Chapter 26: Birth Ceremony II

Arlem Ophyris

I am glad to know that during the days that I was not in the tribe there were no major complications and although due to my new daughter we were not there the time we generally spent hunting we have enough prey for the moment. This new member in my family generates some complications that I must resolve before going hunting again. Our hut is too small to raise a new calf, so I must build a new hut and we will have to prepare everything for the birth ceremony.

Although the calf looks quite small so it should not be very old and it seems that there is time to perform the ceremony, it is not known with certainty if its size is due to its age or because it has not grown properly. Likewise, her actions worry me a little, it is somewhat strange and her life in the forest could have affected her psychologically, she may not understand how to act as a human being. She may have spent so much time in the woods or had some traumatic experience so you don't remember that she is of human descent and when she regains her human form, she may not be able to understand the change. That would be a complete disaster since, the reason why I spared her life and brought her to this tribe is so that she can act like my daughter and ensure that my children can live in peace.

I remember when I was with my wife and we thought about having babies, the emotion that I felt. When the twins were born, I was extremely proud and glad that my wife had accepted me as her partner. Although they were not girls, I felt that we were young, and we still had a lot of time to have the children we wanted. I never expected that the tribe would be attacked and that the only survivors would be me and my children.

Although some years have passed and I have achieved the title as the head of the tribe, I have not yet managed to make my children safe and grow up without complications. I still need to use a small baby that was forgotten by her family to secure mine. It is very unfair to her, so if she is able to make it through the birth ceremony, no matter what happens in the future I will make sure to take care of her as if she were my own daughter.