Chapter 391 - Attack on Abyss(Part 3)

Point-of-View: Rion Xester 


So, those are Sant's reindeer, huh? They're pretty tough, from the looks of it. I'd been sent to deal with the enemy group that was approaching from the south, which was led by a pair of reindeer. They had bashed through the barrier using their antlers and then shepherded their troops in to fight the monsters that Kuro had summoned. 

In each direction, north, south, east and west, Kuro had deployed the same formation...the first line of defense, a little ways inside the physical defensive barrier, were the monsters, a hundred thousand of them in each direction. 

And once their effectiveness wears off and the enemy begins to push back, Kuro will reverse summon them, and depending on the circumstances, summon them right back amidst the enemy's ranks to throw them into chaos.