Chapter 232 - Demonic Attack

Point-of-View: Fuo Wesroh


"If we can't do anything to stop the Demons...that what should we do!?" Ekai snapped urgently, as we hid and watched, "Why are we hiding!?" 

"Because no matter how strong we are, if a Demon tries to possess us, we can't stop them...after that, when they try to take over our minds, we may be able to resist them, but I'd rather not take that chance, because if we fail, we effectively die. Though on the other hand, if we succeed, the Demon's consciousness will cease to exist, effectively killing them, that's the only way to defeat a Demon...but like I said, I'd rather not take that chance, it's too risky. Let's teleport back to the Rustlands and report this. If I remember right, Aurich Goldway was in the Rustlands when we left, not here, he might still be there."

"Fine, I suppose that we can't really do anything h-," He began, before being interrupted as someone suddenly appeared behind us.