Waking Up With You-I

Hours passed by and Haneul still sat on the floor with her legs pulled to her chest. Her mother didn't let her out and as she had threatened the servants, even her closest maid could not come near the door or help her throughout the punishment. Haneul was sure Yeseul had been sent far away from her chambers so she won't have the ability or chance to help.

With the growing silence, Haneul reflected if what she did was wrong. She refused to believe what she did or who she love as wrong but her head begin to be filled with worries of what would come in the future. Her mother or father won't agree with her choice and there was Min Hyuk. Haneul doesn't know if he loves her the way she did. But after today, her hope raise as she saw how Min Hyuk had tried hard to protect her secret from being exposed to others.