embarrassed her.

"S-Sorry…My new techniques and power-ups tend to be related to my worldly desires…"

"That technique is sealed when in games."

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!? Seriously!?"

No way! Seriously!? Why!? I-Is it because it's perverted!?

"Because it will make us unable to fight against female devils anymore. So it's banned."

"Uu, if Buchou says so, I'll obeeeeeeeey."

I nodded with teary eyes! Such a shame! It's extremely regrettable! To think I would only be able to use it once! Ah, but does that mean it's okay to use in real battles?

Buchou smiled bitterly.

"But, we finally had a victory. Compared to last time, it was better, but I still lost Ise, Asia, Xenovia and Gasper. Even if our family is said to be blessed with ability and overflowing with power, if that power can't be displayed at critical moments, it has no meaning. Even though the probability of victory is high, when you lose, you lose."

It was just as Buchou said.

If we had made just a single mistake, we might have lost. Even though their chances of winning were less than ours, our opponents desperately came at us. Because they also moved forward, believing they would win.

If one gives in and is careless, one can also lose the matches they could win.

Me and Buchou had realised this obvious fact once again.

…They're difficult, these games. The same with actual battles.

And just as I had seen the path to being a high-class devil, it felt far away.

But, it wasn't an unreachable distance. Eventually, I too, like Buchou —.

"But Ise. Both Akeno and Koneko overcame their walls in this game. This is something to be happy about."

Buchou said that while smiling. That smile was wrapped in gentleness.

"Yes, I think so too! I feel like we won the match, but lost the game, but even so I'm happy that Akeno-san and Koneko-chan have advanced forward!"

"It's thanks to you, Ise. Thanks to you, everyone in my group are breaking through the things they carry. You've broken through all the things I've worried about, Ise. I'm very grateful."

"N-No, I didn't do anything in particular. I just thought about keeping everyone happy."

That's right, I wanted to advance forward together with everyone. Even if tough things occur like this time, I want to break through them together. Because we're comrades and friends.

"Ise, I'm glad that you're my servant…Please stay with me forever."

"Yes, Buchou! I'll always stay by your side!"

I was also happy, being able to see Buchou's greatest-rank smile.


Suddenly, someone knocked on the door to my hospital room. After I answered "Yes, come in"—an old man that I hadn't seen before came in. He was wearing a hat and had only a single eye. Moreover, he had a long white beard.

"Old man, who are you?"

When I asked in puzzlement, the old man laughed.

"I'm the Old Man of the Northern Countryside. Sekiryuutei, it seemed you need to study a little more. Well, you are devoted."

What was this overly-familiar old-man saying so suddenly? But, how did he know I was the Sekiryuutei?

"You're Odin-sama, right? This is the first time we've met. I'm Rias Gremory."

Buchou seemed to know him. Odin? Hmm, I feel like I've heard that name somewhere before…

"I see, I see. Sirzechs' little sister, huh. I saw you in the game. Well, there was also something like that. But, I see, hmm. So big. When I was watching, I was fascinated by just these."

The old man was looking at Buchou's breasts with lewd eyes! Heeeeeeeey! You damn old man! Those breasts are mine! No one besides me can look at them with lewd eyes! As I tried to ferociously protest, a beautiful armoured woman who had entered the room at some point hit the old man's head with a paper-fan.

"Geez! Did I not already tell you that indecent eyes were prohibited?! Since there's going to be an important meeting now, please pull yourself together as the King of the Norse Gods!"

"…Truly a Valkyrie with no openings. I know already. It's a conference on terrorist-countermeasures with the angels, devils,

fallen angels, Zeus of Greece and Indra | 1 | of Mt. Sumeru | 2 | ."

The old man muttered with his eye half-closed as he rubbed his head.

"Well, it's fine. Sirzechs' sister and Sekiryuutei. The world isn't full of only trials, there are many fun things as well. Advance forward while both fully enjoying and suffering through it all. Being reckless is the only way for youngsters to grow up. Hohoho." Leaving just those words, the old man and the armoured woman left my hospital room.

Who was that? That old man…He stared at my Buchou's breasts! Anyone who makes a move on Buchou's breasts is my enemy, no question about it! I'll never permit such a thing!

I asked Buchou about it afterwards, but apparently that old man was a northern god! He just looked like a dirty old man!

…Really, there are things I just don't understand in this world.


Part 1

The second half of August—.

We of the Gremory group were receiving a farewell from the underworld at the station in front of the main residence.

"Well then, Issei-kun. I look forward to the day we can meet again. You may return here any time without hesitation. Think of the Gremory family as your own family."

Buchou's father said that as many servants stood behind him.

"Thank you very much! B-But, that is a bit too grand for me…"

I was smiling bitterly, but Buchou's mother also affirmed it.

"Not at all. Issei-san. Please take care of Rias in the human world. Since my daughter can be so selfish, I worry."

"M-Mother! W-What are you saying!?"

Buchou's face turned deep red. What a cute Buchou!

"Yes! Of course!"

I hit my chest and nodded. I'll take care of Buchou! It may be rude of me to say this, but I���ll protect the woman I fell in love with all my life!

"…Uu, I'm also being moved to tears. The future of my family is bright…"

Buchou's father was crying. Eeeeeeeeeh? Why, why?

