Chapter 423 - Valentine's Day(Part 7)

Point-of-View: Rai Rumel


Hah, got him! Kuro definitely doesn't look too pleased about this! But, uh, let's just hope that this doesn't backfire and I end up getting hit with a paintball. 

"Paintball Russian roulette, the third and final game of the contest, will now begin. This gun has been cast with a spell that causes it to misfire eighty percent of the time, you will each pass it around and pull the trigger while pointing it at may either point it at your head or your chest. The game will keep going until only one person is left standing, unless both members of a couple are eliminated first. Begin," Instructed the Vampire, before handing me the gun. 

Huh? Wait, hold on a it's not just one person that's gonna get blasted? It's at least two, and up to three!? I, uh...I don't like these odds!