Holy II

Avon Ophyris


Everything about my new sister is wrong. Why doesn't she understand how she should behave? Why can't she act like girls her age and indulge herself at home all day? She is supposed to be our salvation, but she is being nothing but a bloody torment.

- Brother, calm down! Quinn said

- I do not understand why you defend her! All it does is get us in trouble. -

-It is just a little girl, don't you see? Although she acts a little older for her age, if you look closer you will notice that she always has a scared look. Please brother, she can not even speak well. Do not tell me that you have not noticed that in the middle of a few sentences, she falls silent, closes her eyes and frowns, and then continues speaking. -

-But ... we only need her ... -

- No! From the day she did the ceremony, she has been our sister. Why don't you understand that she is the gift the goddess sent us to our tribe? And we, our family had the great blessing of having her under our care. She knows so much; she can contribute a lot to our tribe. We need her for much more than just being our life insurance. -

-Brother you do not understand, I know you want life in the tribe to be better for everyone and what you want is very noble. That is why I must make sure that you live long enough to meet your goals. It is my responsibility as your brother. -

-Avon ... I am not your only brother ... for better or for worse, now we have a new sister, and we have the responsibility to take care of her. Today she did wrong, but it is normal, he does not know much about our customs, and what we must do now is teach her how to live correctly. -

-Quinn may be right ... I am sorry ... -

-It is not to me who you owe an apology. I am going to take her to the healer, he will keep her busy, out of trouble, and thus be useful to the tribe. - Quinn said as he left.

No, she is just life insurance, I will never treat her like my sister. Quinn is too soft to notice that she is nothing but trouble walking. If she is not able to act on her own, I will see to it that she stays calm as a doll, which she should be.