Secret Books-II

Seoyeon passed her forehead with her hand and pushed her hair to the back. A sigh escape from her lips. "I don't think you understand this Minhae but unless and until you are someone who is acquainted with Mister Jung, you will never be able to meet him. If this is all you have to say, I will leave and tell your dearest father and mother that debt you shoulder, I will never pay them."

After making points she needed, Seoyeon turned her back and left. She heard Han Minhae yelling her name but to speak with her older cousin anymore would only make her want to throw the woman to the ground.

Seoyeon went to the elevator, seeing people she knew, she greeted to see how there was people cleaning for a room. Turning away from the elevator, she went to see what room was cleaned, to see that the room was a storage room.

"Secretary Han," greeted the person who cleaned the storage room. "It's larger when it's empty, right?"