By closing her eyes Dhenisa tried to release her tiredness while listening to songs from her cellphone.


Someone shouted right in Dhenisa's ear that made Dhenisa jump in surprise.

"Oh my God!" Dhenisa exclaimed while looking at the handsome and cute face that was right on her face.

"Bubuuuu!!" Dhenisa shouted by pushing Bubu's face away with one of her hands.

"What the hell Dhenis!!" Bubu said while securing Dhenisa's hand so as not to damage his handsome face.

"You just make people shocked!" said Dhenisa while releasing Bubu's grip.

"If people are daydreaming about love, it's like that.. shocked!" said Bubu as he sat beside Dhenisa while giving Dhenisa a small gift.

Dhenisa pouted her lips as she accepted Bubu's gift.

"Is this Bubu?" Dhenisa asked observing Bubu's gift which was quite unique in the way it was wrapped.