The Forest of Oblivion II

One day when the teachings of the tribe had just finished the priestess spoke to me.

-Wait! Little girl I have to talk to you- she said smiling.

To be honest, the situation did not inspire much confidence in me. However, due to my title as a saint, I didn't worry too much.

-Yes priestess?

-Your ceremony is in a few days and I still think you are not ready. So, I think the best thing is that I give you some additional classes so that you learn more about this world-

-It would be an honor-

-I'm glad you think so, please follow me-

-Wait a moment, I'm going with you- Avon said

He still feels that he must take care of every step I take.

-I'll go too- Quinn said

-No problem, let's all go together- said the priestess with a big smile on her face.

At that moment I thought that what the priestess wanted was to take my brothers and that I was just the bait. Unfortunately, it was too late, I couldn't say no anymore. Also, what is your intention with them?

The priestess took us out of the tribe, through a place where she had never been, it was a great cliff where at the bottom you could see a large and forced forest. Not a single clearing was visible and I'm pretty sure it must be very dark within it.

"Have you ever seen the forest of oblivion?" The priestess commented.

-No, never been around here? -

-The forest of oblivion, is partly a prison, it is the place where the greatest criminals of the nearby tribes are exiled, do you know why? -

-Because the only ones in that forest you cannot return to your human form- Quinn answered

-Very good Quinn! You have always been very clever. However, there is more, in that forest a great secret is hidden, they say that at sunset a light shine, that it always changes place, but it is always there. It is said that this light is part of the goddess and if you find it the goddess considers you a wish. However, it never gets out of the forest, the problem is not finding the light. The problem is that the light will never leave the forest. Oh, look! We are already in the sunset; can you see the light? –

My brothers turned to look at the forest, however, I did not turn around, but looked at the priestess. Thanks to that I saw the moment when she stretched her arms to try to push them off the cliff. Without much thought, I pulled towards them and managed to push them to safety. However, I slipped and ended up falling into the forest.

The last thing I saw when I fell was everyone's look of terror.