Buchou's mother sighed beside him.

"Wait a minute, dear. Isn't this where the father is supposed to retaliate by saying something like [I won't give up my daughter yet!]?"

"Even if you say that, Issei-kun seems to have surpassed my power already, so isn't it enough already? I think it will be fine even if I settle down soon."

"Please wait until Rias has graduated from high school at least before talking about retirement."

???? He seemed to be getting excited, but about what?

"Rias, send us a letter during your remaining summer holidays."

Sirzechs-sama said that while carrying his son Millicas-sama in his arms. Grayfia-san was standing immediately behind them.

"Yes, onii-sama. You stay well as well, Millicas."

"Yes, Rias-nee-sama!"

We had boarded the train and were giving our last farewells to Sirzechs-sama and the others from the window.


At that moment, I noticed. Sirzechs-sama, Millicas-sama, and also Grayfia-san.

I saw two parents and their child in that three-shot. As I thought, it was like that. It wasn't a joke—.

Part 2

The return train.

I was being pressed by my untouched school homework.

That's right! I had been busy since coming to the Underworld, but I had completely forgotten about this!

Furthermore, thinking back, didn't I spend off the important summer of my second year of high school on a mountain with a dragon? I wanted to cryyyyyyyyyyyy!

I had used my precious youth on surviving in that mountain! I didn't have any date with Buchou, nor did Akeno-san do any erotic things to me in my room! I started on my Japanese homework while crying.

But, I did have some amazing experiences during my time in the Underworld. And I had done various studies. We were strong—in terms of power. However, in the case of opposing teams who took greater control than us, no matter how great our power was, we would lose depending on the tactics used.

…If I'm also going to play the games as a [King] in the future, I have to start thinking about tactics and the like right away…

Because, no matter how great my power was from the legendary dragon, if I recklessly plunged forward and fell into my opponent's tricks, it will be an immediate game over! If I was taken out as a [King], my team would have to resign! Though I should have won overall in power, I was defeated by Saji in terms of technique…

Uwaah…I'm so anxious about the future.

I spoke to Buchou who was sitting in the seat in front of me.


"What is it?"

"I've acted reckless until now in order to become a harem king. That is my goal, and my wish to become that hasn't changed even now. —But, Tannin-ossan told me. That it's a waste to set that as my final goal. So, I thought about it a little, but I think it's useless to just aim for an ordinary harem. It's best if I can make a harem with an attractiveness that won't lose to anyone and that is strong in the games as well."

Buchou listened to my words and showed a very surprised expression, but she soon smiled.

"It seems the summer training camp was a success. Meeting other devils in the Underworld seems to have been a big plus for you. We both seem to have learned and advanced forward a lot."

Yes! I gave it my all!

Suddenly, Koneko-chan appeared there…and sat down on my laaaaaaaap!?

I couldn't understand what was happening, but—Koneko-chan had sat down on my lap and was twitching her cat ears.


I timidly looked at her face, and then,


She smiled with a smile across her whole face. Yeah. With just something like that, my brain flew off.

Asia had teary eyes, Buchou scowled with narrowed eyes, and Akeno-san was giving off pressure with a silent smiling face, but…

Yeah! Cuteness is justice!

Like this, the train headed to the human world we lived in—. The time in the Underworld has been fun. It was a summer vacation I didn't think I would forget for my entire life.

As the train arrived at the underground platform on the human world-side, I stretched myself.

"Well, we've arrived, we've arrived. Now then, let's return home, Asia—"

When I turned to look at Asia. A mysterious man with delicate features had drawn near Asia.

"Asia Argento…We finally meet."


Asia was bewildered. This was bad! Was he a pervert! I won't let you put even a single finger on my Asia-chan!

"Hey, hey, hey! What business do you have with Asia!?"

I came between them! But, the mysterious delicate man questioned Asia with a sincere expression.

"…So you've forgotten me. We should have met that time."

The delicate man—Wait, I've seen him somewhere before. The delicate man suddenly revealed his chest and showed a big scar there. It was a deep scar. Asia's eyes opened wide when she saw that.

"—. That wound, could it be…"

Asia? You remember him?

"Yes, my face couldn't be seen back then, but I am the devil from that time."


Asia became speechless at those words.

"My name is Diodora Astaroth. That time you weren't able to treat it to the point where a scar wouldn't remain, but my life was saved due to your Sacred Gear."

I had heard about Asia's past. She had been branded as a witch for saving a devil by chance.

—That's right, he was the devil who had been the trigger for Asia being driven out of the Church.

"Diodora? You're Diodora, aren't you?"

Buchou seemed to recognise him…Ah, I remembered, he was at the meeting between young devils! The handsome high-class devil from that time! I think he was from the family of the current Beelzebub!

Diodora tenderly took Asia's hand and kissed it! Y-You bastard, what do you think you're doing to Asia!?

I was about to leap at him, but without caring about that he spoke to Asia.

"Asia, I came to meet you. I apologise that I couldn't greet you at that meeting. But, I think the encounter between you and I was destiny. —I want you to be my wife. I love you."

—He had proposed to Asia right in front of me.

The hot summer had come to an end, and the autumn that would likely become long would soon begin.