Enya I


I don't know how long I was unconscious.

I only remember vague conversations while my whole body ached, and with a little bit of fever.

- fracture ... scar ... a month ... -

-Food ... death ... hunger ... -

-Priestess ... prestige ... 5 years ... -

-Forest… Helge… oh! Helge ... -

When I finally woke up, I was lying on the floor in "my room" inside the hut where I had lived the last few months. Although I felt much better than before, I was still somewhat sore, and I could see my arm immobilized with some branches tied with ropes. In the same way, notice my torso covered by leaves covered in a liquid smelling of herbs. It was clear that they had cared for my wounds in the best way known to them, although the wound on my back was still burning.

As I was trying to stand up, Quinn appeared in the doorway, he seemed astonished to see me awake and for a moment he stood motionless on the door.

-Sis… Sister, you woke up! - He said it shouting and approaching me.

I tried to give him a small smile while he trembled as he tried to help me up. After seeing him so nervous I just wanted to get up and tell him I was fine, but my throat felt a little hoarse.

-I'm ... thirsty ... - Those were the only words I managed to say after much effort.

Quinn looked at me somewhat puzzled, indecisive, and concerned. I realized that he didn't know how to help me stand up and give me something to drink at the same time. It was kind of funny to see him be so clumsy since he is always so clever.

To his good luck, "my father" and Avon appeared in the room and after his initial surprise, my father came out of the room to get me something to drink. In the end, Quinn reacted and didn't let me stand up, but instead helped me sit up comfortably. While Avon just stared at me.

A little later my father arrived with a canteen of water and when I started to drink it Avon managed to wake up from the shock.

- Enya ... – he just whispered that word.

I looked in the book of knowledge if I had heard that word before and if its meaning was known, at first there were no results, but finally, I found out that it meant little fire. I didn't understand what he meant so I could only look at him puzzled and ask him.

-Enya? -

-Yes, that's your name- my father answered.

The truth about the name was something that had me worried, although I have been living in this new world for several months and I am already more aware that it is very likely that I will not be able to return home, my name is the only thing that remains of my previous life and would not want to give it up.

However, I couldn't tell them what my real name was, so I could only look at them with a frown.