VI. Nightmares

„Mister, James! Come here!"

„Yes, Doctor! But I should check on the Capitain first."

"He is asleep. I checked him."

AJ nodded and approached the doctor.

"So, mister James, you spent quite a lot of time in the Corporal's room. Have you got lost or something ?"

"No, Um, I just...He was more talkative than the usual..." AJ mumbled, bitting his lip

"Hm, I see you've found your necklace." The Doctor exclaimed, touching the pendant on AJ's neck.

"Oh, yes! The Corporal found it and he gave it back to me, that's why I stayed in his room a little more."

"Be honest with , AJ! This is not the first time you went into the Corporal's room, right ?" the doctor asked raising his brow

AJ nodded.

"Did he... touched you or you know...?"

"NO! He didn't touched me.Never ! I was there before, when I was sick... my wounds were infected and I couldn't eat anything. He cleaned my wounds and gave some antibiotics but that's all. I swear! „

The doctor smiled seeing how panicked AJ was.

"Calm down, Mister James, this secret is gonna remain between us. You know, corporal Watanabe has been through a lot. „

"Um, what do you mean, doctor ?"

"I've known him since we were children. His father was an officer and his mother died when she gave birth so he was raised by his father. A very cruel man. You know all this punishments that he's applying on the prisoners... his father used to do the same things to him."

" But why ? Why would someone do that to a child ?"

"To train him. He wanted his child to be an officer just like him."

„I see... but all of us have sad memories, Doctor. This doesn't excuse his erretic behaviour."

"I know, mister James. But what I wanted to talk to you is that I believe that he might have a strange passion or an obssesion for you."

"NO! I mean, that's impossible, doctor.First, I am a man and secondly, he hates me, I am the enemy of Japan, to quote him exactly.

"But he also cleans your wounds, give you antibiotics and AJ, you've spent almost an hour in his room tonight. Listen, you can take advantage of this situation. I think that because of this war, because of all his horrible memories of his father, he is slowly losing his mind and that's why he treats the Prisoners this way. Maybe you can help him get over this things and this way , he won't be so violent to your friends anymore."

"I don't know what to say, doctor. You know I am totally terrified of him. I mean, one moment he cleans your wounds and then, he just beat the shit out of you with that bamboo stick. He is like a ticking bomb and I've had enough of those on the battlefield."

Their conversation was interrupted, to AJ's relief by one of the injuried soldiers who woke up and asked for a glass of water.

„You are nothing! You are so weak and powerless. A shame!" Watanabe was hearing his father's voice while he was struggling to keep that heavy beam over his head. His legs were weak and shaking while teardrops mixed with salty sweating was rolling down his face in that freezing winter day. He had high fever and felt like the world was spinning while his vision was getting blurry.

"Don't you dare to drop it! If you want to be an officer, you have to train like one." His father yelled, holding his bamboo stick.

The 14 years old boy fell on his knees but he was still holding the beam over his head.

„You are a shame, Mutsuhiro! Even that boy that looks like a woman was able to hold the beam more than you did." His father yelled again, hitting Watanabe with the bamboo stick.

Watanabe raised his hand and closed his eyes trying to avoid the hit but in the next second, when he opened them again, he saw AJ's bright smile. They were both laying down on a green field.

"Oh, these ? These are just hair pins." he heard AJ's sweet voice just before the dream dissapeard

Watanabe woke up scared, covered by cold sweats, his heart beating out of his chest.


The next morning, before Capitain Ishihara woke up, AJ went to have breakfast with the rest of the prisoners.

"Hey, how's our favourite nurse doing today ?" asked Louie smiling when he saw AJ.

"Tired." AJ answered, rolling his eyes.

"I heard you are taking care of a Jap Capitain, is that true ?"

"Yes. But he's actually a great person."

"Well, glad to hear that! At least you don't have to deal with The Bird all day, like the rest of us." Said Scott Fitzgerald

"You have no idea, Scott!"

"Fellas, have you heard ? Some jap women are coming here today. Scott heard the japanese soldiers talking."

"For what ?" asked AJ surpised

"They are gonna do a play here, you know, to lift the spirit of the soldiers. Or at least this is what I heard" said Scott

"Yeah. The spirit isn't going to be the only thing that is going to lift today " joked Frank Tinker and all the soldiers started laughing

"I bet the Bird is gonna get the hottest chick." Said another prisoner

"I dont know about you but I just can't imagine that lunatic being intimate to someone. He is probably going to beat her with that fucking bamboo stick."

The prisoners bursted into laugher again, except AJ who fell silent, thinking about the moment from last night when Corporal Watanabe embraced him gently.

