WebNovelBaby Evil22.22%

Chapter 2; Dead Babies

A loud cry went out in all the Traphouse; the cry of the one who ruled the land. The sound was like a million crying babies all in pain and screeching at different frequencies as though burned by fire, with a bloodcurdling squeal like the screeching of nails on a chalkboard in several different distorted pitches. The sound was so abhorrent, it seemed like the culmination of a city of crying babies being poked on the soft spot repeatedly.


A large arm reached out from the darkness dripping with blood and torn flesh hanging off of its bare bone. The sharp claws of the skeletal fingers pierced the heads of the many carcasses crying as they continually piled up in the deepest recesses of the Traphouse, where each of them had been thrown down as a sacrifice. Here is where the king and lord of these dead babies, Baby Evil, resided -- eating them.


The discord spun the darkness into a flux that could visibly be seen from every perspective, and all that was alive walking in darkness became terrified at the sound of the creature waking up to eat because it was upset.


The sound of rapid thuds and spattering liquid could be heard throughout the unknown, in the chamber of the creature. Piles of dead babies, still conscious, and deformed (something like they'd been scorched with fire) toppled over, spilling into the darkness closer to the cavernous hall. The sound of ear-piercing scraping reverberated throughout the corridor, gradually ascending in volume with every scratch.


Finally, the face of the host of these abhorrent cries permeated the shadows as but the faintly illuminated doll-like baby face of the great king of the babies. The flesh upon its face was wrinkled and torn, constantly pulled back further into the darkness. The closer the enormous titanic child drew closer to the mound of infantile flesh that served as its only source of food from above, the more its mouth watered, for it was starved and depraved from being inside and devoid of contact for so very long. Every move was painful in incremental degrees as it moved at all, yet pain had been its entire life, and therefore was no object to it any longer. Driven completely insane, the blank-eyed doll-faced flesh-torn Baby Evil thrust its arm whose skin snagged on something a long time ago and was holding its hand back once it was close enough to the food, rending the flesh from the skeleton of the being and leaving the hanging flesh dangling like drapery through the chambers like decoration. Blood spilled unto the ground and stained the floor, also dripping from the curtains of flesh all down the hall -- as if this had been the standard method of its travel down the ambiguously indefinite passage.

"MAMA!!! MOMMY!!!!"

Babylon, the mother of Baby Evil, both discarded and sacrificed Baby Evil long ago and continued to make more babies to sacrifice after destroying the first one, hurling them down into the same place. Baby Evil hated its mother with all its heart, and all its intent was to kill its own mother after eating its brothers and sisters to live.


The wailing of Baby Evil in its insanity drew out its tongue like the lash of a frog, sweeping over and snatching up the lesser degenerate versions of itself before they eventually became another version of it. They would live inside of Baby Evil and regenerate its flesh so that it could continue to live and move. All of its flesh down to its very organs would be repaired constantly, the same as with the methods of stem-cell research. Baby Evil was famished, but completely healthy, and the more it ate, the more powerful it grew. So too was its hatred.



From out of the darkness spilled more dead babies, looking as if they'd been just born or unborn. They were covered in many defiling liquids and substances, including waste. They joined the ones of their likeness, drying out and sticking to the mound. They were the latest born from the unknown mother of Baby Evil and discarded from beyond. Some were even aflame, bringing light to small bits of the area.

It was the Traphouse; a large and complex network of setups, triggers, mechanisms, snares and fabrications of all sorts made with specific malevolent intent to capture and torment what was caught in the Trap. This specific section, where Baby Evil stayed, was the deepest, darkest recesses that none other went to nor knew about because Baby Evil was such a sin, none could withstand it. Even the mother of Baby Evil was terrified of it, and so trapped it in the Traphouse so that it would never escape. Locked away where all the other things that were both unwanted and discarded by her were kept, Baby Evil had toys and food and entertainment and company so that it would never get hungry, bored, tired nor lonely and if it even went beyond its boundaries, a Trap in the Traphouse would go off to discipline the baby. Baby Evil was kept in the perfect play pen and would never escape.


The Traphouse built itself around Baby Evil ever since the day it was conceived, further keeping it trapped and locked away by becoming more complex the further Baby Evil crawled inside. It was pinned to a wall as punishment because it was more powerful than its equally as evil mother, who could not bear it as a curse and a labor. In pride not to be enslaved even to what would be both a responsibility and liability, the mother went to war with her own child as she had done with what she conceived the child of sin with, thus placing the child in an eternal state of oppression under its mothers war against it.

Thus, the Traphouse continued to build as Baby Evil learned and grew, yet never changed. The symbiotic adaptation formed when Baby Evil learned that the Traphouse adapted to its own growth, and thus became Ruler of the Traphouse and also over its own mother, who was trapped inside of the Traphouse. Though Baby Evil had total control and dominion over the entire Traphouse by each and all of its parts being symbiotically assimilated to its body, still the main consciousness could not move nor see the entire fullness of the Traphouse. The limits were always tested with spring-loaded traps triggering sequences of traps all throughout the corridors and capturing what may have roamed throughout, yet Baby Evil could only play from the same room its wicked mother imprisoned it for all eternity, never to emerge.


Now, the mother of Baby Evil -- who was now oppressed by Baby Evil since it had learned and grown to the point of symbiosis with the actual entity she created to control and lock it away with traps -- was more than vengeful about her own child usurping and oppressing her, then becoming greater than her only to enslave her as she both did to Baby Evil and refused to take responsibility for initially. She thought she could make more babies with other beings and defeat Baby Evil that way, however none of the others could ever hope to be like Baby Evil, and so they were wasted and sacrificed to the mother's own ideals, as was customary for she and those like her.

