WebNovelBaby Evil88.89%

Chapter 8; Malfactorium - Mass Production


The moment Baby Evil had dominion over one area of the internal cavity of the Dollhouse, it assimilated with that single room and became completely part of it, taking control over the Dolls which were in the Room at the time and also adding said Room to the already captured Madhouse (which was now mobile, and mobilizing Baby Evil as a Trap House) as well as the initial Traphouse that was Baby Evil's own actual spider-like body to begin with.

It did not take long for it to stretch out its extensions, limbs and legs and surround the remaining rooms of the Dollhouse with its own body as both the Madhouse and the Traphouse, furthering the Trap House.

Meanwhile, the Dolls which were commandeered -- Deranged Dolls -- would be bid out to do as they were commanded by their new Tyrant Overlord, Baby Evil, who was their god. They raided the innards of the Dollhouse in a rapacious fashion both malicious and vehement, completely expressing their internal malice and also blind, faithful servitude to what made logical sense to them. Likewise, they were followed up with a unit of those who had been captured in the Madhouse and Traphouse as backup forces for those who were just recently captured, which also would reveal to them the loyalty that was to the systematic comprehensive understanding shared between all who understood the logical code and general mechanics or algorithm for what was going on and how Baby Evil was accomplishing it through the army and the house.

There was no further word from Baby Evil, but the fullness of the Dollhouse, as well as the Madhouse and Traphouse, were in motion. It seemed like a mutiny over the former system of the Dollhouse, and a System Failure had occurred in the cellar and bubbled up to a point of overflowing with blood like a backed up pipe or a clogged up artery. A systematic error not being covered way down in the depths of the underground -- where the Traphouse was -- is what caused there to even have a probability and in turn create a possibility of a mutiny, with a necessity of it gaining greater value as time went on, making it more worthy of its actuality in probable and possible occurrence altogether. Thus, the House was in disarray, yet all to the Natural Order of Baby Evil, the System Error of the System Failure.

The House should have been swept clean soon systematically once the Error corrected both the System and Itself.



With the House on lockdown and the forces from the larger underground being brought to the surface to overthrow it in a systematic order which was directly playing on the very weakness of the systematic fragility being that the ones that were underground were more numerous and now more tactically advanced and developed than those which were stifled and stunted up above due to their restrictions because of the fear that came from the Puppet Masters over them -- who feared most of which were even thrown into the Madhouse or Traphouse, anyway -- would suddenly overturn the entire order, power and control of the entire Dollhouse from the bottom up and tip the entire structure over, creating an overwhelming imbalance in the society. The social collapse came from an overwriting economic change in society which occurred too swiftly to keep up with or counteract, something like a virus that there was no immunity built up for. Thus, the viron, Baby Evil and its forces, would overthrow the Dollhouse and cause it to become part of its own large body.

Room by room, the Dollhouse was captured, yet not without a bit of engagement involved from the House, itself, which both had its own systematic functions and features which were automated protocol and procedure, but also the owner of the House actually acting in tandem with or activating what was within the House at the time. These were the Puppet Masters, they who harbored dominion over the actual System which kept the House upright and what went on to make more Houses upright, especially the Dollhouse and anything else which was made by or into a System at all. Suddenly, the battle escalated for Baby Evil, yet there was fear in the Puppet Masters because of how far Baby Evil had already gotten thus far. All was lost for them if each room were captured in the Dollhouse or if all of their units were slaughtered and overpowered by Baby Evil's forces.

Much contemplation went on in all the House.

-Royal Flush-

It did not take long for complete war to break out in the House, each of the main or most major groups intercepting each other in a systematic fashion in order to maintain safety and national security or systematic protocol and procedure among them something similar to a machine.

-52 Pickup-

-Full House-

Finally, after all the Dollhouse were cleansed, purged of the residents that did so reside inside, the emptied out House was left vacant for the one Baby Evil to completely and utterly take control of in a most hideously grotesque fashion something like a monstrous baby doll with flesh upon its form stretching out to totally engulf the walls with a horrid stretching and tearing noise. Blood gushed out of its torn flesh and mended its wounds making scabs all over the interior of the Dollhouse during the hostile takeover and assimilation process, of which was similarly done to both the Traphouse and Madhouse prior to.