"That was denfinetly intimate." he thought

After that early breakfast AJ returned to the infirmary to check on the Capitain who was probably awake by now.

"Look who is here! I've waited for you to come back last night but I fell asleep." Said The Capitain seeing AJ approaching

"Im sorry, Capitain!"

"No worries. You're here now!"

"And it's time for breakfast. You have to eat, Capitain!" AJ said, seeing that the Capitain hadn't touched his breakfast.

"Come on, kid! Eat with me, its too much food for one man here."

"No, thank you, Capitain, I've already had breakfast."

"What breakfast, one spoon of rice? You call that breakfast? Come on, eat! Its an order!"

AJ nodded. The Capitain streched his arm and hold AJ's palm for a little.

"You take good care of me, kid." He said, staring into AJ's eyes.

But they didn't know someone was watching them. Watanabe and the doctor were witnessing the whole scene.

"Mutsuhiro, where are you going?" The doctor asked, grabbing Watanabe by his sleeve

"Its forbbiden to give extra food to the prisoners!" He answered angry

"Wait! Look, the kid is up day and night taking care of the Capitain, let him at least eat something."

Watanabe puffed. He clenched his teeth and left. He knew he couldn't do anything about it. Ishihara was a Capitain who fought on the battlefield and he was just a Corporal in a Prisoners Camp. He was nothing.

Later that day , five stunning japanese women arrived in the camp, as Scott said. It was indeed a play where all the prisoners were allowed to attend but, as they already expected,there was also a 'private show' for the japanese soldiers.

AJ bite his lips , watching Corporal Watanabe flirting with one of the girls. She was extremly beautiful with her long black hair and porcelain skin. Her lips were painted bright red and they matched the delicate kimono she was wearing.

"All the doctor said was non-sense. Corporal Watanabe is a 100% a straight man." AJ thought while he was returning to the infirmary.


"Hey, kid, I really want to smoke a cigarette but the doctor won't let me smoke in here." Capitain Ishihara said as AJ was putting clean tissues on his wounds.

"Well, he is right. Its bad for your health." AJ anwered smiling.

"One cigar won't kill me. So, he said that you can take me outside in the wheelchair to get some fresh air and to have a smoke. What do you think ?"

"Sure, just let me finish here, please."

AJ was actually impatient to go outside. After he went to the infirmary he couldn't see what happened to the japanese women, if they had left or if they are gonna spend the night at the Camp.

He helped the Capitain get on the wheelchair and took him outside.From where they were standing, AJ saw Corporal Watanabe and one of the girls smoking on the porch. Watanabe saw them too and AJ immediatly turned his head to the Capitain.

"Kid, could you help me light my cigar, please?"

"Oh, sure Capitain." AJ said kneeling in front of the wheelchair.

Then, the Capitain took his hand in his and leaned closer to AJ's face.

"You know, when I was on the battlefield, bleeding, dying I was begging God to kill me, to take the pain away. Why don't you let me die ? I screamed.If you really exist kill me or just take this pain away. Send me an angel to take this pain away"

"And he sent you..." The Capitain smiled, his face too close to AJ's who was shaking nervously knowing that Watanabe its watching the whole scene.

"I'm not an angel, Capitain. I'm just a prisoner." AJ said offering the Capitain a warm smile, trying to step back. He raised his look to see if Watanabe was looking at them but the moment his eyes met the Corporal's , Watanabe grabbed the woman's waist and kissed her.

AJ felt a strange feeling in his chest and turned his head quickly to the Capitain Ishihara who was still holding his hand.

"Come on, finish your cigar and lets get inside, its time for you to rest."

"Yes, Sir!" aswered the Capitain, joking.

Before entering the infirmary, AJ threw antoher look to the porch but Watanbe and woman weren't there anymore.


The next few days passed by as usual, with AJ spending all his time at the infirmary. The only thing that was quite strange was the fact that he haven't seen Watanabe almost at all. The Corporal showed himslef only during the morning when he inspected the prisoners rows , and occasonally applied a correction with his bamboo stick.

While he was outside, accompanying the Capitain on his morning walk, AJ spotted Watanabe in front of the prisoners rows, telling them the daily tasks.

His tall and strong silhouette was now covered by a long, military coat, as the weather became a little too cold for that time of the year. Something was wrong with him and AJ noticed that. His eyes were tired and his once strong, powerful voice was now faded and he seemed like he was doing a great effort just by staying straight on his feet.

When the evening came and the Capitain fell asleep, the Doctor approached AJ, handing him a pill.

"What is it doctor ?"

"A sleeping pill. Watanabe asked for it. Will you give it to him ?" The doctor asked

"Um, sure." Answered AJ getting up .

