Chapter 266 - The Power of the Summons(Part 7)

"Cats are better." 

"Sure, they're cute and all, but come on, dude, dogs are way better!" did I get dragged into this argument anyway? 

It started when Rai and Key came over, along with a puppy...yeah, they got themselves a pet. It was a small black, brown and white puppy with floppy ears...I think it's called a beagle? I don't exactly dislike dogs, but I don't like them either. It's probably how most people feel about trees, no real opinion on them in terms of like or dislike. Well, not counting environmentalists and vegans, I guess. 

Anyway, their puppy was pretty lively, and it came over to me and licked my hand, so I patted it a couple of times...Rai was unable to process the fact that that's all I did, instead of going all gaga over it. He then went on a rant about how cute and amazing dogs are...and once he was done, I responded with 'yeah, but cats are better'. 

And that's how this argument started.