Chapter 476 - The Devourer(Part 6)

Point-of-View: Lidui Uensh


"Hey, I really don't like this...we're heading straight for him, but he's staying exactly where he is. He has the sensory Support Magic technique, so he can probably sense us coming, which means...this could be a trap, no, it's almost definitely a trap!" I whispered sharply. 

"Or maybe he's just asleep, or awake with that power inactive," Pointed out Lily with an indifferent shrug. 

Damn it, not all of us are as indifferent to dying as you are! 

"Even if he is mentally older, his physical body is eight years old, and will not have anywhere near as much stamina as an adult," Added Druj objectively. 

"And besides, even if this is a trap, and he uses invisibility and intangibility to sneak up on us, we can use our crystal screens to keep track of his exact position," Said Lily, as she held up hers.