Who wears a loincloth?

In fear of my near death I ran as fast as possible to the forest without much thought. However, because of my nervousness I did not notice that my surroundings changed. And that instead of walking away from humans, I was walking towards them. When I realized it, it was too late. I was already surrounded by humans.

I decided to implement plan b, I mean, I wanted to be seen small and helpless enough to cause pity. For cats it works quite well, so why wouldn't it work the same for me? So I lay down on my back and raised my legs and moved them.

But, I don't know if my plan worked or not. Since the human gaze around me was not what was expected, instead of being seen with pity or protective wishes. The humans around me looked at me with surprise and shame in their eyes. Some even turned around and tried not to look at my direction with their cheeks flushed.

What was going on here? Why they are seeing me in that way? And wait, what are those clothes they are wearing! Those are loincloths? Who wears loincloths in this century? Did the plane crash into a forest where a time-trapped tribe lives? Someone save me! I want to go back to my home!