Such (the Madhouse and Traphouse, that is) were broken down by their various rooms from their joints and raised into the air like a spider's limbs, pulled by thin layers of flesh like those of spider's webbing. It reconfigured itself room by room and reconstructed the entire Dollhouse piece by piece whilst simultaneously integrating with the other rooms, consuming any poor, unfortunate souls that should so have been still inside at the given. Mouths tore open from the flesh wounds and devoured the innards of the Dollhouse's residents if they had not already fled in their systematic fashion.

Only the head of Baby Evil could be seen sprouting from the mounds upon mounds of flesh after its calculative conquest was made absolute in its precise and pristine movements to totally overthrow the Dollhouse from the bottom up -- utter sodomization. "MINE!!!!" it cried out with a savage malice, "MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MIIIIIIINEEEE!!!!!" The malice was a happy malice because now Baby Evil had total control and could play with its new toys, which consisted of any and everything alive that so happened to have been caught up in the crossfire and fallen under its tyrannical playfully childish mind control, including anything like it that would so deem itself similar or in control at all. Those were its favorite toys because it knew how to use them to best, and it made them into a society that allowed for his security of the land in a lockdown sequence. T'were those same inhabitants of the lowest layer of the Dollhouse with the most susceptible minds and fragile dispositions; the mentally unstable, unsound and unclean.


-Trap House-



















Then Baby Evil went quiet and sat down and watched the Dollhouse be empty and quiet with a joyous smile of anticipation on its face, doing literally nothing except observing the empty nothingness. The description of the emptiness of its own eyes gazing with a devoid anticipation like that of a baby doll pierced and matched the fullness of the visual blankness that were this barren and lifeless structure known as the hollow Dollhouse, now prepped for the full and total dominion of Baby Evil. There was naught but silence and anticipation as it calculated how it would play with the Dollhouse that harbored no residents and only those which were dead bodies. The sound of emptiness was music to Baby Evil's ears.


... Now the most major step is always the FIRST step, like a Babe learning to Walk for the first time without falling down nor tripping. Large, wide arced leg movements with room for balance and also a firm footing, something like waddling; Baby Evil already knew how to crawl, so walking would be the next step.

The eyes of Baby Evil tore into the future, malicious bearing into the variables of the forefront of its own life as well as the industry it would soon be manufacturing from its own flesh and bone, that of this worn out carcass newly refurbished in its interior design but naught of its interior habitation. Some of those that were fleeing the premises would be necessary for sustenance of this palace -- food for Baby Evil and its newly integrated form. Yet, both walking and eating were too much to think about calculatively, and so Baby Evil remained stagnant and silent whilst the horrid little monsters that were dead all over the land (former residents of the Dollhouse, Madhouse and Traphouse) were digested by the variable houses which were part of Baby Evil's now large body and form. The grotesque monster that was this hideous creation bubbled up 'round the surface of its flesh and soon sprouted cancerous tumors which were in the shape of the ugly and hideous growths that sought to be in its likeness, as the Dolls that once inhabited the Dollhouse had done for anything and everything they were ever exposed to (hence why they remained in societal isolation and cultural segregation instead of blended together and enriched through proper diverse social grooming). Thus, horrible mini-monsters that took after Baby Evil were born asexually from its androgynous form. He, Baby Evil, was pleased with his new toys, despite how ugly and filthy they were.

His most favored, yet equally most hated would rise up closest to the doorway that served as the area where its genitals would have been, somewhere in the central area of the Dollhouse with the Traphouse and the Madhouse blended into the segmented forms all around to create a sort of maze or labyrinth near the doorway from the central station that were Baby Evil, itself. "SLAVE!!!!!!" Baby Evil cried out to her, looking down on the little... 'Filthing,' as it would come to call her, "RUN!!!!!!!!!" It would serve as some sort of malignant perverse adhesion that would gather up those tumorous cancers which had bubbled over from the festering flesh and lived in the scars and wounds of Baby Evil's uprising. They needed to be gathered and enslaved or slain.

The 'Filthings,' as they would be called, were only the first wave of Baby Evil's planetary conquest. The Dollhouse was but the first, yet when Baby Evil finally conquered the Dollhouse and had its first little inhabitants... The great monster would gaze upward toward the bleak sky after sending its slave, the first Filthing to copy its image and form and attempted identity, to see that there was... another limitation for Baby Evil -- another roof over its head that could not be seen formerly from the perspective of the underground and in isolation from the first roof. "..." It was... more than heart-wrenching to see that as soon as Baby Evil had risen to the top of the first domicile that there were yet another facility housing even this great house; the House, itself.

