My new life II

When the discomfort of the situation reached an unsustainable level and I was debating between running away and confessing everything I knew. The older man began to speak.

-Ahem, this situation is somewhat strange ...-

-I guess you I should start by introducing us ...-

- I am Arlem Ophyris and these are my children, Quinn Ophyris and Avon Ophyris-

Twin A appears to be Quinn and twin B is Avon.

-I do not know if this is working ... Can you understand me? If you do it by nodding. -

Arlem looks quite nervous as he speaks, so I nod my head and try to introduce myself.

-I am…-

As I entered, I was debating whether to say my real name. Arlem interrupts me.

-Oh! You can understand us correctly, that is great! Do not worry about your name, I know you do not know who you are, and you do not have any real name.

He says to me while giving me an awkward smile.

-I am sorry, I still have not thought of a name for you, I confess that the idea of ​​giving you a name did not cross my mind. For now, you must know that your last name is Ophyris and that they are your brothers from now on. -

- What am I saying? Can you understand what I am saying? -

I go back to attend with my head not knowing how to respond to what he says. I must be making a funny face as everyone looks at me with a frown and the situation becomes as uncomfortable as it was at the beginning.

-Ahem, are you hungry? Eat something first and I will leave you so you can get to know your brothers. I must go out to do some things.

Arlem said as he pointed to a corner where there was raw meat and then ran out of the house.

When I return to being human, I did not consider that I would have to eat raw meat again with my hands. Being an animal, this behavior is quite acceptable, but as a human, bloody meat does not sound attractive at all. However, I notice that the brothers are staring at me and I feel the social pressure to consume the meat. So, I can only accept my dark future and consume raw meat. I sit next to the brothers and little by little I bring the meat to my mouth. When I started to smell and think about the sensation and taste in my mouth ...

Noises are heard outside that distract the brothers from me. So, I take the opportunity to hide the meat inside a piece of skin.