Bandage Love

Chapter 3

Ash mumbled, his eyes was burning, he buried his face in him palms as a droplets of water pours down, he took deep breath and wipe his tears away. Time passed, Ash opened the door of his room and left the place in a mess.

He moved downstairs, he glimpse at the girl in blue-jeans and at the top of it she was wearing a pecan hoodie. His eyes lock onto the girl's emerald eyes on eyeglasses. Her face was calmly staring at him to his eyes, they had an eye contact for a moment.

Later then, he looked away and faced his father. "So what now?"

"Both of you can go to school now," Danielle stated as then Ash stared back at her and rolled his eyes.

"Let's go," Ash announced and took his step towards the door.

"Take care dear," says Danielle.

She nodded before standing on her knees and waved before saying, "Same goes for me, Mr. Lewis."

Ash hissed while turning the knob and opened the door wide. Then he looked back to the girl's direction. "Hurry up, I don't wanna be late because of you." He declared as the girl lowered her head and head out of the door first before he did and shut it right after.

"You better enlarge your pace while moving along the street, got it?" Ash whispered between her ears and took his large pace towards their way.

She followed him from behind quietly, she head is turning in such random face, her lips were tight and quietly watching the surroundings, she hurried her pace and stood beside him continuing to tread with him.

After a moment, they reached the school while she was bitting her lips and staring at the entrance. Ash glanced at her shaking his head before he entered to the campus. She rashly followed him because they had a gap, as they had entered the building Ash face her, she stare at him blinking her eyes and had her lips open.

"Which section are you in?"

She bit her lower lips and stared at the ceiling for a moment. "Class A-1...?"

Ash nodded in response, he just decided to continue to walk in the hallway, at last, the both of them reached the room as usual it was filled with chatter. The class is usually in mess again. Some eyes landed on the new girl from Ash's back. They entered inside, the seat empty was only the seat beside Ash.

Ash sat first before she did, she was fidget, she cleared her throat and combed her hair.

She glanced at him and found him on a serious face. His eyes were staring at nowhere. She bit her lower lips and looked away with a flush face, and shake her head. She glanced at him again. His gaze was now fixed at her making her jaw to drop. She turn her gaze away, many thoughts had popped in her mind and she couldn't help to sigh and rubbed her hands together.

Iris entered the room, she fixed her things putting it on the table before she roamed her eyes in the class and found an unfamiliar face.

"Oh, are you the transferee from my class yesterday?" Iris asked and she nodded in response.

"Well, I let it slide," She shook her head and smile in fainted way, the students clearly shock her arrival because their teacher didn't mention her name, yesterday. But what important with that...? She here now.

"Since you're hear let me be formal, I'm Iris Scott you're adviser. Class her name is Sharia Kaye Ryker, be nice too her, okay?" The class was filled by blabber about her. While Ash remains in silence holding his phone. Sharia examine his face, that looks to serious, she just decided to peek at his phone. He was texting someone.

Hey buddy, sorry I can't talk to you these recent days, is that okay for you?


Oh, that's fine, I'm kind of busy either. I'm on a camping trip right now, class B is really something! Although I'm busy with family too, you know my parents always loved their damn job.


Well, at least you had a luxurious life, be grateful.


Yes, especially girls!


Damn. Girls again huh?


Of course, you know me. Anyways, I'm off, I'll try to text you again later. Take care, Ash!


Sure, take care, Cloud.


Iris broke their conversation when she started to speak again, "Now, keep your things away and I will now start our discussion."

After the long lesson, Sharia keep taking notes while the guy beside him just watching her in what she's doing, the corner of his mouth lifted and glanced at the blackboard until the class hours has ended.

"Class dismissed." She announced, the class fixed their things and chair. But the both of them took their bags and later left the school.

They were walking together in the sidewalk. Ash's face was gloomy, he's lips are tight and he put his pockets in his hands, staring into his feet. His eyes are in agony... He sighed and raised his head.

Unexpectedly, Sharia gently touched his back. Ash turned his head in her direction, Ash eyebrows are narrowed. Seeing Sharia's face in flush while her other hand was hiding behind her back.

"What?" Ash asked and then she suddenly handed him a small pecan thing.

The thing that he simply cannot remove in his mind. It was his wallet! Ash's emotion had rumbled knowing that this girl was the person who found his special thing. Ash smiles while staring at the wallet in his hands. Sharia took a pace forward and had distance between them, leaving Ash's behind her.

For a moment, Ash stayed still in his position, still holding his purse, Sharia was watching him for a long time, since he was so silent.

"Hey um... Ash, hurry, please... I don't know the way back home..." Sharia uttered and he glanced in her direction.

"Coming," Ash answered with a smile in his lips, Sharia couldn't help to stare at his face, she bit her lower lips and shake head and forced a smile.

The next day, the sunrise was quite a scenery, the daylight entered the Ash room as the curtains followed the breeze. The room was filled with decency. He was sitting on his bed. The sheets like starry night sky were covering the part of his lower body.

Besides his bed, the laptop was placed on the study table leaving it open with words written across the draft that he had abandoned. He was holding his wallet in his hand, while his pupils couldn't even move an inch, he was staring directly at the photo inside.

His face was so energetic and he couldn't bear to grin.

On the other hand, Sharia is peacefully sleeping. The room was filled with scattered dirty clothes and the laundry basket was completely empty. As time passes, Sharia's lips were left open while cuddling the white pillow and not even leaving any trace of space across her bluish bed.

She even rubbed her hair and rolled aside but instead of continuing her sleep, her eyes were wide open when her body landed on the floor.

