¿What should I eat?

It is quite easy to say that I will go to the river searching for humans but getting there is more difficult to achieve. Although my speed increases with my change of species, my size is small, as are my legs, so traveling long distances is quite complex. Not to mention that I must be looking around me and I have not eaten anything since yesterday. Still, there is no time to complain, I must quickly go to meet humans.

The more I walked, the more tired I was and the hungrier I became. I need to find something to eat quickly. I guess I am a carnivore, right? But I have never hunted in my life and less with this body. Maybe I should try, it is not that I am only thinking about food, the truth is that the more time passes I stop thinking rationally and the only thing I think about is finding food.

Could it be that am I losing my humanity? That thought terrifies me, you may think that the life of animals is simpler than that of humans. But I don't know where I heard a true phrase: "No one would change the life of a human for the life of a pig" and this clearly shows what I think, I prefer to be a human trapped in the body of an animal than to have the thought of this.

It may seem that I am rambling a lot, but the truth is that I do not know what really happened, at one moment I was thinking about the hunger I have and the next I find a bloody rabbit in my mouth. It seems that my animal instinct took control of my mind while I was distracted. I must be careful with that in the future.

I was disgusted by eating the animal in this way, but hunger won, and it is increasing the fear of losing my conscience. It was not good or ugly, it was food and I had to eat it if I wanted to live one more day. Maybe the rest of my life is like this, live one more day.

But wait... there's more?