Chapter 22: The Golden egg V

I kept looking for options and I found the only skill that would be useful to me, a system that teaches you a new language. It was not among the first options since, unlike a skill like higher speed, this becomes obsolete in the event that you do not come across a new language.

However, in my case this is the skill that works best for me since, although it may become obsolete in the future, my goal in my current state is to understand the society in which I find myself and to understand language is basic for this purpose. So without much thought I accept this option.

By accepting it, a menu of use was opened to me, It works by a system that expects that every day I connect to the knowledge book and this gives me a lesson in the language that I want to learn. When choosing this new nameless language, I get an alert message saying that considering that not much is known about this language yet, the only thing that the system can help me is improving my pronunciation. Upon learning of this I was quite disappointed and frustrated since, I cannot pronounce words, due to my condition as an animal, therefore, this ability does not help me at all.

Disappointed I decided to log out, but at that moment I remembered that there is an extra skill found in the knowledge book. This ability is in the alpha version so it is not very useful and is easily discarded.