Sweet Dream-III

Lee Taehyung pulled the needle out from his arm, before placing it aside to take the pack of blood which was drawn from his hand. He pushed the blood pack to his white gown to quickly run back to where his brother was.

He knew what kind of person his brother is. He was a cruel and ruthless person who could keep up with their mother's teaching to kill. When arriving to the place where he had told his brother to stay still, he found his brother no where to be found.

Clicking his tongue, Lee Taehyung sighed. He turned his head left and right until he saw Seulgi's room which was only a couple feet apart and his blood ran cold. His footsteps took a place to run when his wrist was stopped. Snapping his eyes to the back, he looked to the back to see his brother standing, "The blood?"

"Here," Lee Tahyung passed the blood pack from his pocket gown to then look at his face with a suspicious eye, "You didn't go anywhere did you?"