The visit and memories

After meeting Victor, Denver was irresistible to meet his best Cully Raegan. He thought to have a visit to the forest and greet Devil Hipon. The very next day he went to Lord Meldom to ask for allowance to go to the woods. Lord Meldom agreed and told his ministers to make some arrangements in the woods for Denver's comfortable stay.

Denver left for woods with some ministers accompanying him. In the woods pavilions were made along the banks of river Prane.

Denver reached the forest and it was already twilight. The ministers asked Denver to rest and visit the woods the next day morn. Denver agreed and started looking upon the tents made beautifully with all kinds of sufficient requirements. Denver praised the pavilion makers and went to his camp for a rest.

Next morn, Denver was ready and pretty excited to visit the woods and meet his cullies after a long gap. Raegan and Victor were aware with his arrival and were present in front of his pavilion waiting for there meet after so long. Denver came out and was astonished to see Raegan in complete black dress of a witch. Denver's face was glowing with happiness and excitement. They together had some brunch and then went to the woods to meet the witches who taught Denver these years lately.

All the witches were very condemned to see Denver back after a long break. The head Witch who performed the ritual to attain Denver and Piouson was worried for Denver turning 16 and soon asap 20 too.

Denver asked the head witch about her health and the rituals she lately started. The witches started remembering the past with Denver in his childhood.

One of the witches brought a black cat and asked Denver if he remembered the cat incident. Denver and Raegan looked at each other and started laughing out loud. Victor asked Raegan about the cat's incident. Raegan was laughing so hard that she could not even utter her words. Continuing the conversation Denver told Victor that in his childhood he was so afraid of falcons that once when during a practice the head witch asked him to hold the falcon in his shoulder in horridness he turned the falcon into a black cat and started crying when the cat snatched his shoulder, Raegan stood there and took the cat away from Denver's shoulders. The witches also laughed and said",It was the first time when we saw such state of Denver". The falcon was the same black cat turned into a cat by Denver.

After rewinding some memories, the head witch asked Denver to have a visit to Devil Hipon. Denver agreed and asked Raegan and Victor to accompany him.Victor was a common human and so was afraid to visit the cave without a dead body to offer Devil Hipon and refused Denver to go to the cave, Denver made him believe that Hipon will cause no harm to Victor or any human. Victor trusted the words of Denver and accepted his invitation.

They three went to the cave along with some witches, Devil Hipon sensed the presence of Denver and greeted him with a praise:

The great presence that's entering my cave,

Dear majesty, you are the bravest of braves

May your heart get more love,

Ohh I see you got some nove.

Denver said", Indeed, the love worthy heart got some love for you too."

Devil Hipon welcomed all his guests into his cave and greeted them politely. After some talks the devil asked Denver about Victor's presence in the cave, Denver told Hipon that he is a normal human and lives nearby woods. Devil Hipon asked Denver to make Victor move out of the cave because no common human should enter the cave which lead to the underworld of Hades or otherwise there was no way to bring the human back. Denver asked about himself, that could he enter the afterlife and again come back, Devil Hipon didn't answered his question but said that time teaches all the answers to everyone's queries. After some talks, all of them left the cave and Denver went back to the palace wishing a hearty goodbye to Raegan and Victor.