Chapter 418 - Valentine's Day(Part 2)

Point-of-View: Sylvar Miirphys


How would Bell describe me using just one word...? Hm...yeah, no, I don't have a clue. 

I mean, plenty of words have synonyms, right, so even if I do guess what kind of meaning she'd go for in describing me, guessing the exact word she'd use is next to impossible! 

Plus, I'd imagine that she'd go for something positive, and if I go with something like 'cool' or 'awesome' and guess wrong, I'll end up looking really narcissistic and arrogant! Well, I'm pretty sure she won't use words like that anyway.

Since she's always hanging around me these days, I can tell that her manner of speech is changing slightly thanks to my influence, but at this point, it's still a pretty minor change. 

"Ahem, have you not decided on an answer yet? We do not technically have a time limit for how long you can take to answer, but, uh...," Spoke up the Vampire sheepishly.