Sharia groaned due to hurt. She grimaced before she gently stood up on her feet even if the floor seems to sway under her feet. She faced the mirror. Her blurry sight had recognized her green stripe long-sleeved and green stripe pajamas that she usually wears when a new day starts.

She glances in her face watching herself without glasses.

"Wake up dummy! Am I supposed to do it myself?!" Jenny yelled outside Sharia's room.

"Already awake... You don't have to remind me..." Sharia answered while her eyes were sloppily blinking and she wiggled her head letting out a yawn.

"Hurry up dummy!"

She rolled her eyes and bit her lower lips, what's wrong of being slow? Why does everyone really scold her every time?

She takes a slow pace towards the door.

"Fine, mother... I'm coming." She grumbled between her yawn and even covering her open mouth. She opened the door and took her first step. She abruptly tripped off.

"Oaf..." She mumbled and she tried to manage her balance. She raised her head saying, "Mom... Is there something that I could eat-" Before she could finish her statement her pupils enlarged and couldn't even take off to the familiar boy sitting on the couch watching her. His face was emotionless.

Sharia's face was all red.

She gulped before she decided to go back inside her room. She slammed the door shut and leaned her back behind the door. She felt heat emerged to her body and that scene keep flashing to her mind. She buried her pace in her palms.

"Don't make our neighbor wait!" Jenny reminded her.

She moaned before she went to the bathroom removing her clothes gracefully and opened the shower trying to calm herself after what happened, she sighed while the scenario played in her mind as her cheeks started to burn.

Outside her room, Ash is shaking his head while decently sitting on the couch. He decided to take his phone from his pocket.

"I'm sorry for making you wait." Jenny apologized and Ash raised his head gazing on her face.

"You know she can really be careless and lazy. Mostly slow..."

"It's not a big deal, mam. I'm just doing this for my father's order." Ash explained and looked back on his phone.

Jenny just smiled and knocked on Sharia's door. "Hey dummy, are you done?" Jenny queried and for a minute the door opened.

Sharia appeared to have her hair messy and wet.

"Tch, silly. Comb your hair and here's your breakfast. Hurry up, don't make him wait." Jenny instructed and Sharia nodded in response before she went her way back inside her room.

Hey, Cloud. How was your camping?


Well, it's awesome. But I won't be present for school today. My father had attacked.


What? How is he now?


Well, our doctor says that he just needs to rest. But he's in a better state now.


Keep safe for both of you.


Thanks, dude.


Ash smiles and Sharia steps out of her room. "Are you done?" Ash snarled and raised his head on her. She nodded.

"Then let's move." He grumbled.

"Mom... We're leaving." Sharia announced before both of them stepped out of the door.

"Wait..." She mumbled, touching her face and realized that she's missing something.

"Oh, silly dummy! Here!" Her mother handed her eyeglasses to Ash.

He stared at Sharia while she had her lips left often. Without any hesitation, Ash put her eyeglasses on her.

"Let's go..."

He quickly fastens his pace leaving her behind. Sharia shakes her head before she follows his back. While they were walking in the street.

Ash halted in his pace. Sharia blinked her eyes for a moment and she gasped when Ash suddenly faced her.

"Well um," Ash murmured. He was not even clearly giving Sharia eye contact and then he rubbed his nape out of the blue.

"Thank you..." He whispered while his face was in flush.

Then he decided to look away and turned his back on her. She giggled from what she had witnessed. The was cute coming from a cold-hearted guy like him.

When the two of them arrived at the school, the both of them are walking in the hallway silently, when a bravely stood in their way with a smile in her face. Ash and Sharia halted their face a Sharia looked at her from head to toe, she was wearing a pastel skirt she had white shirt and she was so attractive, she couldn't help to thought that this girl has a big shot. While beside her, Ash could help to stare at her a million thoughts had run into his mind.

This girl was the person he bumped onto few days ago. It's not a coincidence if he meet her again, right? And much worst she blocked their path.

"Sharia, you go first... I'll catch up later." He said and Sharia had sense the seriousness of his words… Is there a problem? Or something just fishy with this two? Wait maybe the both of them are in a relationship? "Do I have to repeat my words?" Sharia was brought back to reality and saw the boy and the girl in front of him was actually staring at her this whole time, she smile awkwardly and shake her head.

"No need… I'm leaving,"

With that she fled and left the both of them alone in the hallway, she could help to think of many thought, a moment later Ash arrived at the room with a serious face with no emotion, Sharia stare at her in curiosity, Ash sat beside her. Ash was staring at nowhere as he sighed as Sharia broke his silence.

"What's wrong, did she say something bad?" Ash glanced beside him and saw Sharia, so she was actually watching him since he entered the room, he bit his lower lips.

"Don't mind me." He responded and she shook her head and look away. Her lips are tight, while her eyes are shaking, she couldn't stop herself being concerned but she must not butt into his business.

During the school lessons, they had a quite busy start. A flood of assignments and lectures we're given onto the students of class A. As the bell rang for break, Sharia was alone in a table eating all by herself until she decried Ash, Sharia lifted her eyebrows and never take off her look on them.

He was followed from behind as the girl clings to his arms, he removed the her hands in his arm and walked away as Sharia eyes followed them until she lost them in sight.

What was the thing she don't to those both of person that she clearly missed to know?

During the dismissal, the students and the teachers had separated paths. Whereas Sharia was alone in the room fixing her thing and took her pace towards the door, "Aw..." She moaned when she bumped into a person's chest.

Sharia raised her head and her jaw dropped in surprise. "You...?"

To Be Continued.