Ripple Of Rain-II

Haneul woke up with her eyes red. Yeseul helped her with her attired, along with others maid and helped her to arrange her hair into a high braid up do. Seoyeon for the first time finally caught a look of Haneul whose face was very similar to her except for a few features like her eyes and the mole under Haneul's left corner of her lips.

"Have you've been crying, milady?" questioned Yeseul, her maid with a knot on her forehead out of concern.

"It's nothing," Haneul dismissed. The maid could tell it wasn't nothing but as they were walking out of the room, it would be difficult for Haneul to tell her what happened.

Haneul was clearly aware of her mother's intention and ambition. She wanted her to marry someone of a high league, a person of the same stature and that person needed to be a human like them. Someone who wasn't a vampire like Min Hyuk for the sake of the family alliance which her father and mother wanted.