The knowledge book

I managed to climb the tree easily, although as night fell, I could see nothing around me but trees. I guess I'll have to wait for the morning to give me an idea of where I am. When I closed my eyes I noticed something, a question mark appeared and I remembered that I still had the knowledge book.

At the end of 2019 a virus appeared, it generated a pandemic which affected most of the countries in the world, some people considered that this could have been avoided if it were not for the poor management of the WHO. For this reason, it began to be thought that this association was useless and finally it was dissolved. Who would think that 100 years later this action would change the course of humanity?

There was a worse pandemic, accompanied by natural disasters, and all countries selfishly decided to make their decisions without the help of others or helping other countries, it was a disaster, many people suffered and many countries disappeared with them. However, there was good news after all of this, the little ideas that were the solution to this tragedy came from the least expected people.

For this reason, at the end of the crisis, it was decided to generate a system that would store the knowledge of all humanity throughout history and this knowledge should be accessible to all humanity. This was called the book of knowledge and with advances in technology, this book was implemented in the minds of all human beings at birth.