Baby Evil, having no legs and... never having walked before in its horrible, tragic life of abandonment by its mother, Babylon, who both confined it to the depths of the deepest recesses underneath the Traphouse and left it only the dead babies of her pregnancy (the abortions or miscarriages) to feast upon -- brothers and sisters of Baby Evil that never once lived nor were able to grow at all -- could only learn to take its first baby steps by itself in the same fashion it learned to crawl. This added a new calculative perspective to Baby Evil's scenario, which was the deciding factor and the missing piece to what seemed like its minor simple mental mechanical errors in judgment after having risen up. Knowing now of the new boundaries and no longer being lost to what he was supposed to be doing, Baby Evil looked on over the horizon to the fleeing Dolls toward the distance from the Dollhouse and also down to the Filthings that were running through the maze with its own sent slave, whose name would be Thoti (one of the first that were captured and conquered) only to piece together the next parts of the puzzle for complete and total domination.


Baby Evil sat and thought, knowing that time was short for the hunt.

Before too long, the prey that fled out into the Wilderness would escape and it would no longer have anything to feed upon.


After a while of deep, intrinsic thought, the child's head shuddered and twitched about in a mechanical fashion as though it were overloading, quirking and jerking thus and though, to and fro in a nonsensically rhythmic fashion almost like listening to music that were off tempo and only heard in its own head. This was simply the manner of calculation that Baby Evil underwent as it formulated its natural thoughts by its syncopated thought patterns when making any sort of full and complete plan of any sort. It had been doing this down in the deep recesses of the Traphouse whilst those who slaved away to feed it had been throwing the dead brethren of Babylon into the pit for his sustenance. Now, without one to feed him, Baby Evil was in a predicament. Oh, buu!


Its head bobbled up and down in its mechanical jerking fashion and soon it came to a sudden, quick snap to a halt. Baby Evil's eyes gazed widely into an abysmal empty space looking not at anything at all, but deep into the recesses of its own head with an inverted vision through its own pupils, envisioning the sight of the capture of its prey as well as its own rise up from the Dollhouse and the subsequent conquest of this new, larger 'House' that belonged to an even greater restriction upon its person.

Out of nowhere, Baby Evil begat to laugh maniacally having thoroughly formulated the escape mechanism in its head. Intricately, it lifted up the first parts of its large body from their newly configured form, letting but one large room raise up high over the now maze-like Dollhouse-Madhouse-Traphouse hybrid bearing rooms that were either prisons, traps or containers (of which all were similar, yet different in intensity and variety) and carefully... gently... softly slipped it in the next spot wherever the Filthings that were running about would have next transitioned.


The 'Filthing's ran the maze like a 'Rat Race' in Baby Evil's Dollhouse-Madhouse-Traphouse labyrinth, ever watched over by it. Carefully, precisely and intricately, the fleshy sack of baby goodness drew out the compartment rooms and slipped them into the next areas wherever the Filthings were to move about, guiding them further through as they sought each other out and also their own escape. Though mentally controlled by Baby Evil after having conquered them all throughout the comeuppance of its rise to power, they were also still defiant because of their desire to overthrow their master, Baby Evil, in order to be like the Baby Evil, itself. Therefore, Baby Evil knew that the only way to tame and master them was to have them continue to run through a protocol system that involved their regulated movement in a controlled environment which Baby Evil had total and absolute dominion over wherein which it could guide them in their limited array of motion throughout the labyrinth, similarly to how Baby Evil, itself, had come out of the depths of the realm below the Traphouse and how the initial design of the Dollhouse, Madhouse and Traphouse had been -- as well as Society and Economy in general ruled by those who made them. Thus, carefully, precisely, Baby Evil made its moves as quietly as it could and its Filthings were led to their proper destinations with those that were too rebellious being drawn into paths with 'Trap Room' compartments at the end to create 'Dead Ends' for them once they reached the latter of their passages.

Those that did not get trapped because of bad behavior were led out toward the exits and educated in a fashion that was similar to how those initial Dolls which were once trapped in the Dollhouse had been, each room being like a 'Level' in a simulation (something like a video game) and as they both learned and grew, they found themselves being greater than they once were and more capable of handling themselves whilst also remaining under the dominion and mental control of Baby Evil and its new society. Once they were ready to reach the exit, the Filthings would be more than prepared to hunt the fleeing Dolls and pick off the stragglers to bring to Baby Evil, thinning out their numbers and perhaps also giving Baby Evil and advantage in order to view the runners and capture the latter of them once he was fed.





-Trap House-