Death, Death-III

Yeseul was trying to process why was there a creature like this in the place when the creature had jumped and threw itself over her. Lee Young pulled her at once, taking her shoulders into his embrace.

"Don't daze off," he warned and looked at his own palm which he had used to push away the creature which now was burning and scalding as if he had touched the sides of a burning kettle pot.

"That's not a human... or a witch," Yeseul said, not minding the pull as her eyes were still concentrated on the being which was now crawling in four legs with its long and slender limbs making it to look eerier.

"No," Lee Young corrected her, "That's a human. A former human. We have two option. Leave this creature here and find the Mistress. It doesn't seem like defeating it would be easy but neither would it be difficult. As long as it doesn't multiply in num—"