The Fifteen Dragon Wings

In the most popular inn of Helios, called [Heavenly Haven], a group of acolytes were discussing around a table filled with empty glasses of spiritual wine, a drink that was potent enough to affect the unnaturally high constitution and spirit of acolytes.

"Hey, have you heard the latest news?", a rank 1 acolyte asked his peers

"Nah…I've been stuck in the library trying to understand this superfluid theory for my alchemy experiments…", the pale man wearing glasses said

The pale man was none other than the alchemist who had brewed toxins for Drake as a favour. Although he was just a rank 1 acolyte, he was treated as a rank 2 acolyte and had access to restricted knowledge from the second floor of the library because of his talent in alchemy.

Many tried to be his friends ever since he became a rank 2 acolyte. However, when he heard his friend's voice telling him the news, he was shocked:

"You know Drake Moonlight, right?", the other man said

"Yeah, this annoying guy made me work for him for free. But I guess I know him, he is a grade 5 talent after all. This is the kind of people you want to connect with if you want to climb the social ladder in Helios"

"Oh, really? Well, he joined the sentinel a few months ago, and he had been hunting magical beasts ever since then, after gathering a team of super-strong knights! Jean Prio, Franklin…All of these infamous acolyte bullies who used their fighting strength as a means to extort us in markets and such are now crippled. There have been some rumours that Jean Prio's family was wiped out as a result…"

"…", an eerie silence settled in the tavern

Drake's rise to prominence had instituted a lot of fear from regular rank 1 acolytes. It wasn't as if rank 2 acolytes didn't have any fame, but most of them were just old men who would rather spend their last years in a laboratory conducting experiments instead of going in dangerous missions.

Acolytes walked the path of knowledge. Going to the library, making experiments in laboratories, gathering in some acolyte salons to discuss research, such was the daily life of rank 2 and rank 3 acolytes in Helios. With their rank and status, they could live an extravagant lifestyle, using their faction's resources to strengthen themselves without having to go outside and risk their lives.

Some of the most extreme acolytes hadn't left Helios for decades, preferring the calm and comfortable life they were going through. Respect, flatteries from rank 1 acolyte had rendered the upper hierarchy dull and inactive.

But of course, there were some exceptions, like Marianne Deville, arena master, descendant of Magus Jackal. In fact, besides a few exceptions like Necromancer Derrick or Flame Demon Bolton, most of the famous acolytes were either rank 1 acolyte like Drake who completed many missions in a short timeframe or magus' disciples, making errands and expeditions on their master's behalf like Marianne.

Ironically, it was a bit disappointing to see them so afraid of risks. Knowledge was important, but the best way to turn knowledge into power was practice. Life and death battles, hunts, missions, expeditions, investigations…These were the things that stimulated an acolyte's potential. With such comfort and such a lifestyle, it wasn't very surprising for the number of magi decreasing over the years.

It was not a secret. Everyone knew that completing missions would grant them more funds, and strengthen them at some point. But how many would risk their lives to get slightly stronger when a few months of meditation and research could have the same effects?

Drake understood their point of view, but he had too much ambition to follow the examples of his peers. Statistics were enough for him to follow his heart. The Magi's autobiographies shared one common point: they were freaks who had both talent and the guts to go risking their lives in missions.

Since Drake's goal was to become a magus, he didn't think twice before raising this little sentinel elite unit of his and go on patrols. Unlike before, he wasn't under the jurisdiction of the acolytes dispatched in the areas he went to, but instead, he was an independent hunting team.

The more monsters he hunted, the more magic crystals he received as a reward. He sold about half of the valuable organs from magical beasts he harvested with the Fifteen Dragon Wings, and used the rest for his personal research.

"Shadow Crossbowmen, focus on the Blood Vulture's wings! Cripple its movements!", Drake shouted.

Immediately, 5 bolts were shot at a terrifying speed, finding their way into the Blood Vulture's nerves. After awkwardly failing to stabilize itself, the blood vulture fell on the ground with eyes radiating hatred. It suddenly opened its mouth, and a dark red energy was being condensed.

[Blood Ray], a spell that was enough to destroy an army of fifty soldiers.

Drake felt goose bumps upon sensing the amount of mana that was being condensed in this medium-sized bolt of dark red energy.

"Everyone, Turtle formation!", he then shouted while casting [Wind Barrier].

The blood ray then reached Drake and his 14 subordinates, breaking through the wind barrier. His spell succeeded in absorbing more than 70% of the blood ray's destructive power. It was to be expected, since Drake was just a rank 1 acolyte.

It was all part of the plan. As soon as the wind shield broke, Rey and 4 of the strongest peak knights of the [Fifteen Dragon Wings] moved forward and formed a line of defence, carrying huge rectangular shields of the finest quality, enhanced with the [Magical Resistance] rune.

The remaining of the blood energy didn't even force the 5 knights to step back. The blood ray was dispelled as soon as it contacted the shields.


Drake said as he moved forward, followed by 4 peak knights carrying Great Swords.

It was a cold-blooded hunt. The Great swords descended on the Blood Vulture and reached its vital organs. Drake's sword was suddenly illuminated in blue light. Sharpness, strength, technique…The blade descended on the Blood Vulture's neck and beheaded the 6-meters-long Blood Vulture.

This was a rank 2 magical creature, but they had succeeded in chasing it down and killing it. Four days of chase in the Scorching Desert. This is the time they spent chasing this beast. But seeing it lying on the ground, lifeless, everyone felt pride.

They had, after all, succeeded in taking down a rank 2 creature, something that could destroy cities, decimate an army and even kill someone as strong as a careless Grand-Knight with its [Blood Ray] spell.

As Drake proficiently cut down through the thick skin of the monster, he rejoiced.

[Blood Vulture's Magical Core – Grade 2 Material]

Something that couldn't be bought on the market due to the low supply and high demand. A Grade 2 Magical Core. With this material in hands, it was only a matter of time before he would become a rank 2 acolyte.

After rejoicing for a while, Rey approached Drake and said: "Congratulations, boss! We have taken down this monster! To be honest, when you came up with this plan, I didn't really believe in it. Even though I am fully aware that we possess enough strength and experience to take down one, everyone has heard of their tendency to fly away the moment they feel threatened"

"Well, it's thanks to everyone's hard work!", Drake congratulated Rey and the others.

Although he suddenly became an acolyte, and a promising one, he didn't forget his roots. Knights were due respect, and he just gave them proper treatment. After all, his subordinates would take arrows for him if the need arose. They were more than just a team, they were the [Fifteen Dragon Wings], the strongest sentinel attacking force.

Drake looked at the 5 Grand Roman shields he had enchanted. This was his biggest achievement in the past month.

[Grand Roman Shield – Grade 1 Enchanted Gear

Absorb up to 8 degrees of magical damage, and up to 12 degrees of physical damage]

It was really lacking when compared to his enchanted armour set, but the book and materials to craft these five shields only cost him 70 magic crystals. It was expensive, but he was ready to compromise. There were only two weeks left before he joined Marianne's expedition.

Looking at the Magical Core from the beast he just took down, Drake's eyes flashed with anticipation:

'Just wait…I will definitely manage to break through in the two following weeks'