Chapter 42: lewd god body technique

Chapter 42: lewd god body technique

After your cultivation level reached mortal level 20, the game system unlocked a body cultivation technique that is within your cultivation technique 'Kama sutra'.

This body cultivation technique is called lewd god body technique.

This technique can only be cultivated when you are being fucked.

The higher the cultivation level of the person fucking you, the better the results will be.

This technique will make your body stronger.

According to the description of the technique that is unlocked you must make your body stronger even before evening reaching the first stage of body cultivation called foundation.

There are 10 levels before foundation stage called the beginner stages.

Reaching level 1 of the beginner stage your basic strength is equal to a mortal level 10 person and reaching level 2 of the beginner stage your basic strength is equal to mortal level 20 person.

Since you're already at level 20 your body stats are boosted by some percentage.

To be precise this will make your body tough and stronger from within this will boost your overall strength and the defense level of your body.

You won't be exhausted this quickly from being fucked and your stamina and endurance will also increase by a percentage for each increment in your body cultivation level.

In order to reach first level you have to get 1000 experience points or spend 100 quest points.

They are only at level 12 so they won't be doing much damage to you.

Instead they can get you some experience for body cultivation so let them fuck you.

I forgot to say one more thing about the body cultivation technique this lewd god uses your pleasure and spirit energy to strengthen your body.

This will cause your body to look more hotty and hot to be precise lewd.

You won't feel pain instead you will only feel pleasure even if someone attacks you.

There are some other benefits that will unlock in the future.

This technique is quite good right.

See they are about to fuck you so ready yourself to activate your cultivation technique Kama sutra and the body cultivation technique lewd god body.

Also don't activate the steal skill for now, activate the steal skill at the end when they are completely exhausted that way we can steal everything from them hehe."

This time Rose ordered Zen to fuck Mohini's mouth because of her intuition.

As she thought owner raju and watchman cal decided to fuck both of Mohini's pussy and ass hole simultaneously at the same time.

Zen has already placed his dick in Mohini's mouth and started fucking her mouth.

At this moment two curvy dicks suddenly entered both of Mohini's pussy and ass hole causing her to moan loudly even though there is a fat dick of Zen in her mouth.

Owner raju's inserted his dick in Mohini's ass hole where his curvy dick rubbing the back of Mohini.

Watchman cal's dick is even longer and he inserted it into Mohini's pussy where it is rubbing with the walls of her womb because of the curve touching her deepest parts of her pussy.

"Ahaa" "humm" "ahaa"

"Ahaa" "ahaa" "imm"

This caused a great pleasure to Mohini making her moan continuously.

She has a few orgasms too.

At the same time the game system is recording her experience points

"10 experience points of body cultivation received"

"10 experience points of body cultivation received"

"10 experience points of body cultivation received"


"9 experience points of body cultivation received"


"8 experience points of body cultivation received"


At the same time the amount of experience points received continued to drop till it reached zero.

As this is happened owner raju and watchman cal cummed many times inside of Mohini's pussy and ass hole.

They have switched positions in fucking Mohini's pussy and ass hole after every time they cummed inside her.

Soon 3 hours has passed both owner raju and watchman were exhausted and because of the drain of their experience points, stat points and spirit points from them by Mohini's steal skill caused then to fall unconscious on the bed.

Mohini was unable to reach level 1 of the beginner stage body cultivation.

This is because of the low levels of people fucking her that is owner raju and watchman cal.

Since she did not reach level 1 of the beginner stage she was further exhausted.

After the three hours Rose ordered Zen to stop fucking Mohini so that they won't over do the things and cause harm to Mohini's body.

There are many bruises and cuts on her body around the areas of her pussy and ass hole.

These bruises and cuts are being healed rapidly by the energy of lust that was infused in her succubus blood when she was being fucked by owner raju and watchman cal.

The bruises and cuts are slowly healing this is because of Mohini being low leveled and the energy she obtained is far lower than that of the energy that required to heal her.

This energy is called lust energy.

This can only be obtained when she was being fucked or fucking others. This lust energy can only be absorbed by succubus blood.

This energy can heal Mohini but the process is extremely slow.

It took Mohini over 3 hours for healing all the bruises and cuts. She has recovered some of her stamina while healing.

It is 1 AM in the middle of the night, Mohini woke up and casted the controller skill on owner raju and watchman cal placing them in deep sleep.

This is so that they won't wake up and disturb any of Mohini's plans.

She stood beside the bed making some stretches to feel if her body needs any more healing. After that she started to check all the notifications she received...…..


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the end of the curse removal arc is completed at 113 chapters.

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