My New Life IV

After breakfast, the brothers left the house and told me to stay in it. I accepted his request, but as soon as they left, I decided to leave. I was hungry and if I wanted to eat something, I had to make the bloody piece of meat edible. When I left the hut there was no one around me, so I was able to move easily to the river. In this, I began to wash the meat to remove the blood. I wish I had something better to clean it than river water. But considering the situation, it is the best I can get.

Although the meat was no longer bloody, I still did not want to eat it. I remembered all the diseases and bacteria that could be in it. So, I decided to find a method to cook it and disinfect it. Making a campfire was a possible option, but I felt that doing it caught a lot of attention. Other than that, it was a forest and it could cause a fire if I were not careful, so I decided to go for a second option, lemon.

Yes, I know it sounds strange, but in college, I took a molecular cooking course, and in it, I learned several strange things about food. Among them, it was one way to "cook food" in a safe way killing bacteria and different microorganisms that can cause disease, that way is to use pH and if we talk about an acid that can be consumed and found in nature easily, it is lemon. So, I set out to look for it in the undergrowth. It was not easy, but finally, I found it, I broke the lemon with a stone and added all the meat.

When I was sure there was no space left in the meat without lemon, I prepared myself to eat the piece of meat. I will not lie; it was the worst piece of meat I have ever consumed in my life. The flavor was very unpleasant when I was an animal, my tastes were simpler, so the raw meat did not bother me. But when I returned to my human form, my taste buds became more demanding and could not bear this kind of food. Next time I roast it and then I will make the lemon.