Chapter 187 - Apprentice vs Underclassmen

"You smell kinda weird, Bro."

"That'd be the weed."

"Oh, I's kinda sour-smelling. And pretty strong too, I feel like the scent is choking me."

Well, I did just spend a significant amount of time in a hotbox, or coldbox, with plenty of buds' worth of smoke lit up, so it was inevitable that some of the smell would linger on my clothes. I was currently on the way to a training facility with Mika, and based on her expression, she was finding the smell of weed kinda overwhelming. 

Oh, I'd made the suggestion to Erhtaph that we should make some training facilities outside of the Academy and Guild training rooms, so that Adventurers and aspiring Adventurers would have more options when it came to training. He took my suggestion and implemented it, and now, there were plenty of building you could book training rooms in.