Chapter 470

Before starting training, Leon recalled how the battle against that human went. He got caught off guard two times because of the speed of his attack and because his magic projectiles ignored his Mana Armor and probably his mentality... but Leon couldn't think about his psyche all that much, since it wasn't high like his other status.

"Because I also don't fight using my fists all that much, I didn't cause much damage when I punched his neck. He messed up my stance when he activated Anti-Mana Field."

Leon decided to increase his health and stamina little by little, but he didn't expect such an event would happen so fast. He doubted that it would happen again, but he couldn't just rely on such possibilities. Until now, from the very moment, the monsters appeared, several things that Leon didn't wait for happened. Instead of imagining when that kind of thing may happen, he has to work and prepare himself for it.