„Wait, AJ! You don't have to do it if you don't want to .I can give it to him."

AJ fell silent for a few seconds, remembering the conversation that he had with the doctor few days earlier.

"It's ok. I will do it."

On his way to Watanabe's room, all kind of thoughts were running through his mind, making him more nervous than he already was.

What was wrong with the Corporal ?

Why did he asked for a sleeping pill ?

He knocked on his door and hold his breath until he heard Watanabe's tired voice telling him to come in.

AJ entred the room, stood at attention and saluted, the way he had to do whenever he faced a military man.

But Watanabe was barely able to move his hand to salute, letting aside getting off his bed.

„Here is your pill, Sir!" said AJ

„Thank you!"

"That's it ? I can go now? Just like that ?" AJ was asking himself. He rembered the conversation he had with the doctor

Now its the best time to help him...somehow. He looks like he hadn't sleep since... forever.

Ughh...think, AJ!!

"Um, can I help you with something, Corporal ? I mean, as a... nurse, I advice you not to take that pill. Its pretty strong and it can be addictive."

"And what else do you advice me to do to get some sleep ?" Watanabe asked, raising his brow.

"Try some camomile tea, or put some lavender on your nightstand. I don't really know...I mean, first you should discover the cause of your insomnia."

"Nightmares. I have bad nightmares every night and I think my body refuses to sleep to avoid them."

"Oh, I see, the body created its own coping mecanism."

"So, I guess the lavander won't work for me." Watanabe said and AJ thought he saw a little ironic smile on the Corporal's face.

"I'm afraid not. You should find the source of your nightmares, confront it and maybe you won't have them anymore. Capitain Ishihara had some nightmares too. You know, from the battlefield.."

"Whatever...Oh, speaking about the devil. What did he told you that night, when he was holding your hands ?"

Damn it. I should have left when I had the chance.

"Oh, he just thanked me for lighting up his cigar."

Watanabe puffed.

"Don't lie to me, kid! I asked you a question, tell me the truth. I won't hit you."

"Um, he told me.. I am his.. angel that takes care of him. Um, he was proabably delirious from the pain killers." AJ lied hoping that Watanabe will abandon the subject.

"You said he had nighmares too ."

"Yes but only for a few nights. Now he is fine."

"What did you do to help him when he had nighmares?"

"Well... I massaged his back to help him relax and fall asleep and I sleepd on the chair next to his bed or on the other bed next to his."

"Do that for me too." Watanabe suddently said, remembering that the night when AJ sleeped on the chair next to his bed, he didn't have a single nighmare.


"Massage my back and sleep here. You can sleep on the floor, I'll give you a blanket."

AJ wanted to protest but he knew it would be pointless.

Watanabe took his shirt off, revealing his strong, bare chest."

AJ got closer to him and sat on the bed next to the Corporal.

"What are you doing?" asked Watanabe after a few seconds, seeing that AJ wasn't touching him yet.

"I am warming my hands. I don't want to touch your back with my cold fingers."

Watanabe felt a strange feeling in his chest hearing those words. He knew that it was probably the first time in his life when somebody was so caring towards him .

AJ's now warm fingers touched his back, creating a pleasant pressure. He felt those tiny hands going up and down on his back, in a delicate movement, making him feel an unknown sensation in his whole body.

"How is it? Is it too much pressure? Tell me if I am hurting you."

"Go on like that." Watanabe answered with his face burried in the pillow.

"There is a box under my bed, you'll find there a pillow and a blanket."

"Yes, Corporal."

AJ continued the massage for another fifteen minutes before realising Watanabe fell asleep.

"It's so damn cold outside and he wants me to sleep on the floor. I should have been at the infirmary, sleeping on the bed but nooo..." AJ thought realising that blanket was really thin.

Short past midnight, Watanabe suddently woke up. He had a bad dream. Not as bad as the other ones but strong enough to wake him up. He turned his head and saw AJ, sleeping on the floor, his whole body shaking because of the cold.

Without thinking too much and still a little dizzy from his sleep, he got up , took AJ in his arms and put him on his bed. AJ's body was small and thin because of the lack of food so Watanabe had enough room for himself on the narrow bed.

AJ didn't woke up and he was still deep in his sleep, facing Watanabe who was staring at him.

How could a man be so beautiful and delicate and yet so strong...? The Corporal asked himself and without a second thought he leaned forward and placed a kiss on AJ's lips.

"Maybe you really are an angel." he thought as he felt his lips pressed on AJ's

But as soon as he did it, he regreted. He leaned back and closed his eyes, trying to sleep but, after a few seconds, he felt a small hand on his chest, embracing him.