Chapter 239 - The Attack Commences

Point-of-View: Fuo Wesroh


Today was the 1st of March...yeah, that's right, it was the day of the attack. It was currently around 11 AM, and so good. All the S-Ranked Adventurers and the strongest of the A-Ranked Adventurers were spread throughout the streets and atop the walls, keeping an eye out for any sign of the enemy. Yeah, the latter was technically the job of the guards, the past, they had proven to be kinda bad at their job. 

The rest of the Adventurers were all patrolling the streets, and they were equipped with a tool called a flare gun. They were to fire those weapons straight up into the air if they encountered any enemies. Additionally, a few A-Ranks were at the palace to guard the king, royals and other important figures, who were holed up inside a hidden basement in the castle.