Chapter 20

After Graphite looked at a few behemoths being made he and Quartz left to go to the meeting. The meeting hall was an average size room that had computer screens everywhere showing the outside of the dome, some behemoths walking outside. In the middle was a large circle table that had a few chairs and the King was sitting at the main chair and 3 other individuals were sitting around him.

The first person was a boy that looked as if his age was 18, he had pale white skin with 2 goat horns coming out of his head, he had lime green short messy hair, his eye color was yellow with a slit in it making him seem as if it was a cat's eye. The second person was a girl, she seemed to be 17, she had shoulder length pink wavy hair, her complexion was pale white as well, she had one big horn come out of her forehead, her eye color was purple. The last person was a small child that looked like as if he was 12, he had light blue shoulder length hair that had green tips, there was two small horns that came out of the side of his head and his eye color was neon yellow.

"Now that we all are here let us introduce each other." said Platinum.

The girl stood up and pointed at herself with her thumb.

"Name's Rubel, I'm number two so your betta remember it" said Rubel as she stuck her tongue out and a number 2 was tattooed on it.

The older boy stood up and bowed slightly.

"My name is Tour milady; I am number 1" said Tour as he moved his sleeve up and a number 1 was on his wrist.

The last person looked at Quartz and just waved.

"Lapis, number 3" said Lapis he lifted his shirt and there was 3 tattooed on his side.

"My name's Quartz, I don't have a number?" said Quartz.

"Ah right I forgot, where do you want your number to be." said Graphite as he took out this scanner looking thing.

"Wait why would I want a tattoo?" asked Quartz.

"It shows what number you are in my army; you generals are the top 4 behemoths this world can offer and will fight by my side." said Platinum.

Quartz nodded and pointed at the side of her neck. Graphite walked up to her and the scanner made a sound and then there was a number 4 tattooed on her neck.

"Now that you have been introduced let me tell you our plan of attack. He stood up and the screens turned into an image of plain lands and a lone dome driving through it. As you can see, we will attack this dome due to the advances it has made in its technology, earlier there was a pair of Goji that attacked the dome and probably my sister testing their defenses. They were quickly dispatched by a group of Chasser's, now this made me wonder why would my sister send three category 3s out to that dome, so I sent a few moles inside to find out what was happening, turns out that dome was starting to find out about the G.E.O behemoths and trying to make their own human versions of them." said Platinum explaining.

"So, they are trying to play God again?" asked Tour.

"It would appear so.��� said Lapis

"Now we know the strength you used to have when you were mindless behemoths but now your strength is not nearly enough to take out a Chasser, so the people at the lab and Graphite have made you your own Behemoth to command. You will connect with the beast and control it making it seem like you are a pseudo pilot controlling a pseudo Chasser." bragged Platinum.

"All right, let's go make these behemoths our bitches!" said Rubel rudely.

Platinum just laughed slightly and nodded towards Graphite. Graphite nodded and turned his body towards the door.

"Now if you would follow me, I'll take you to your separate ones." said Graphite.

The group of people followed the scientist until one by one they all went into separate rooms until Quartz was the last one.

"OK Quartz this is your wing, the behemoth is inside waiting for you, you are going to have to show it you're the dominate one to let you control it." explained Graphite.

Quartz nodded and walked through the door, when she was inside, she saw that it was a giant room that had scratch marks all over it, in the middle of the room she saw a shape lying on the floor. She approached slowly and when she got close the shape became clearer, it was the size of a medium sized Chasser, had purple and black fur covering it. When she got close a deep low growl was heard stopping her in her tracks. The shape stood up on four big legs that had razor sharp claws at the front of the paws, when the beast turned around it showed not one but 3 dog heads looking right at her baring their teeth and growling.

"OK you big dog, I'm the boss ok?" she said releasing a big amount of killing intent making the beast flinch and start to whimper lowering its heads to the floor. The girl smirked smugly and walked on the head towards the beast back. When she arrived at the base of its neck she saw two metal circles right on its spine, being curious she placed her feet in it, the circles clamped around her feet and she was stuck, suddenly a spear made out of metal and flesh shot out and pierced the girl in the back of her head.S he felt dizzy for a second but then noticed that she can see from the beast eyes and when she tried to move the beast moved were she wanted to.

"So, this is how it would have felt if I was a Chasser pilot huh? "said Quartz as the doors behind her opened up making a white light illuminate the room, she squinted her eyes and looked at the beast.

"Let's go in the light Cerberus." said Quartz as the beast nodded it's 3 heads and walked out the door.

When they walked through, she saw that it was a big military hanger with 3 other doors opening. Once the doors opened it revealed the other generals coming out with their separate behemoths. Tour's behemoth was a bipedal behemoth that had black armor plating around it but had 4 arms that had big claws on its separate hands, its face consisted of pair of insect mandibles clicking every now and then, its eyes were covered by a big horn pointing out words. Lapis' one was a giant light blue fox that had 10 tails, small blazes on the tips of them. Rubel was looking smugly as she rode on a Giant snake that had light pink scales adorning it.

"Good, it seems as if the beasts accepted you, what are their names?" asked his voice which was heard over the intercoms.

"Mine's name is Naga it'll crush any puny humans in its way." bragger Rubel.

"Kitsune." said Lapis

"Neo beetle, NB for short." said Tour.

"Cerberus." replied Quartz.

"Wonderful names, now go, we will begin the march towards that dome!" said Platinum.

All the generals nodded and walked out of the hanger, behind them was an army of behemoths following them, once they arrived outside the cave they were blinded by the sun.

"Let's begin." said Platinum as he grinned showing his razor-sharp teeth.
