A Brief Overview of Masulan's Races

Succubi are sexual creatures as expected. High libidos by nature of what they are — demons that thrive off sex. Although incarnations of lust, they have an oddly romantic attribute to them: They can only have children with people they actually love.

Succubi will only ovulate with partners they love. Incubi will only have virile seed with partners they love.

Succubi and Incubi live roughly for about 140 to 200 years depending on their particular bloodline.

Greater Succubi and Incubi can live upwards of 300 years, affording them a solid position in terms of longevity amongst the races of Masulan.

Elves live for thousands of years depending on their particular bloodline. Wood elves live for about a thousand years before they pass away. Dark elves live a little bit less than a thousand years — between 800 and 900 years.

Half-elves naturally exist, though they are hard to come by as it is difficult for elves to create children with other races. They usually live a little bit less than their pureblood relatives, but they'll easily outlive even the oldest Greater Succubus. Elf blood is powerful, indeed.

High Elves are closest to being avatars of nature, conduits of Masulan's unconscious will — as in the planet's soul. They can live indefinitely, but that is not a verifiable fact because the oldest High Elf only lived for about four thousand years before he willingly departed from the world and retreated into the land itself.

Elves have a notoriously difficult time of having children; High-Elves have it even worse, to the point that it often takes decades of attempts at best for a High-Elf couple to conceive.

Demons are a sultry bunch with a penchant for the dark. Used to only be able to survive in environments with exceedingly high levels of Mana — which often transformed and corrupted animals beyond recognition, creating the infamous feral "monsters" of yore.

Thanks in part to the Fifty Wisemen, Demonkind as a whole is no longer limited to the dangerous environments they once were bound to wander. This groundbreaking change along with continued diplomatic efforts from the rest of the world eventually lead to a cessation of hostilities between them and their former adversaries.

The horned fellows live for roughly 150 years on average, give or take a decade or two.

Archdemons, better known as "Demon Nobility" in the past live a little longer, at about 200 years.

And demonic royalty, as in descendants of the ancient Demon Lord can expect to enjoy a lifespan somewhere within the range of 300 years.

Vampires are a special bunch in as they are not endemic to Masulan at all. They were not created by Nothric, the Creator God of Masulan. The bloodsuckers were born by accident when a certain bat species developed a strain of disease under the shenanigans of a mad blood mage more than a thousand years ago.

Only humans, the weakest race in all of Masulan, are susceptible to the strain of vampirism brought on by the Nightshade Bat.

Demons are unaffected by the strain. Elves develop a runny nose and a cold for several days before they recover. Succubi develop a rash that is best described as maddening for several days until it subsides.

For countless years, it was commonly believed that vampires were a type of demon when they were, in fact, something completely different altogether. These days, vampirism is treatable if taken care of before the infection completely takes hold of the victim.

Most families even have their children contract vampirism early on and then have it treated away. Once it is cured the first time, the body develops natural immunity to it for life.

In any case, vampirism is completely understood and vampires are no longer hunted down and persecuted for their affliction. They enjoy normal lives and live for about 400 years with their enhanced constitutions.

There are different strains of vampirism and they each have their own benefits and detriments. The common version that most people have is known as the "Daywalker" variant.

It's the weakest version of vampirism such that victims of this strain need not even fear the rays of the sun. For the most part, they can even consume regular food as well, in addition to blood if they prefer. They also enjoy a small boost to their physical capabilities compared to their former selves.

The Daywalker variant of the disease offers very little benefits compared to the more extreme strains. A Daywalker will be only slightly faster and stronger than a normal human and has no discernable increase in lifespan, either. Thus it is considered more of a bug than a life-altering affliction.

More severe variants of the disease grant even further enhancements to one's physical capabilities in return for a severe weakness to sunlight and an increased desire for blood as their main source of nutrition. The "Nightstalker" variant, in particular, is so potent that it drives the afflicted victims partially insane if they do not consume blood regularly.

A Nightstalker is several orders stronger than the average human, to the point that their physical capabilities can be considered superhuman. They can move faster than the human eye can perceive for a short burst of time and can react to threats in record time. These Nightstalkers are considered "true" vampires in their community and can live upwards of 400 years thanks to their inhuman bodies.

Dwarves are a stout, burly people that used to inhabit the mountains and underground in subterranean metropolises of their own making in the ancient past. Paranoid of other races trying to steal their creations, they were often known to keep away from the surface and preferred to hole up in their fortress cities underground.

Smiths, inventors, craftsmen, and heavy drinkers characterized them best but these days they have opened up to the rest of the world. They can be seen everywhere where innovation is present and are the creators of almost every modern city on the surface along with their local infrastructure.

These loveable halfmen can live upwards of 300 years on average before they kick the can.

Orcs are a hardy, silent race of troubled people with a haunted past. Once they were nothing more than a primitive tribe manipulated by Demonkind for their wars, these people have broken the hold their former masters had on them and have freed themselves.

They are everything but violent in modern times and have become unified under the concept of justice, liberty, and truth. Orc-kind has made impressive strides to seek and impose their belief that people can change and aspire to be better.

It is very common to see young Orcs follow academic pathways in pursuit of criminology, law, and the political sciences. These green fellows often live around 120 years or so before they pass away.

Humans are amongst the weakest of races but are the most numerous in terms of demographics. They are shortlived in comparison to every other race on Masulan, living only 100 years on average before they die. This, of course, is much more than their previous lifespan before the Fifty Wisemen arrived, though. Before they arrived, it was rare for a human to live past 60.

This race has a special status on Masulan in the way that they are credited indirectly for the salvation of Masulan since the Fifty Wisemen were all humans. They hold the most power in the current administration because of this little fact and have used their power to keep themselves afloat in a world filled with much more powerful races than themselves.

The age of might makes right is over — only the smartest and most cunning are victors in the new age of information... and humans have no limit to their imaginations.