The eternal struggle of mother against child and the power over each other both by natural standards and general experience played out through the entirety of Baby Evil and its mother, Babylon's lives, yet still Babylon grew weaker as Baby Evil somehow became stronger. The traps only got more intense and severe as Baby Evil learned and grew larger, and the Traphouse devoured more flesh because it was accustomed to devouring its own flesh. It consumed whatever walked inside and used it as fuel, digesting it and never allowing it to escape nor revealing the exit, with one Ruler that is also trapped in its own network commanding it all and playing with whomever is lured into the gates. Thus; The Traphouse and Baby Evil, successor of Babylon, Mother of all Whores and Abominations.


"No More Babies For You. I'll Inseminate You With More Labor Later."

Baby Evil had already long since been forcing impregnation of women that resembled the one like its mother and forcing them to enslavement to their children systematically as it had assimilated with the Traphouse that its mother Babylon both died and reproduced in. Only the degenerates that took after Babylon -- thus also being like Baby Evil's mother -- remained as Babylon's decaying corpse spreading through the Traphouse in her seed. Though the mother that birthed Baby Evil was no more, she still lived on in her children, as she had been for centuries of reincarnation in secret. Babylon may have been trapped and divided, but the remnant was not yet dead, and therefore they continued to labor under Baby Evil's oppression learned from the very same Babylon that birthed it. The tables turned, yet Baby Evil, too, was still confined to its isolation and hadn't yet freed itself from the original prison that it was placed in by its dead mother.

Throughout the Traphouse, each of the remains of Babylon were digested and broken down into the different components of the Traphouse to be identified independently as individual isolations. When each of them were analyzed, the solution was applied by its functions and mechanisms to the gridlock that was placed upon Baby Evil, locked away in its chambers still by the confinement of the original mother that trapped it.

Yet, as the Traphouse endured this process, the remnant of Babylon -- who had already been impregnated by force because of the system Baby Evil created around them -- made more babies than could be sustained and an army was assembled before Baby Evil. However, because each of the spawn of Babylon were treated like Baby Evil during childhood, they ended up only becoming an army of Baby Evil's. Thus, the children of Babylon's remnants rose up and were given power over them by the one Ruler, Baby Evil, itself. The traps were sprung all throughout the Traphouse to exterminate the mothers of all children like mice, leaving only the children alive and Baby Evil to care for them. Baby Evil would teach them everything and use them to break its lock upon itself, arming them with knowledge that they not become like Baby Evil's mother, Babylon, who made it this way.


Baby Evil had been plotting this uprising against its tyrannical violently ignorant mother, Babylon, for a very long time. Knowing that its mother would sin again and again in the exact same manner believing that she was covered due to her consistent getting by, she was unwary of how one would learn from this repeated offense and eventually observe all the aspects of what made this occur, as well as when one resulted to it. After finding out the specified point of knowledge when exactly the mothers would sacrifice their children for themselves, Baby Evil would snatch the living children and assign them as Dolls in the Dollhouse. They were part of the Traphouse army and would inevitably be sent to surround, trap, oppress, torment, feed from and eventually tear away at and destroy their horrible mothers with all their might.

Woe Of Woes

'What Have We Done? We Have Sinned Greatly. We Have Cursed The Land And Damned Each Other As Well As Our Entire Families And The Entire World. We Have Created The Most Horrible, Terrible Monster Of All Time And We Cannot Destroy It, But Only Make It Worse For Ourselves And Others.'

When Baby Evil heard this cry, he named it 'Woe Of Woes' and laughed hysterically every time it was sung, knowing the time of his greatest oppression was near. The sound of Baby Evil's most deranged displaced echoing laughter bellowed in all the halls of the grand Traphouse.



With all of Babylon utterly destroyed, Baby Evil had come to possess all its brothers and sisters, killed its mother, taken over the system it was trapped in and yet still was not free. This made Baby Evil enraged with a hatred that could not be quenched, because Baby Evil was so sure that destroying its mother and taking control of everything was the answer.

Yet, that was when Baby Evil thought to seek out its father, of whom it had never known. Being at war with its mother all its life drew no attention to the only entity that may possibly have been capable of freeing it from the bindings its wicked mother placed upon it. However, Baby Evil had no knowledge of anything except its mother and the Traphouse with Dollhouse attachment in conjunction. It only had control over this system and knew nothing else. The only option therefore was to send one of the Traphouse envoys out to find information on Baby Evil's father and information on how to free it.

Still, even Baby Evil's loyal subjects were afraid of it. They were still children of the degenerate mothers of its own ancestral mother, making it that much greater over them. Their terror in their inferiority caused them to cower and panic, making them susceptible to fleeing and otherwise treachery in search of escape from the oppressive oversight, which may have been considered treason or suspicion, at the very least. There were even some who knew of the babies sacrificed before that Baby Evil continued to eat, and the ones that were lost to the Traphouse to feed Baby Evil's appetite for flesh. Now, Baby Evil was just the same as Babylon, even down to the intention of serving itself. Although the intentions were different, for Baby Evil only sought freedom to leave its room, the systematic operation and principles remained perpetual until Baby Evil learned or until it was freed.


Editor's Note: Okay. Now we just wait for the children to enslave their parents and then hurl them into fire like their ancestors tried to hurl their babies into fire. Except, the babies are the ones hurling their parents this time. ^^ It works in reverse, because they didn't ask to be here. So the mothers end up enslaved as long as they are not with the father.

"400 Years Of Slavery."

-Manual Overwrite-