The Night Together-II

With the two sitting across each other, Jung Hwa opened the bottle and poured the glass of his grandfather before pouring it his. The remaining time until the glass was filled, the room was silent. "I had a talk earlier with Miss Seoyeon but suddenly she seemed to leave in a hurry. Seeing how you have just met her earlier, did she looked angry or offended by my words? I won't like that to be her first impression of me."

Jung Hwa only raised his brows subtly, if Seoyeon was to come and hate Grandfather Jung it won't be because of his words but rather his past action where he had killed her parents. But the act of burying the body which never come across to other vampires could considered be as his compassion.

"She wasn't. You know I was wondering," Jung Hwa's long fingers engulfed the short glass as he played around with the liquid by tilting it in circular motion, "Have you ever felt guilty for killing anyone, grandfather?"