Chapter 12: crazy hot quests

Chapter 12: crazy hot quests

Then she mustered up her courage again under the encouragement of Rose she slowly moved to the front door.

Right when she opened the door she heard a voice that belongs to a man.

"Max be a good boy and don't cause noise or else there will be no lunch for you today"

After that that person walked back to where and slowly the footsteps sound became low and low till they died down completely.

This person that came is none other than the cook who was 30 plus years old.

That sudden voice earlier scared Mohini to the points that her soul almost jumped out of her, even though her front door faces the back of the building.

She was sure that the man that came would have seen her if she were to step out of there.

This is because the right beside her front door is an alley way to the front of the building and at the start of the alley way there is a little spacious place where dog house is present.

That is right in front of Mohini's front door.

Along the alley way there are front doors of the other 9 rooms.

So if Mohini would have come out of front door right now the person that spoke to the dog would have a full sized view of Mohini's naked body.

Mohini collapsed there in front of her front door because of the shock she just got.

After carefully listening to the surroundings to see if there is anyone present near the door or not, Mohini gathered her courage once again to walk out of the front door naked.


Mohini opened her front door and started to peek out side through the narrow space of the opened door.

After verifying that there is no one present outside she opened the door completely.

Steeling her heart she walked out of the front door.

But there are two important things that she forgot that is

"There is a dog right beside her front door and she has a curse that releases pheromones that arouses the lust interest of all beasts that come in contact with her scent."

So as soon as she came out of the door the dog beside her front door stood up and looked at her with a gaze that it just saw the most beautiful female dog.

There is an intense lustful desire in the dog's gaze towards Mohini' naked body.

The dog did not bark or even made a sound just stood there staring at Mohini as if it did not see her Mohini would vanish from there.

Mohini remembered that the dog was still there. Being stared at even if it is just a dog still Mohini felt embarrassed.

But her attention was suddenly drawn by a notification saying

"Congratulations on completing the quest 10 quest points received."

Another notification popped out

"Congratulations on completing the quest 'being stared at by a being that can lustfully interact with you' 10 quest points received."

There is another notification immediately saying

"System will assist the user to remind the achievable quests based on the surroundings and the situations the player was in. would you accept this assistance yes or no"

Looking at this Rose said

"Mohini accept the assist, it will reduce the effort we have to put to search through all the quests."

Mohini nodded her head and with a thought she accepted the assistance of the system.

And immediately a page opened saying assistance page.

There are few quests displayed on the page that can be completed by Mohini in the current situation and surroundings.

The first quest on the assistance screen is

"'Get your pussy licked by the dog right outside your front door' on completing the quest user receives 10 quest points."

The second quest is

"'Get your ass hole licked by the dog right outside your front door' on completing the quest user receives 10 quest points."

The third quest is

"'Arouse the dog and make it cum by sucking on the dog's dick with your mouth right outside your front door' on completing the quest user receives 15 quest points."

The fourth quest is

"'get your pussy fucked by a dog and make it cum inside right outside your front door' on completing the quest user receives 100 quest points.

First time pussy being fucked by the dog gets a bonus of 100 quest points.

Pussy fucked outdoor by a dog gets a bonus of 100 quest points.

A grand total of 300 quest points can be received."

The fifth quest is

"'Get your ass hole fucked by a dog and make it cum inside right outside your front door' on completing the quest user receives 100 quest points.

First time her ass hole being fucked by the dog gets Mohini a bonus of 100 quest points.

Ass hole fucked outdoor by a dog gets a bonus of 100 quest points.

A grand total of 300 quest points can be received."

The sixth quest is

"Doing any of five quests in the broad day light gives you a bonus of 25 quest points and doing all of them at the same day and continuously with small intervals in the broad day light with minor intervals gives you an extra 250 quest points.

If it is done after the sun set there will be no bonus quest points."

"Special condition if the player was able to do the quests without being seen by any human being in the will gives you an extra 500 quest points."

This is all written on the assistance page looking at this Mohini turned as red as an apple because of blushing.

"Mohini let's do this. We require the quest points and from here on out we have to earn them this way.

I love this system so much you do too right."


you can read up to 142 chapters for 1$ patreonage in patreon:

the end of the curse removal arc is completed at 113 chapters.


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