Chapter 314 - Attack on the Elves(Part 9)

Point-of-View: Sylvar Miirphys


Green streaks appeared in my hair as I unleashed my full power, a blind fury taking over me as I couldn't contain my rage. The fact that I was once longer matters to me. I'm no longer a member of this vile species...and I'm more than happy to help purify this world by driving them to extinction. 

"Careful, this one seems to be especially powerful!" Exclaimed one of the humans, a guy with dark pink hair, with his left eye freshly blinded. 

"Not gonna lie, I don't think I can help much anymore," Replied the other one with a grimace, a woman with green hair and a missing right arm. 

"Alright, then, leave this to me," Remarked the guy, standing in front of her defensively with his spear in his hands, "Bring it on, and I'll advise you not to underestimate m-."