Chapter 11

When the ospreys landed 4 individuals came walking out. The 4 of them consisted of 2 guys and 2 girls. Their uniforms where pure white suits and black ties plus a white pull over with a grey coat that had 3 red stripes showing they were all pilots. To finish the uniform off they wore a red square military hat. John and Devon looked at each other and then walked towards them.

As they arrived they saw the man in the middle ,he had an average build yet you can see he does exercise daily, he had a pale white complexion, his eyes were a tint of red making the entire aura around him eerie, his hair was long and messy it's color consisted of pure white with orange highlights, he looked towards the approaching duo.

"Ah sorry to have barged in but our dome has sent us here to talk to the general." said the man.

"The general? Why would they send you guys here?" asked John.

"I don't know, I'm only the messenger. What's your name?" asked the man.

"John Grimm and yours?" replied John as he held a hand out to shake his.

"Adam Hope It's a pleasure." said Adam shaking his hand.

One of the girls behind Adam cleared her throat sounding annoyed.

"Oh, right forgot this is my team we are called team Zero." said Adam while chuckling.

"Hi my names pepper nice to meet yah!" said Pepper enthusiastically.

A girl that was of medium length waved at John. She had waist length green hair that looked very smooth, her body was semi petite. The girl's eyes were also red, was she and Adam relatives?

"Hello my name is Mint" said the other girl softly.

The other girl looked exactly the same as Pepper except that Mint had pure red hair that complemented her red eyes also.

"Before you ask no, they're not my sisters because they also have red eyes" said Adam as he laughed slightly at the end.

The final person was a tall and muscular man, he had waist length black hair but what was strange he had a mask hiding his head. The mask looked like an old-time gas mask except more modern and red visor glowing softly. The man didn't say anything except look at us and then give a short grunt.

"His name is Bartholomuel he doesn't talk that much." said Adam.

Just as the team introduced themselves an announcement was made.

"Can team Zero please come to the general's office immediately." said the announcement.

Team Zero said their goodbyes and walked towards the office. Devon said he had to probably help unload those big crates and get everything settled. John took that as his cue and left heading back to his room for some R and R.


The following morning an alarm went off waking John right up. There was three category 3 Behemoths heading straight for the dome. The 3 behemoths had the same code name which were called Gojis, they were bipedal dinosaur type behemoths that focused on slashing and cutting their prey to death. John sprinted to the hanger and on his way, he saw team Zero walk sleepily out of there dorm rooms still in their pajamas. When John arrived at the hangar, he saw Asura was getting prepped for deployment so he put on his pilot suit and climbed in the cockpit. The cockpit doors closed and John was surrounded by darkness. He felt the connector cable link to his spine and limbs. He opened his eyes seeing that Asura eyes light up yellow indicating John connected smoothly.

Asura slowly started to walk outside of the base when a bunch of ospreys flew up and picked the robot up transporting it to the outside world. John checked if the sword is on his back then got serious. When the gates were opened Asura tugged the cables connecting it to the osprey. The pilots knew that's the signal for them to stop and drop the robot. The hooks came undone and Asura fell straight to the earth, the force was too much and the earth couldn't help but give way to the giant robot. Asura stood up straight showing that he landed perfectly fine, in the distance seemingly a dust storm was approaching but John knew that it wasn't a dust storm.

At the general's office it shows him watching the live feed of the battle, when suddenly the doors slide open showing Team Zero still in their pajamas looking sleepy.

"Team Zero what do I owe this pleasure." said the General.

"We wanted to know what the alarm was about?" asked Adam.

"There were three category 3 Behemoths detected approaching the dome." said the General

Just as the general was telling them the sounds of big thuds were heard.

John turned around to see 3 standard military Chasser's run out of the dome.

"What the hell, what are you guys doing?" shouted John.

"We just got transferred here from dome 4387 and we going to prove we the top dogs around here." said the one soldier.

"Yeah!" shouted the other two soldiers.

John was going to tell them to get serious when thuds are heard. All of them looked towards the "dust cloud" turn into 3 giant silhouettes. The Goji appeared and roared defiantly against the Chasser.

"Ha what is that, some sort of dinosaur? Don't they know they already went extinct." said the man confidently.

He floored his thrusters and flew towards the beasts taking out the standard knife and try to stab it, the beast gave a nod as the other Goji split up heading towards the rest of the robots, right before the solider could slice the creature it dodged to the left whilst slamming its tail down on the robots back. The man fell on the ground looking up pissed only to see a giant mouth full of razor sharp teeth bite down on his head causing him to scream in pain, and with one clean movement the beast ripped the robots head off causing orange fluids which was N.R.G to spray everywhere, the Chasser loosing it's head blew up right underneath the Goji when it pierced the core with its clawed hand.

Soldiers 2 and 3 grew petrified seeing their so-called captain just die instantly. Solider 2 sprinted towards a Goji approaching him. When he was in range, he pulled out a pistol and shot the Goji in the chest causing the beast to fall down on the floor.

"HAHAHA I can't believe it, I just killed a behemoth, take that you bastard." said the man.

He holstered his gun and started to walk away only to get a clawed hand right through his stomach. The man cried out in pain and looked back only to see the Goji looking pissed. He couldn't say anything else because the Goji lifted the robot in the sky and ripped it in half killing the man instantly and if that wasn't enough the Goji bit down on the head and chomped down.

The last solider pissed his pants and banged against the dome door pleading for them to open up. When he didn't notice that the final Goji lunged on the robot and mauled it to death, screams of pain and anguish were heard over the coms, then everything was silent.

All three beasts where covered in orange fluid as they turned towards John looking hungrier. Asura took out the buster blade on his back and stood still waiting for the beasts.