Stars Or Wolves-II

The wind brush Seoyeon's hair, letting it blown by the course of the wind and she felt shiver if it wasn't for the coat Jung Hwa had given her. The continue to walk deeper to the forest. She didn't know where they were going to but Jung Hwa seemed to be used to the path which means he often came to the place. Jung Hwa told her it was the best place he found decades ago that remind her of his age.

When her eyes looked down she heard the man holding her hand in front of her spoke, "We are here."

Seoyeon quickly lift up her chin, forgetting her heels that was caught in dry twigs and her eyes finding where they were to see the large full moon on the end of the path. She noticed that they were standing near the end of a tall hill, the forest was bustling around her and at the end of the path, there was a wooden fence kept on the edge so no accident should occur.