Curtaining The Night-III

Seoyeon had to say that now, Jung Hwa was the only person she could count to. He was always been there for her and she appreciated every single help he did for her. The had been many instances where she thought she would have died if not because of him.

When she pulled herself from her his embrace, Jung Hwa loosened his hand, letting them to move from her back. "So short," Jung Hwa commented.

"We should go before they call police on us," reminded Seoyeon as they were standing right in front of the house where the head of the family who lived in there had been wounded.

"We will see how they call it on us," Jung Hwa hummed before Seoyeon entered the car.

On their way, Seoyeon's eyes stared at the sky which was pitch black without any star or glitters. She watched the scenery moving fast as if it moved when the car that transport her was the one that had moved. She stayed quiet, thinking of how she was poisoned for nine times.