Chapter 161 - The Counterattack Begins

About a day later, late evening on the 26th of January, I was outside the north side of the wall surrounding Silvland, along with the forty-seven others who were a part of this. Eight of the nine stop-watches had been divided between the three groups, with one given to the diversionary team, the rest each going to the people that were most likely to successfully reach their respective rendezvous points. 

From the sixteen that'd be heading for the castle, I was given one of three stopwatches, while the other two went to Valaque and Lagusa. From the sixteen that would be heading west, the three that were given stopwatches were Selesa, Les and a lapdog. And from the sixteen going east, it was Yuur and Siert who were given the remaining two stopwatches. All the stopwatches were in sync, and we'd start the attack the moment the timer reached ten minutes, which would be when the diversion to the west would be launched.