We followed them to the living room.
"Where's the door to the basement?" I ask.
"Here." Says Blyth. She pulls up the carpet and there is a door.
"Oh,cool." I say surprised. She unlatches the door and opens it.
They all start going down one by one. When we were down there it looked like a man cave.
There was a fossball table, ping pong, pool table, air hockey, and a big flat screen TV. Also by the TV was video games.
In the corner of the basement there was vending machines, they were glowing of colorful colors.And a bathroom.
"This is awsome." I'm so amazed.
"Yeah, it is," Said Blyth,"so what do you want to do?"
"Well I'm playing fossball, anyone?" Seth asked.
I look over at Evan who was besides me.
"Yeah, I guess I'll play." He said. Him and Seth went to the fossball table and started playing.
"Um, I think I'll play with the guys." I started walking over when Crystal pulled my arm.
"Oh, come on, come play a video game with us."
"Um, no I'm go-" I couldn't finish because she pulled me over to the video games.
Blyth was looking at the games and asked," Are you a good singer?"
"Um, my old freinds said so, so yeah I guess."
"OK good, your going to need to sing for this game." She put it in and handed us both microphones. We picked a song and they started sing. I was barely even trying.
"Oh come on Karla, sing!" Said Crystal.
After that I started to really sing. It felt good. I haven't song for like a long time.
When I was song for a while, I started feel everyone stop what they were doing, also stop and listen. I slowly stopped singing.
"What?" I asked looking a everyone.
" Your not a good singer, your the best singer!!!!" Said Crystal. That was the first compliment I got from her all day.
" Whoa, that was awesome!" Said Blyth.
"Your really good." Said Seth. I look over at Evan who had a big smile on his face. "That was beautiful." I smiled.
"Thanks guys." I was blushing. It was good to actually be listened to.
"Come on," said Blyth," you boys are singing."
I walked over to all of both of the boys and grabbed there hands and pulled then over. Evans hand was extremely warm and Seths hand was extremely cold for some reason.
I pulled them over and Blyth gave them each a microphone. We pick a song that fit all of us well and started singing. I looked over at Evan and he was not singing at all.
"Come on, sing." I said.
"I'm not much of a singer." He said and sat down on the couch. I put my mic down and sat beside him.
"Well what do you want to do then?" I asked.
"We can play air hockey." He suggested.
"OK, let's go." I said I got up and headed to the air hockey table, he followed behind me.
We played two rounds of air hockey and I won one then he one the other. I looked at his face a couple of times and I could see him having fun. He look so much like a normal kid when ever he had fun, but he's not. That what makes him look amazing.
"Dinners done!" Yelled My stepmother.
"Comeing!" Blyth yelled back.
We all headed back up stairs. When we were up stairs we all headed to the dinning room and the table was set. In the middle were hamburgers, sloppy joes, fries, ice tea, and chicken tenders.
We all sat down, I sat by Evan and sadly so did Crystal, but on the other side.
"Here Seth," said Diana handing him a hamburger with the blood dripping out. That's weird. I looked at Evan and I could see he got all tensed up.
"What's wrong?" I whispered to him.
"Will talk about it later." He said. We all grabbed food and started eating.
"So, anything surprising?" Asked Diana.
"Oh, Karla is an excellent singer." said Blyth. I was blushing once more.
"Oh really, why did you never mention it?" Asked Diana.
"I just totally forgot about singing. I was really not in my mind until now" I replied.
"You should of heard her it was amazing!" Said Crystal.
" Well that's goo-" before Diana could finish the front door opened.
" Is that sloppy Joe I smell." Said a voice, I could tell it was my dad.
"Yes. Were in here." Said Diana.
He walked in and his eyes became wide. "Hello Crystal, Seth, and," he stopped at Evan," who is this?"
"Oh, that's Karla's new freind, Evan" said Diana walking over to my dad.
"Nice to meet you sir." Said Evan.
"Nice to meet you to young man, you can just call me Frank."
"OK, Frank." He said.
"OK, when can I dig into those sloppy Joe's?" Asked my dad rubbing his hands together.
"Oh, you can dig into them right now." Said Daina walking over to make him a plate. My dad walked over to the chair at the end of the table and sat down. Diana walked over to him and gave him his plate.
"That's sweetie." He said and gave her a kiss. I looked down because I can't bare him kissing someone else than my mother. It just felt... wrong even though she died and he was married to someone else.
"So Frank," said Blyth," can they all spend the night?" She asked.
"Yeah, but I don't know about the guys." He said.
"Please, they can stay in the basement and sleep on the fold out couch. Then in the morning we can all walk to school together." She begged.
"I'm sorry but its a n-"
"You can stay down there and watch them." She suggested.
"Fine, but once we are down in the basement you have to look the door." He said.
"Deal." She screamed.