Chapter 273 - Chaos in the Rustlands II(Part 4)

Point-of-View: Belia Lasmodeus


Well, this is off to a great start. Battles are raging all over the Rustlands, there's a lot more blood being spilt than last time at a much faster rate...which is to be expected, since we have twenty times the number of Silvland pawns this time, plus the fact that the Rustlands has also increased its numbers in the same way, using Corruption Magic...though we still outnumbered them by about five to one.

I mean, what's the point if we don't cause more death and destruction than last time, right? Repetition makes for poor chaos, gotta change things up. Now, then, let's see how things are going...I used my Observation Magic to check up on the main players on both sides...looks like plenty of juicy clashes are underway already.