Shellia and Allen

Marriage is an event that every girl dreamed of in their life. I always thought that there would be a prince in a white horse to proposed to me, but that event never happened.

I live in Aurora Kingdom. Our kingdom has different rules than other countries. Every girl will have a fiance when they turned 18 years old. A noble will never get married to a lower noble in the kingdom. If they wanted to marry a lower status, they must give up their position.

A man has a high status than a woman, so so their job is only to be a good mother. Man can have a job, but women can't have a job at all.

It is unfair, but these are the rules, no one can go against it. Every time I thought about my last life, I felt cold behind my back. I could remember the first time I met him, the crown prince of Aurora kingdom Allen Evan Aurora.

I walked towards the forest behind my house. I liked to wander around without a knight. It is my house, so there would be nothing dangerous, right?. I was too naive at that time. I was only five years old, and I was already so brave to fight against wild nature. I was too young to understand that forests have full of hidden dangers. I sang loudly throughout my journey in the forest.

I never realized that there was something hidden in the grass. It suddenly attacked me, and it almost killed me.

I closed my eyes tightly, and I tried to protect myself, but it didn't hurt me.


There was a painful voice from that animal. There was a beautiful boy that stood beside the dead animal.

He is so handsome. He has a pair of red eyes, and he has beautiful long silver hair around his shoulder.

I never met someone so handsome before. It made me amaze by his looks. I tried to control my expression, so he didn't find me staring at him.

He wore black clothes like a knight. It looked good at him. He held the sharp sword and put it back on the hilt. He looked so cool.

He looked at me with a gentle smile.

"Are you okay?".

His voice was so gentle and tender it could melt me.

"I am fine."

I could only answer him and looked away with a red face. I smiled at him naturally. I could see how firm his body shape.

It was not the first time he wielded a sword at all. I could see his sharp hand and his though muscle. He looked thin, but he has a firm and though muscle like he trained for over the years.

It was not easy to train martial art at all. It looked like he is used to in close combat.

He is still a young boy, but he already had skills in combat.

"Why are you staring at me?."

His question made me turned back to reality.

"You were amazing."

I said sincerely with a brimming smile on my face.


He tilted his head to the right for my statement.

"I meant you have good martial art. It is so amazing for a young boy like you."


I was shocked when I hear he laughed so hard.

"You said I am young?."

There was a slight smile on his face.

"Am I wrong?."

I looked at him with confused eyes.

"No, you are not wrong. It is the first time that there is someone who praised me for my skills. Everyone else praised me for how I look."

He looked a little sad for a moment, but his expression turned cold like the sadness was just my imagination.

"Appearance is not the most important in our life. Having skills are more beneficial."

He looked at me with a strange expression.

"You sound like an adult. How old are you?."

He stared at my eyes. I felt shy when he stared at me like that. I have a pair of blue eyes like my mother and long black hair like my father's hair color.

I am the only one who is different from pair twin brothers who get both mother and father appearance.

"I am only five years old this year."

"You are so young, but you can think like an adult."

"My father always said that the way you look is not everything. You needed the skill to survive in this world."

"You have a good father."

I could hear his sad voices when he spoke about a father figure. I didn't know what happened, but I knew it was not a good memory for him.

I wanted to know, but it was not my privilege to know about someone I barely met today.

"Thank you for saving me."

I said with a smile on my face, and I run back towards my family mansion. He didn't stop me. When I looked back, he already went somewhere.

Mira ran towards me like a torpedo. She was so fast. Mira is my maid. She took care of me since I was a baby. She is only fifteen years old this year, but she could take care of me so well all this time.

"Miss, where were you? Everyone is worried about you."

"I am sorry, Mira."

I said with a smile. I didn't know his name, but I knew we wouldn't meet ever again.

His silver hair is so beautiful. I never knew that time I already fall in love with him. He never knew me, and I never knew his identity.

But I never knew it was the last time I saw his smile. Because when we met again at our wedding day, I could see how cold he was towards me.

The smile I used to see in the past vanished completely. I even felt that he was not the same person, but I knew that he didn't have any siblings beside him.

It was our journey in life until he killed me without his knowledge in the cold palace that he gave to me as his empress that he never touched willingly.